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For 41 years, the Bob Evans Farm Festival has evolved to accommodate its growing popularity. What began as a small, local gathering has become a mecca for Bob Evans fans, attracting more than 30,000 visitors from 19 states for a weekend of arts & crafts, entertainment and – of course – delicious food, all for a great value. This year, the festival will feature one of the most exciting developments to date: the unveiling of the Farm’s recent renovations. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4910 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 4790 | Comments: 1
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What woman hasn’t dreamed of marrying a SEAL? Dan McCullum is all she imagined—sweet, strong, and hot as hell. But duty takes him away and in secrecy at a moment’s notice. Can his steamy homecomings make up for the time he must spend away from the love of his life? Learn more about this book and author at Military Romance / Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4134 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 2312 | Comments: 0
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The second Videoclip taken from 2012 studio album \
Tags // great  white  hard  to  say  goodbye  rock  once  bitten  twice  shy  rive  video  promotion 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4430 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 5m37s | Views: 1477 | Comments: 0
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Kuranda naziat:27/32 fussilet:9/12 ve bakara:29 ayetleri arasında önce göğün mü yoksa yerin mi düzenlendiği konusundaki çelişki apaçık ortadadır.
Tags // video  super  ilginc  film  filim  tanri  hayat  cevap  insan  din  felsefe  somut  celiski  kuran  gok  yer  once  bakara  ayet  fussilet 
Added: 3007 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 658 | Comments: 2
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To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. How to put on a Biniki Bra Biniki is a New Product that Raises and Defines the Derriere Women have had the bra to support their breasts for over a hundred years. Each generation of women learns that regular wearing of a bra brings day-to-day beauty and reliable long-term benefits. Going braless didn't last very long. Surprisingly, a similar garment to beautify and preserve the buttocks has been notably missing. After four years of development, nationally and internationally patented Biniki, is ready to step forward and fill this void. Biniki does for the back what the bra does for the front. Biniki is the Ultimate Support Solution Biniki is an invention developed to lift and define the derriere, smooth out the backs of the thighs and, in general, beautify the backside. Biniki consists of two leg loops that are attached at very specific points along the waist-hip band. The leg loops are designed to perfectly encircle the bottom. Once Biniki's waist-hip bands is in place and the leg loops are self-adjusted to fit the individual, the skin on the backs of the thighs will lift up, the bottom will be raised and Biniki is guaranteed to stay in place. How Biniki Benefits the Wearers: Biniki is capable of emphasizing smaller, flatter derrieres, enhancing the silhouette with or without clothes and will bring a new sense of confidence about how one looks in back. People with small or flat bottoms benefit greatly from this shape wear. Biniki cannot be detected under most clothes and can be worn low on the hips. In other words, Biniki provides and bra-type support and comfort for the other side. This is an option that has been too long missing from the marketplace. Biniki is leading the way towards a better bottom look and support, because it is functional rear gear. Why a Biniki? The truth is today we have a whole body fashion consciousness. The backside is no longer something to be ignored, but an important aspect of the human body needing and deserving a hip hoister like Biniki. Heads are turning more frequently now because of well supported and beautifully defined derrieres even though buns of steel are still rare. Most people do not notice how they look in back for several reasons. One is that bottoms look much better when they are supported and effective support has been lacking up until now. The backside is a beautiful part of the human body when supported and properly framed by interesting bottom hugging clothing. One sign this way of viewing the entire body is finally here is the acceptance of many sports and entertainment personalities. Some even use the highlighting of their notably well formed buttocks' as self-defining assets. Biniki is a product designed to beautify and preserve the bottom.
Tags // butt  bra  sex  sexy  ass  beyonce  jlo  buns  of  steel  tight  buns  firm  derriere  tits  gluteus  maximus  glutes 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6168 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 9271 | Comments: 2
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Visit for videos on Martial Arts philosophy and spirituality. Information on Qi-Gong, Energy Work, Zen and Taoism. A kung-fu parody. High kicking, hard chopping action. The evil Pleus aborts the Zhang-Yi clan in his lust for the power of the Yani. Watch as Sayume Mirubuto brings peace to the clan once again
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 6168 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 7m44s | Views: 11192 | Comments: 1
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Flashrock hit the road once again only in this music video to cover 4 very different bands when it comes to musical style. We set up a little stage in the backyard of one of the band members house somewhere in Arleta, California and rocked all night long.
Tags // flashrock  music  punk  metal  band  video  rock  party  backyard  unsigned 
Categories // Music  Event and Party  Street 
Added: 6100 days ago by flashrock
Runtime: 7m4s | Views: 6831 | Comments: 2
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Carson Kressley is back with a new season of "How To Look Good Naked"! He'll once again be showing women how to go from self loathing to self loving. New season premieres Tuesday July 22nd at 10pm on LIFETIME!
Tags // lifetime  tv  how  to  look  good  naked  premiere  new  season  sexy  body  reality  gay  dieting  curvy  fashion 
Added: 6076 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 7770 | Comments: 3
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Linda Alston hasn't thought of sweet, blue-eyed Bruce Harmon since they graduated from college five years earlier. But when she runs into him at a reunion and he raises her temperature. With a knowing heat beginning its slow burn in the pit of her stomach, the possibility of playing one final game with her the man who once set her on fire, Linda finds that perhaps the ties that bind them are stronger and hotter than she ever realized.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sexy  People and Blog 
Added: 6072 days ago by Echelon
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 16244 | Comments: 0
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Joel discovers Erin was once in the army.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5973 days ago by RoommatingShow
Runtime: 4m45s | Views: 12147 | Comments: 2
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April Wheeler tries to convince her husband that they should move to Paris like he once dreamed they would in this clip from the new film Revolutionary Road. Directed by Sam Mendes and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Releases in US theaters December 26, 2008!
Added: 5929 days ago by hawkster120
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 15386 | Comments: 0
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No matter how hard we try, life doesn’t always go as we plan. Just as Harry begins to pick up the pieces of his life, emotions once hidden away must be dealt with as old wounds are exposed. Although he finally meets a woman who understands and truly loves him, the cosmos takes a different path. He discovers that what goes wrong in life sometimes matters as much as what goes right.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5871 days ago by ntech
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 8063 | Comments: 0
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