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This is a continuation of the original HashemsFilms Series
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5402 days ago by BoriChumba
Runtime: 10m1s | Views: 6285 | Comments: 1
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This is a continuation of the original HashemsFilms Series
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5402 days ago by BoriChumba
Runtime: 10m-0s | Views: 7182 | Comments: 1
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This is a continuation of the original HashemsFilms Series
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5402 days ago by BoriChumba
Runtime: 10m0s | Views: 6118 | Comments: 1
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Audio Bullys
Tags // audio  bullys  only  man  sneakers  shoes  glass  blood 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5135 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 6645 | Comments: 0
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Stick enters Car
Tags // stick  car  glass 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5080 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 8747 | Comments: 2
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Just Visiting
Tags // just  visiting  glass  of  whine  rock  music  ipod 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5019 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m49s | Views: 4036 | Comments: 0
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With today’s launch of Windex® Mini, a concentrated refill pouch that uses 90 percent less plastic packaging than a traditional 26 fluid ounce trigger bottle, global environmental leader SC Johnson is taking another bold step to help consumers make greener choices. Concentrates use less packaging, decrease shipping impacts and reduce waste that ends up in our nation’s landfills. Yet sales data shows U.S. consumers prefer not to refill their household cleaning bottles. This means stores won't stock concentrates and companies hesitate to create them. With this test, SC Johnson wants to understand how to motivate consumers and retailers to consider trading up from traditional cleaning methods to a greener choice. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4994 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 5385 | Comments: 1
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Music video by The Anix performing
Categories // Music 
Added: 4900 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m28s | Views: 8650 | Comments: 0
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When her boyfriend asks her to move out so he can replace her with her sister Lucy wonders if she will ever love again. Mystical, magical wonder await her on Rainshadow Road as she finds someone else with a secret ability, Sam Nolan. When an accident leaves Lucy in his care, Sam finds the courage to risk everything for the sake of love. From bestselling author Lisa Kleypas Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4766 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 10470 | Comments: 1
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An optimist sees the glass half full; a pessimist sees only a remote chance that a carjacker will return his car with a full tank of gas.
Added: 5752 days ago by firelobe
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 5549 | Comments: 1
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How To Improve Your Home Security - By Jason Harris It has been reported that a burglary now happens every 15 seconds. As such, the chances of your own home actually being at risk from a break in are greatly increased, and it does not matter where you live. However, when people think of a break in, they think of someone gaining entry in to their home through breaking some glass or smashing down doors. Yet there are certain things which could actually extend an invitation to those unwanted intruders to make an attempt at getting into your home. There are many places which are vulnerable to attack from an intruder to your home, and therefore you must set up a routine which will then provide them with less opportunities of attempting to break in. Below, we look at what are considered to be some of the weak areas in your home security routine which could help to prevent any kind of break in from occurring.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5443 days ago by InternetCoachFrance
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 6154 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Hypotension or low blood pressure is pressure that is lower than normal blood pressure. Regular blood vessels pressure for the human entire body is 120/80 mmHg. If your bp is 90/60 mmHg or reduce you may have reduced blood pressure. Hypotension happens because of low blood flow through arteries and veins that can lead to less oxygen becoming passed to essential organs. This really is due to weakness, flabby and over dilated blood vessels. In situation of less oxygen becoming passed to brain, heart, eye and kidney, they are able to get harm and in some significant situations it can permanently damaged essential organs. A few of the reasons that can cause hypotension are pregnancy, diabetes, the hormonal problems, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and low blood sugar. Some over-the-counter medications can also produce this issue. The overdose of higher bp drugs, abnormal center beats or rhythms, disrupting functioning of heart, heat stroke and liver illness might also trigger hypotension. Some other factors that can cause sudden drops in blood vessels stress are loss of blood vessels, low body temperature, higher entire body temperature, sepsis, a severe blood infection, heart muscle disease causing heart failure, serious dehydration, due to reaction from medication and also the serious allergic response (anaphylaxis). The main symptoms of low blood pressure are fainting, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, transient blurring of vision, over exertion, mental disturbances, severe confusion and breathlessness. But with the normalization of the bp, these symptoms will subside gradually. Drink lots of water as dehydration minimizes the blood volume which causes the drop in stress. Consume one glass of water per hour to keep your entire body hydrated. Salt can also be great for hypotension patient. You are able to improve your salt intake, but this improve in salt may vary from person to individual. Carry a walk after you take your meals. This assists in bringing the blood stress degree to regular. Soak ten little raisins in water overnight. Chew every raisin gradually before swallowing it. Carry on doing this for a month. This really is very useful in normalizing reduced blood pressure. Another useful house remedy is almonds. Soak 5 almonds in drinking water overnight. Grind them to create a smooth paste and mix it in glass of milk. Boil the milk and drink it cozy. Groundnuts have most of the needed nutrients and protein. Roasted groundnuts are more nourishing. Boil dates in sweetened milk. Take this milk warm along with the boiled dates, two or three times. Sugarcane juice is also a great energy booster and recommended for reduced bp. Wheatgrass is believed to rejuvenate and revitalize the energy levels. Extract the juice and consume it immediately whilst nevertheless fresh for best result. Carry 2 to 4 grams of guggul twice a day together with hot milk, preferably within the winter months.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5341 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 6138 | Comments: 0
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