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Search // classroom
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Kiddie Academy® Educational Child Care, a nationally recognized provider of comprehensive educational child care programs, today launched its new national advertising campaign titled Learn OnSM. Fueled by the notion that learning extends far beyond the classroom, the campaign showcases how a child’s curiosity, sparked while at Kiddie Academy, carries into every aspect of their day. “Our new Learn On campaign underscores our fundamental belief that opportunities to teach and expand young minds present themselves every day and everywhere,” said Greg Helwig, Kiddie Academy president. “Kiddie Academy empowers children with valuable tools to help make the most of those opportunities. Given the right environment, they become more curious and collaborative, with the ability to discover and accomplish more. We hope to communicate the potential and fascination for learning that exists in every minute—in the classroom, at home and throughout the community.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2277 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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