This is a little something I wanted to share after this weeks sneak peek on Valetines Day. muhwa. die! die! die! and I adoreee adoreee this song.
Goodnight, Travel Well - The Killers
No Copyright Intended.
The incredible ministry of Michael Brewer for the rejects of Haiti, the Haitian street kids...restaveks, runaway slave children that hide and live on the streets and city drainage pipes, many of them 4 and 5 year olds, that have now found love and refuge in the open arms of Michael Brewer.
This is a photo and music compilation of the ministry through his eyes.
This is a new song by Me and You and a Bunch of Naked girls. We dont have a real video for it yet.. so if any girls are out there that wanna bounce their butt to it.. go ahead.. just give us credit for the music.
All of our songs are available on Itunes and AmazonMP3
This is our first amv we've made and we think it turned out pretty well for our first time.
We tried to squeeze in all of the important characters, such as Duck (Princess Tutu), Fakir, Mytho, and Rue.
We do not own any of these video clips and the songs. This video is purely fan made.
Comments would be nice, too.
We hope you like it!!^_^
More @
This is why when I go to the Skate Park with my BMX Bike (I mainly skateboard, but BMX when it's raining), I don't attempt backflips. This guy learns the hard way. If your still bored, check out/add my profile/videos if you like 'fails' or are into that sort of thing.