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This film has been produced by HIVsport as part of the Millennium Development Goals Realisation project, funded by the European Commission's Europeaid programme.
Tags // world  aids  day  2012 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4490 days ago by matrixeuro
Runtime: 5m7s | Views: 2057 | Comments: 1



My version of Aerosmith's
Tags // music  video  hot  new  artist 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4478 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 632 | Comments: 0



WHY OUTSOURCE TO AICOM? AICOM Solutions prides itself with the following axioms: - World-class Talent & Skills - Flexible and Cost-effective Solutions: Hourly & Full-time - Right Matching of Requirements & Resources - Organically adapting to client’s processes and procedures - Superior quality processes, measurements and analysis - Fully equipped world-class infrastructure and Redundant Sites for 100% up time and coverage Our approach to outsourcing revolves around the fundamental elements of People, Process and Technology. By clearly defining, improving, and sustaining success metrics at each stage of a project, AICOM Solutions is able to replicate, scale, and repeat excellent projects time and again.
Tags // reliable  virtual  assistant 
Added: 4470 days ago by AicomVas
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 222407 | Comments: 24



Die bessere Vergleichbarkeit von Reifen haben sich deren Hersteller ordentlich etwas kosten lassen müssen. So steckt hinter dem Label, das seit mehreren Wochen Pneus in den Kategorien Nassbremsverhalten, Rollwiderstand und Geräuschentwicklung charakterisiert, hoher technischer Aufwand. Sämtliche Geräte, die für die notwendigen Testverfahren eingesetzt werden, sind weltweit identisch. So weit so gut, aber das Ende der Fahnenstange der Pneu-Klassifizierung ist noch lange nicht erreicht. Denn bislang erfährt der Kunde noch nichts über Reifen-Eigenschaften bei Eis und Schnee oder das Bremsverhalten auf trockenen Straßen.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4466 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 3003 | Comments: 2



For a long time, Thailand, as well as many countries in the world, had have the perception that women’s place is in the home, or rather, in the kitchen. But when it came to national or international achievements regarding gastronomic art and skills, women chefs always played second fiddle to men ones. The fact, which was and is still true, seems to be proved by the smaller number of acclaimed Thai female chefs when compared to males. However, there is an emerging trend that female chefs are rising to the top, claiming their management position in and out of the kingdom. Take this lady as a sample Ms. Navamas Lakanankoon
Added: 4461 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 3068 | Comments: 2



At 104 years old, Edythe Kirchmaier has been serving others for more than a century, 40 years of which have been as a volunteer with Direct Relief International. As Edythe approaches her 105th birthday, she hopes to inspire the world to make a difference, as she has, by raising awareness for the charity to which she’s dedicated much of her life, Direct Relief. To honor Edythe and celebrate her milestone birthday on January 22, 2013, Direct Relief has created the world’s largest (virtual) birthday cake, a Facebook application called Edythe’s 105th Birthday Challenge, which will enable the world to light a candle and wish Edythe a happy birthday. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4461 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 2707 | Comments: 0



Locuciones para videojuegos, videos, juegos online, maquinas tragaperras, tragamonedas y casinos. Diferente personajes, voces y acentos. Locutores en Madrid. Locutores internacionales nativos Locutores ingleses, dobladores americanos, actores britanicos nativos en Madrid España Edward Olive para voz en off estadounidense, doblaje y locuciones de narrador y personajes para televisión, spots, jingles, publicidad, programas, series, videojuegos, radio, cine, documentales, videos de empresa y videos corporativos. Precios y tarifas para locución en inglés británico nativo. Voice-overs for one arm bandits, slot machines, video gamesand online games. Different voices, characters and accents. Voice-over talent in Madrid Spain English British voice-over actors in Madrid Spain American voice-overs for television series & programmes, radio, corporate videos, commercials, video games, jingles, TV programs, dubbing & feature films voiceovers as narrator and for characters in English, BBC RP and regional UK accents. Prices for voiceover Edward Olive. Voix off et doublage en anglais en Espagne. Voix off de comedien en anglais pour machines a sous, jeux video, online et casinos avec des divers personages, voix et accents Edward Olive
Categories // Comedy  Cartoon  Games 
Added: 4439 days ago by edwardolive
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1325 | Comments: 2



India derives her roots from a rich past both culturally and traditionally. India’s has a 26 states holds virtually every kind of landscape imaginable. Magnificent historical sites and royal cities, cloudy mountain retreats, colorful people, rich cultures and festivities. Never-ending secrecy and beauty of this prehistoric land can be experienced only by Travel India.
Tags // travel  india  travel  and  tours  tourism  air  india  travel  agents  tour  packages  tourism  travel  what  is  travel  and  tourism  so 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4431 days ago by RishikeshPandith
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 793 | Comments: 0



offical video for Davey Suicide\'s song \
Categories // Music 
Added: 4427 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m11s | Views: 1662 | Comments: 0
      Award winning short film about a wigger that finds a bottle-cap worth a million dollars. Unfortunately, there\'s alot of trashy people that want to steal it from him and become millionaires!
Tags // short  film  wiggers 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4418 days ago by nasirluna
Runtime: 9m55s | Views: 3997 | Comments: 1



Australian Release: March 28, 2013. Cast: Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener, Clark Duke, Cloris Leachman. THE CROODS is a prehistoric comedy adventure that follows the world's first family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always shielded them from danger is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures -- and their outlook is changed forever
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4418 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m44s | Views: 4039 | Comments: 0



The people in your life are amazing and it’s fun to remind them of that. Send good wishes and glittery gorgeousness with the new Taylor Swift Greeting Card Mobile App by American Greetings Corporation (NYSE:AM) available today in the iTunes store and on Google Play. Pick a card, personalize and send some love, love, love. Building on the success of its other mobile app platforms, American Greetings has created a free mobile app that allows the user to select, customize and send digital versions of popular Taylor Swift paper greeting cards from their mobile phone or tablet to a recipient via text message, email, Facebook and Twitter. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4418 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1864 | Comments: 2



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