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The Polynesian Cultural Center is inviting guests to experience the allure and adventure of ocean life through its newest water show, Huki, which made its debut on August 18. The canoe celebration, staged at the state’s only water performance venue, explores Polynesian myths and customs, inspiring ancient history, and beloved island songs. Huki replaces the previous afternoon canoe pageant, Rainbows of Paradise, that had entertained residents and visitors for the past 16 years. “We are excited to share with our guests, a brand-new canoe celebration at the Polynesian Cultural Center,” said Alfred Grace, CEO and president of the Polynesian Cultural Center. “Our team has been working tirelessly to ensure that Huki’s story authentically captures the unique history and folklore of Polynesia and that our facilities are renovated and reinvigorated to ensure that the experience is elevated for all of our guests.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2405 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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