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Search // strange
Results 37-45 of 45 for ' strange ' (0 seconds)
Is it a man? Is it an automobile? Strange new vehicle spotted in India.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Street  Sport 
Added: 4559 days ago by eldine
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 7274 | Comments: 2
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Jennifer Strange runs Kazam, a struggling employment agency for magicians. Suddenly, the visions start, predicting the death of the world’s last dragon at the hands of a mysterious warrior. If the visions are true, her entire world could change. Because something is coming. Something known as . . . Big Magic. Find out more about the author at and find out more about the book at YA/Childrens/Fantasy
Tags // magic  dragon  the  last  dragonslayer  jasper  fforde  teen  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4557 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 1600 | Comments: 1
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I always wonder if there is staff that work in these huge hotels that have never met. Must be quite strange. I think I prefer my hotels with a bit more attention to detail like at
Tags // luxury  hotels  five  star 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4390 days ago by taton
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 742 | Comments: 1
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1971, beside the LP "first" dies irae recorded at the same day also two songs for the PILZ-records Sampler "Heavy Christmas"; "silent night" was recorded in one take live; before recording "shepherd´s song" Conny Plank took a long break to mix a Kraftwerk-concert in the Hamburg Markthalle. When he returned he brought a lot of friends with him and up in smoke we went - that night we really forgot to record the 6 minutes jazzy part of the song; the only thing left is a real strange final chorus, that everybody in the studio at that time( about 3 a.m) who joined in spontaneously the next morning we departed for our hometown. all I remember is: It´s been a fucking great real jazzy number, ...that we forgot to record... video 2012 by handmade videos
Categories // Music 
Added: 4376 days ago by prettypolly
Runtime: 6m8s | Views: 3259 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2006 Poul Halberg Powertrio - Strange Brew
Tags // paul  halberg  power  trio  robert  johnson  crossroads 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4288 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 1401 | Comments: 0
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Flo Gardner isn’t exactly thrilled when she and her mom move into Corman Towers, a giant apartment building in the middle of the city. To call their new home strange, is a MAJOR understatement. And things only get weirder when she meets her neighbor Ferdinand, better known as Furry. It doesn’t take Flo long to realize that there’s more than one secret lurking in her new home . . . Learn more about this book and author Children’s
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4229 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1028 | Comments: 1
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2004 T-99 - Strange Things Happen
Tags // t  99  robert  johnson  last  fair  deal  gone  down 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4153 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 684 | Comments: 0
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When Laura Wagner, divorced mother of two, addicted to alcohol and Valium, moves into the neighborhood of Woodland Heights, she notices nothing strange about her house. After rehab, she returns home sober only to discover that an evil spirit actually dwells in her house. And that spirit wants her dead. Find out more at #CellartheNovel Cellar by Karen E. Taylor. Horror
Tags // horror  ghost  haunted  women  thriller  karen  e  taylor  cellar  scary  book  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3643 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 1204 | Comments: 0
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Well here's the scoop on this poop ...... My Windows crashed on my main PC and I had lost all of my studio programs a few months back ..... I was focused on creating more pop orientated songs such as what I've been doing for 2017 but all of my vocal songs are still missing vital audio pluggins to continue on with them ..... I've now upgraded from FL 7 to FL 10 and I've got my studio program back but I'll need to work with it more to create new vocal material .... In the meantime, I'm composing new Electronic music with my FL 10 and I have a couple of monster size Electronic tunes created from my FL 7 but I'm still shying away from making videos for them and uploading them to here ...... So what I have here is a project that I was working on with my 7 version but it's also lacking the pluggins for me to go the full route with it ...... What inspired me to do this was after watching Youtube videos of rock songs being spliced together, most likely by university students with an engineering degree and I figured that I could probably do a better job with my old school methods ..... perseverance and a good hammer and nail ..... What I'd like to add to this description was that 4 months back, I had made this comment to a fellow MUSICIAN ??? ...... Youtuber who had just put together a mashup that took him a whole 5 hours to create ...... "A world's record from what I've seen around here" ...... My comment to him pretty much describes what I have here ..... "This sound's awesome bro ..... I'm involved in a similar project right now but with me it's always months of work ..... I'm doing the impossible right now of mashing up classic rock tunes with me accompanying them ..... I started off with Space Truckin .... The problem with this work is that they're not Electronic tunes and so they have no digital BPM .... I have to take my best guess as bands often speed up or slow down .... I added Smoke On The Water by speeding up the track and raising the pitch up 2 steps and then Strange Kind Of Woman which is in 3/4 timing and then Lazy over Space Trucking to Daft Punk's Robot Rock to Chicago's version of I'm A man to Alvin Lee's Going Home to Van Halen's I'm The One to the Stones Around and Around to Sympathy For The Devil mixed in with April Wine's Could Have Been A lady and now I'm gonna try to work in Aerosmith's guitar riff to Walk This Way to Could Have Been A lady ..... Boy ..... and people wonder why it takes me so long to upload a new song." ....... and his reply back was ...... "LOLOLOL Well with Projects like that, ... Do they know what you do??? ...and why put so much pressure on yourself... or is that just what you do? You're obviously talented, why don't you just simply make originals or covers? Oh, and Thank you!!! :-)" ......... ??? ...... Well "LOLOLOL dee DOH" on me ........ What the Hell is wrong with me anyway? ........ Spend over a day to create something special when all I need to do is to pick up my acoustic guitar and sing you all a song through my cell phone and come back to you tomorrow and the next day and then every day afterwards? ....... We'll that may be the Youtube way but it's not my way to all of you Frank Sanatra wannabies ........ You want to make something great? ..... you gotta work at it and spend more time composing than uploading ....... YEAH !!!!! ......... and you gotta wait for me when I feel it's time to sing because I'm the FAT LADY here and the fat lady want's to shine like a pair of dancing shoes and leave some kind of memorable musical poop stain on this planet before making her grand exit ...... Mr. POOPY LOLOLOL 5 hour PANTS !!!!!!
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 2777 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m46s | Views: 1053 | Comments: 6
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