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Search // stephen
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I'm starting off 2017 with this dedication song and video to my most beautiful friend on Youtube .... or anywhere else in this universe, Ivana Raymonda van der Veen. If you wish to do some more Angel Eyes gazing, you can find her here at She's got an angel voice to match her eyes as well. LYRICS: Whenever you walk by, I realize, my angel eyes, as Heaven owns the sky, well so do I, my angel eyes. You fill my heart with love from Heaven to above and everywhere there's love. Like oceans to a dove cuz where there's love I'll always love my pretty little angel eyes. Whenever time goes by, I realize, my angel eyes, that Heaven don't know why, well nor do I, my angel eyes. You fill my heart with love from Heaven to above and everywhere there's love. Like oceans to a dove cuz where there's love I'll always love my pretty little angel eyes. Repeat 1st verse:
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 2869 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 861 | Comments: 5



I tested out this song on Facebook and my friends there seem to like it a lot ..... This is my first vocal song, using my newer gear .... A few friends there suggested that I make a Youtube video for it and feature it as my Halloween video and I think that's a very good idea and so ..... this I guess is my Halloween song and video ....... The DEVIL made ME do it. Lyrics: Sister come and save me. Throw me out a line. I say sister won't you save me cuz I'm drowning all the time. Devil's on my doorstep. Knocking at my door. Make me dance to Dubstep til I can't dance no more. "Ah Yeah." Sister come and save me. I'm running out of line. I say sister won't you save me cuz I'm running out of time. Devil's gonna find me and lead me to his door. Make me dance to Disco til I can't dance no more, no more, no more, no more. The Devil mocks me on my trail. Satan's got me by my tail. My torment that I loathe so well. I'm dancing through the gates of Hell. "Ah Yeah." Sister come and save me. Throw me out a line. I say sister won't you save me cuz I'm drowning all the time. Devil's on my doorstep. Knocking at my door. Make me dance to Dubstep til I can't dance no more, no more, no more, no more. No more, no more, no more. No more, no more, no more. No more, no more, no more.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 2686 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 5m41s | Views: 1013 | Comments: 6



Robert Johnson Project From: 2010 Stephen Dale Petit - The crave
Tags // stephen  dale  petit  robert  johnson  crossroads 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4264 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 3258 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 1975 Stephen Stills - Live
Categories // Music 
Added: 4264 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 4m42s | Views: 3261 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2013 STEPHEN STILLS - Carry On
Categories // Music 
Added: 4264 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 6m40s | Views: 3508 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 1990 The Stephen Barry Band - Blues under a full moon
Tags // stephen  barry  band  robert  johnson  steady  rollin  man 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3939 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 1845 | Comments: 0
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Discovery Channel Curiosity S01E01'den alınmıştır. Stephen Hawking tanrının ve kaderin olmadığını söylüyor ve bu hayatın değerini bilmemizi ve tadını çıkarmamızı tavsiye ediyor, çünkü tekrar olmayacak diyor.
Tags // video  super  ilginc  film  stephen  hawking  soru  zaman  mantik  tanri  inanma  inanc  kader  yok 
Added: 3026 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 784 | Comments: 2
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It is Man vs. Machine as top IBM engineers test their supercomputer, Watson, against two of the greatest all time winners from the game show Jeopardy, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. Find out what we can learn from this computer and see how smart machines will fit into our world in Final Jeopardy, Man vs. Machine and the Quest to Know Everything. Learn more about this book here, Non Fiction, Technology
Added: 5150 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 3m36s | Views: 9981 | Comments: 2
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Notorious pirates of the sea known for their ruthlessness and cunning to obtain that which satisfies their eternal quest for gold, treasures of wonderment and delight, unseen fortunes only whispered in folklore by the lips of the unfortunate souls who had dared to utter a word of such riches of the deep before meeting with their tragic fate are now in hot pursuit of the fairest treasure told by the tongues of the silenced with their dying breaths. ELENA HOUSE, the fairest maiden of the sea is now being pursued by the evil rogues who have claimed the ocean to be their own trophy for the taking as they plunder and blunder throughout the high seas to capture and imprison she who they believe will soon to be their damsel of delights. Little do our sea bearing proprietors of possessions know that the fair maiden is actually ELENA HOUSE AKA \
Categories // Music 
Added: 4404 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 4843 | Comments: 0
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This has got to be one of my quickest ventures to date. What I originally was experimenting with was combining Beatboxing \\\
Categories // Music  Funny  Sexy 
Added: 4388 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 5385 | Comments: 0
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I managed to complete one more song and video in record time. This is the kind of music that I wanted to eventually upload. What is a shame is the fact that I have a vast amount of songs, mostly incomplete that sound just as good as this one and could be completed as fast as I have been doing but I've got enough material to last me 5 life times and as quickly as I work on one, 5 more ideas pop in my head. I must have some kind of song writing disorder
Categories // Music 
Added: 4376 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m57s | Views: 4944 | Comments: 1
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Well here's the scoop on this poop ...... My Windows crashed on my main PC and I had lost all of my studio programs a few months back ..... I was focused on creating more pop orientated songs such as what I've been doing for 2017 but all of my vocal songs are still missing vital audio pluggins to continue on with them ..... I've now upgraded from FL 7 to FL 10 and I've got my studio program back but I'll need to work with it more to create new vocal material .... In the meantime, I'm composing new Electronic music with my FL 10 and I have a couple of monster size Electronic tunes created from my FL 7 but I'm still shying away from making videos for them and uploading them to here ...... So what I have here is a project that I was working on with my 7 version but it's also lacking the pluggins for me to go the full route with it ...... What inspired me to do this was after watching Youtube videos of rock songs being spliced together, most likely by university students with an engineering degree and I figured that I could probably do a better job with my old school methods ..... perseverance and a good hammer and nail ..... What I'd like to add to this description was that 4 months back, I had made this comment to a fellow MUSICIAN ??? ...... Youtuber who had just put together a mashup that took him a whole 5 hours to create ...... "A world's record from what I've seen around here" ...... My comment to him pretty much describes what I have here ..... "This sound's awesome bro ..... I'm involved in a similar project right now but with me it's always months of work ..... I'm doing the impossible right now of mashing up classic rock tunes with me accompanying them ..... I started off with Space Truckin .... The problem with this work is that they're not Electronic tunes and so they have no digital BPM .... I have to take my best guess as bands often speed up or slow down .... I added Smoke On The Water by speeding up the track and raising the pitch up 2 steps and then Strange Kind Of Woman which is in 3/4 timing and then Lazy over Space Trucking to Daft Punk's Robot Rock to Chicago's version of I'm A man to Alvin Lee's Going Home to Van Halen's I'm The One to the Stones Around and Around to Sympathy For The Devil mixed in with April Wine's Could Have Been A lady and now I'm gonna try to work in Aerosmith's guitar riff to Walk This Way to Could Have Been A lady ..... Boy ..... and people wonder why it takes me so long to upload a new song." ....... and his reply back was ...... "LOLOLOL Well with Projects like that, ... Do they know what you do??? ...and why put so much pressure on yourself... or is that just what you do? You're obviously talented, why don't you just simply make originals or covers? Oh, and Thank you!!! :-)" ......... ??? ...... Well "LOLOLOL dee DOH" on me ........ What the Hell is wrong with me anyway? ........ Spend over a day to create something special when all I need to do is to pick up my acoustic guitar and sing you all a song through my cell phone and come back to you tomorrow and the next day and then every day afterwards? ....... We'll that may be the Youtube way but it's not my way to all of you Frank Sanatra wannabies ........ You want to make something great? ..... you gotta work at it and spend more time composing than uploading ....... YEAH !!!!! ......... and you gotta wait for me when I feel it's time to sing because I'm the FAT LADY here and the fat lady want's to shine like a pair of dancing shoes and leave some kind of memorable musical poop stain on this planet before making her grand exit ...... Mr. POOPY LOLOLOL 5 hour PANTS !!!!!!
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 2755 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m46s | Views: 1041 | Comments: 6
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