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Results 37-48 of 78 for ' index ' (1 seconds)
Increasing numbers of investors are turning to VIX® volatility index options and futures to manage risk and capitalize on market volatility. VIX® options and futures are traded exclusively on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE). Since its creation in 1993, the CBOE Volatility Index® (the VIX® index) has been the most widely-followed barometer of market volatility. By using real-time options prices on the S&P 500® Index to get a true snapshot into how the marketplace views expected volatility, the VIX® index is an incredibly valuable tool for traders. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4713 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 5164 | Comments: 1
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The world’s most romantic city, Paris, has been named the most expensive city in the world for a Club Sandwich, according to research released today by The classic chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce and mayo sandwich, available in hotels the world over, has been used as a measure of affordability by the hotel expert. The Club Sandwich Index (CSI) will give holiday-makers an indication of the costs associated with their holiday destination, using one of the most common items on any hotel menu around the world as a barometer. The CSI average price has been calculated by taking the real prices paid by guests for a Club Sandwich in 30 hotels in the capital or major city of each country measured. In total surveyed the Club Sandwich prices in more than 750 hotels in the five, four and three star category across 26 countries. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4682 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 8941 | Comments: 2
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For the first time in five years, travellers paid more on average for their hotel rooms during the first six months of 2012 in all parts of the world, according to the latest® Hotel Price Index TM (HPI®). The global 4% rise, compared to the same period the year before, demonstrated that the economic recovery in the hotel industry was well-established. The Index stood at 108 for this period meaning that, despite the latest increase, hotel prices in general were still considerably lower than in the first half of 2007 when the HPI was at its peak of 119. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4566 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m47s | Views: 4525 | Comments: 1
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The latest edition of® Hotel Price Index™ (HPI®) indicates that North America saw the second fastest rise in average hotel prices in the first half of 2012, with a growth of 5 percent, putting the Index at 109. The good news for travelers is that prices stayed 10 Index points behind their peak in 2007 and were still cheaper than in 2006. The HPI tracks real prices paid per room by customers at approximately 140,000 properties within the network in major destinations around the world. This edition of the report, which compares the first six months of 2012 with the same period in 2011, shows an upward trend in hotel prices across all global regions, resulting in an average global increase of 4 percent. This is the first time in five years that has seen an increase across the globe. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4551 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 1493 | Comments: 2
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An improving economy coupled with a severe drought that caused increased feed costs for large birds generated a 4.8 percent surge in the 2012 PNC Christmas Price Index®, the whimsical economic analysis by PNC Wealth Management based on the gifts in the holiday classic, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // pnc  2012  christmas  price  index  cpi  gift  hunt  holiday  economy  multivu  42897 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4483 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m36s | Views: 3078 | Comments: 1
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The average price of a hotel room around the world rose by 3% during 2012, compared with the previous year, according to the latest Hotel Price Index (HPI). The rate of increase has moderated when judged against the 4% rise in 2011 as the Eurozone’s problems pulled down the global average and slowed growth in the second half of the year. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4383 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m25s | Views: 813 | Comments: 1
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Ahead of World Mental Health Day, today sees the publication of the Mental Health Integration Index, a new research initiative commissioned by the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson and undertaken by the Economist Intelligence Unit.1 The research explores the challenges of integrating Europeans with mental illness into society and employment, within the European Union’s 28 Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland. Countries have been ranked according to their degree of commitment to support those living with mental illness; the findings demonstrate that while there are many examples of good practice across Europe, the whole region has a long way to go before people with mental illness are adequately supported and truly integrated into their communities. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3800 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 1083 | Comments: 1
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Ahead of World Mental Health Day, today sees the publication of the Mental Health Integration Index, a new research initiative commissioned by the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson and undertaken by the Economist Intelligence Unit.1 The research explores the challenges of integrating Europeans with mental illness into society and employment, within the European Union’s 28 Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland. Countries have been ranked according to their degree of commitment to support those living with mental illness; the findings demonstrate that while there are many examples of good practice across Europe, the whole region has a long way to go before people with mental illness are adequately supported and truly integrated into their communities. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3800 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 1049 | Comments: 1
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With energy costs tumbling and inflation remaining calm, the 2014 PNC Christmas Price Index® (PNC CPI) experienced a mild one percent boost in the 31st annual tongue-in-cheek economic analysis by PNC Wealth Management. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Added: 3746 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 931 | Comments: 1
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Today, DuPont Chair and CEO Ellen Kullman said common food security metrics are key to increasing global food security.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4622 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 4035 | Comments: 0
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The Indexed Annuity Leadership Council (IALC) today unveiled a new initiative that examines the widely varying retirement experience in the United States. The project, the Changing Face of Retirement in America, is a comprehensive look at modern expectations for retirement and provides regional narratives that show what retirement means for individuals across the country and the economic spectrum, highlighting the impact financial planning can have on retirement. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 3598 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 725 | Comments: 1
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ilk yardim canlandirma - 2 -
Tags // ilk  yardim  canlandirma  bilgim  sitesi 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5989 days ago by bilgim
Runtime: 3m57s | Views: 7806 | Comments: 0
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