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Search // dirty
Results 37-48 of 58 for ' dirty ' (1 seconds)
It is dark, dirty and twisted. This is a vampire show with real bite, and here it get’s little bit romantic. Catch the UK premiere, Fridays at 10pm from July 17th exclusively on FX.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5755 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 13289 | Comments: 1
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It is dark, dirty and twisted. This is a vampire show with real bite, and here it kicks some ass. Catch the UK premiere, Fridays at 10pm from July 17th exclusively on FX.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5755 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m38s | Views: 13744 | Comments: 0
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The main reason many people come to India is the quest for spiritual knowledge, A Large number of visitors reach the ancient centers of learning like Kashi, Bodh Gaya , Prayag, Kanchi, Puri , Dwarika, Haridwar , Gorakpur , Rishikesh etc to satisfy their thirst for spiritual knowledge India from time immemorial has been considered the Jagat Guru of all spiritual, Religious, Intellectual and Philosophical concepts and ideas. The same Sanathana-Dharma or the Hindu Dharma forms the basis of Buddhism or the Buddha Dharma, Jainism or the Jaina Dharma, Sikhism or the Sikh Dharma, the Bhakti Dharma, Sufism or Tavasouf etc This core generally called Dharma can may only be seen through the Jnana Chakshu and experienced through the Philosophies known as Darshana. There are two Categories of Dharsanas the first category collectively called the Asthika Darshanas derives their source from the Vedas and is collectively called the Saddarshanas, Sad meaning the six and Darshana meaning to see. The second category are silent about the authority of the Vedas and are called Nastika Darshana, they are the Bauddha, Jaina and Charvaka Darshanas The Darshanas both Astika and Nastika, have spawned many schools of organized monks. The training grounds for these monks are called Ashramas or Mutts (Maths). These Mutts are aligned to a single Sampradaya and propagate their philosophies through discourses, worship, song & dances, festivals, etc. The principle dirty of each Sampradaya may be either Shiva, Vishnu, Ganapathi, Dattatreya, Devi, Surya, Skanda, etc (depending on the Darshana they belong to) The Kumbha (Kumbh) Mela has representation from every school of Dharma and Sampradaya, it is the great school for the spiritually inclined to experience all the Indian philosophical schools at one place at the same time There are several Shastrartas, Tarka, Upanyasa, Ughabhoga, Parayana, Pravachanas which are organized specially during the Kumbha (Kumbh) Mela. These are various types of debates, lectures, talks and seminars pertaining to various philosophies which churn out several new interpretations to the ancient texts and treatises, sometimes they introduce new dimensions to their respective schools, sometimes deleting, sometimes adding to the pool of spiritual knowledge
Tags // religious  kumbha-mela 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5652 days ago by sree222222
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 8826 | Comments: 0
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White Prison Gangs * * * Gang Identification Task Force * White Prison Gangs, i.e., Aryan Brotherhood, Nazi Low Riders NLR, PENI, Pagans MC, Outlaw Bikers, Peckerwoods, IGD/974 Insane Gangster Disciples, Simon City Royals, Chicago's Almighty Gaylords 712, Neo-Nazi Skinheads 1488, Hammerskins, Aryan Circle, Dirty White Boys, Aryan Knights, European Kindred, Thorndale JagOffs, Northsiders, Aryan Warriors, KKK, Saxon Knights, Caucasian Cartel
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5634 days ago by prisongangs
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 12301 | Comments: 1
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Warning: In addition to bad ass villains, kick butt heroines, truly inspiring lovin, and dark magic, this series contains one hunky holy man turned rebel vampire, a delicious and powerful sorcerer who sometimes sports fangs, a dirty talking cowboy who’s sometimes furry, and one very hot, very British, knife wielding shrink. Learn more about this book: Learn more about this author: Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5401 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 10439 | Comments: 3
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Even the panel of “odor specialists” resisted the urge to cover their noses as pungent smells emanated from the smelliest sneakers in this year’s Annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest. Ready to be judged, seven kids, ages seven to sixteen, from across the country have arrived in Montpelier today, selected as national finalists, wearing the decrepit and odorous rubber-soles that won them regional recognition. In its 37th year, the National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest is the ultimate test of just how dirty and stinky sneakers can get when they’re part of an active kid’s life, going where they go, through puddles, mud and all. Sneakers are judged on the conditions of the sole, tongue, heel, toe, laces or velcro, eyelets/grommets, overall condition and most important ODOR, by a panel that includes NASA “Master Sniffer” George Aldrich, Chemical Specialist for NASA space missions, and Rachel Herz, Ph.D., a professor at Brown University and author of The Scent of Desire and That’s Disgusting. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4749 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 4629 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated He is so awesome, dirt won't dirty him. Because it admires him so. No person has ever forced him to eat his own words, but if he ever did, they would taste amazing. He defies the old adage,
Tags // website  free  website  get  a  website  build  a  website 
Added: 4616 days ago by freewebsite
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 10860 | Comments: 1
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America has a dirty secret – and it’s lurking in our homes. A recent Kenmore brand survey found nearly half of Americans (49 percent) say that when it comes to vacuuming they cut corners by skipping areas underneath or behind furniture. Some clean only when they see visible dirt on the floor. That means they might be missing the 100,000 dust mites on the average square yard of carpet. With fall allergy season upon us and holidays just around the corner, renowned homekeeping expert and author of The Accidental Housewife Julie Edelman says now is the perfect time to bring these dirty secrets out into the light of day and tackle dirt and dust in our homes. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Comedy  Business 
Added: 4540 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 5584 | Comments: 1
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Hans and Penelope get down n dirty this time. This week, we are taking up one of the most common topics on love and relationship. “How do I please my partner?” We also take up a new bestselling book, the “7 Languages of Love”. The book talks about “What pleases your partner?”, which is a problem that doesn’t have a universal formula and every situation or relationship is kind of unique to itself. So, this is more of a self-discovery and a long process to undertake. Professor Puppet After Dar is brought to you Adam & Eve. Go to right now and the Adam & Eve Coupon Code HANS at the checkout to enjoy 50% OFF on almost ANY item. Order today to even get FREE Shipping, a FREE Special Bonus Gift, and FREE Hot DVD’s. All yours for FREE.
Tags // languages  of  love 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4389 days ago by marghans333
Runtime: 7m39s | Views: 879 | Comments: 1
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M.WIZ is a mobile webpage building toolkit, where all you need to do is drop and drag. M.WIZ will do all the hard and dirty work and create HTML files for you. With M.WIZ, it will be fun and easy to build your own mobile pages!!
Tags // build  website  mobile 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4301 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 1445 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2006 Steve Thorpe - Live, Down And Dirty
Tags // steve  thorpe  robert  johnson  dust  my  broom 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4257 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 7m8s | Views: 675 | Comments: 0
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When Filomena discovers that a high tech Long Island factory is spewing poisons into the water supply, she’s sure that the contaminator is her nemesis, a cutthroat industrial polluter with an airtight financial empire. The gutsy Filomena knows she’ll have to play dirty to clean up the neighborhood. Learn more about this book here, Mystery, suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4231 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1502 | Comments: 0
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