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Search // air
Results 37-48 of 285 for ' air ' (0 seconds)
Six Flags Over Georgia prepares to take to the sky as the countdown begins for the launch of the park’s newest thrill ride, SkyScreamer. The park’s newest addition was previewed today by media and VIP guests. SkyScreamer opens to the public on Friday, May 24, 2013. At 242 feet, SkyScreamer is 40 feet taller than the park’s mega-coaster Goliath, and will give passengers a thrilling view of the Atlanta skyline. Thirty- two riders will sit two across in open air swings while spinning to the top of the tower. At full swing, guests revolve in a 98-foot circle at speeds of 40 mph. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4315 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m7s | Views: 2194 | Comments: 2



In der nunmehr vierten Generation der sportlichen Mittelklasse-Coupé-Baureihe verkörpert das neue BMW 4er Coupé den Inbegriff von Ästhetik und Dynamik im Premium-Segment. Die Formensprache verheißt kraftvolle Präsenz auf der Straße, überragende Dynamik und Fahrvergnügen. Die „4“ im Typenschild steht für die neue Ära des Coupés und unterstreicht nicht nur das eigenständige Design, sondern gleichermaßen eine noch stärkere technische Differenzierung zur BMW 3er Reihe, die auch durch neue Premium Features wie den optionalen Voll LED Scheinwerfer belegt wird. Das neue BMW 4er Coupé ist gegenüber dem BMW 3er Coupé in Breite und Radstand sichtbar gewachsen, wobei die sportlich gestreckte Coupé-Silhouette deutlich flacher verläuft. Zusammen mit den markentypischen kurzen Überhängen, der langen Motorhaube und der zurückgesetzten Fahrgastzelle mit fließendem Dachverlauf präsentiert sich das BMW 4er Coupé in perfekter Balance. Das markante Gesicht mit charakteristischen BMW Designmerkmalen, wie Doppelniere, Doppelrundscheinwerfer sowie großem Lufteinlass in der Frontschürze, zeigt bewusst die Verwandtschaft zur BMW 3er Familie; unterstreicht aber in seiner sportlicheren Interpretation die dynamische Ausrichtung des BMW 4er Coupé. Als neue Elemente weist das BMW 4er Coupé hinter den vorderen Radläufen sogenannte Air Breather auf, die den Luftwiderstand im Bereich der Radhäuser reduzieren. In der flach gestalteten Heckansicht mit betont horizontaler Linienführung kommen die muskulösen Radhäuser und die breite Spur besonders gut zur Geltung.
Tags // bmw  4er  coupe  dynamik 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4276 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 971 | Comments: 1



It is 100 years since a simple song was released to the public. A song that unites music legends Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, Johnny Cash and The Pogues. One song that Elvis loved so much he had it played at his funeral. Yes, it’s the one and only Danny Boy. And it is celebrating its 100th birthday on June 21st, 2013. The song’s melody was first heard in Ireland in the streets of Limavady, County Londonderry where it was known as The Londonderry Air. However it wasn’t until 1910 that Frederick Weatherly, an Englishman, composed the lyrics for this melody. His famous words were published in 1913, making this year the song’s 100th anniversary. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4274 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1998 | Comments: 2



distroying Sea Tiger Boat
Tags // slaf  sri  lanka  ltte 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5883 days ago by erandika34
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 6605 | Comments: 1



It’s a new year and a fresh new look for American Airlines as the company today unveils a new logo and exterior for its planes, including the already delivered Flagship Boeing 777-300ER aircraft set to fly on Jan. 31. In addition, American plans to continue taking delivery of new planes this year as part of its historic orders for 550 new aircraft. The unveiling of the new logo and livery is the latest step forward in American’s ongoing journey toward building a more modern travel experience for its customers. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4428 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m3s | Views: 1419 | Comments: 1



when traffic hits, its never a bad idea to piss people off from the birds eye view hahaah
Tags // robert  downey  jr  helicopter  1990  air  america  pissing  people  off 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4249 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 851 | Comments: 3



Moët Hennessy, Official Partner, reaffirms its support for Solar Impulse and its pursuit of the first round-the-world flight powered only by solar energy. "Celebrating Sustainability" Its support of Solar Impulse as an Official Partner shows Moët Hennessy's taste for pushing the envelope and conquering new territories, as well as recognizing the role of excellence and innovation as two key drivers of progress worldwide. Growth in the Moët Hennessy group and its 22 prestigious brands has been powered by their pioneering spirit and the conquest of new territories. The first consignment of champagne was dispatched to Russia in 1780 by Veuve Clicquot. Hennessy began exporting cognac to the United States in 1787, two years before the French Revolution, followed by China in 1859. Today, Moët Hennessy exports 95% of its production and is the world's leading producer and exporter of luxury wines and spirits. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3240 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m27s | Views: 1272 | Comments: 0



Orbis, the international nonprofit that unites the world in the fight against blindness, is proud to land its new, state-of-the-art Flying Eye Hospital in Shenyang, China this week to commence its first training program, running from September 5 - 23. Six years in the making, the third-generation Flying Eye Hospital is the world’s only mobile ophthalmic teaching hospital on board an MD-10 aircraft, donated by FedEx. Hundreds of experts have come together to combine the latest in avionics, hospital engineering, technology and clinical expertise to make the new Flying Eye Hospital a reality. It features modular design, 3D technology and live broadcast capabilities, which enables Orbis and their expert Volunteer Faculty to train more doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals—ultimately treating more people and restoring their sight. “Today, I am incredibly proud that our Flying Eye Hospital can get to work on its first program,” Bob Ranck, Orbis CEO and President, said. “It is a testament to the hundreds of volunteers, global corporate partners, governments and other individuals who have worked tirelessly to make this unique aircraft a reality, and we thank them one and all. Our mission at Orbis is to bring the world together to fight blindness, and the Flying Eye Hospital is an important tool for achieving this. It is an equal-parts teacher, envoy and advocate for the right to sight. We are excited to start this new chapter in Orbis history here in Shenyang, China.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3098 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 1041 | Comments: 0



Yakult U.S.A. Inc. unveils its new "Love Your Insides." campaign for its signature probiotic drink, Yakult, which sells in major retailers primarily on the West Coast. It will kick off this week in 29 major designated marketing areas with a TV spot called "True Love" and will air in both English and Spanish. Both versions of the commercials are formatted as 30 and 15 second spots and will be supported by a mix of radio (Hispanic only), online, print collateral and redesign of website. The campaign, which is the brainchild of El Segundo, CA-based Siltanen & Partners Agency (S&P), will introduce consumers to a lovable new brand icon in the form of a cuddly digestive system. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5309 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7899 | Comments: 2



SkyScreamer, the newest sensation in swing rides, has taken flight at Six Flags St.Louis! Famed pilot Erik Lindbergh and Wings of Hope pilots took the inaugural first flight. Standing at 236-feet, SkyScreamer is the tallest ride in the park and the centerpiece of Six Flags St. Louis' 40th anniversary season. Each of the double, open air swings provides a front row seat for the 32 guests that climb to the top of the SkyScreamer during each flight. Spinning round and round, with feet dangling, guests soar in a 98-ft. circle at speeds up to 43 mph. The massive "world" globe that sits atop the bright, multicolored SkyScreamer tower can be seen from miles away. SkyScreamer is the first swing ride manufactured by Funtime to be built in the United States. Funtime is based in Austria and has been a leader in unique thrill rides since 1972. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5043 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m-0s | Views: 9189 | Comments: 0



Claycards studio is a full fledged stop-motion / claymation animation studio it was conceived to provide a breath of fresh air to the current VFX scenario by bringing in the beauty of hand-made animation, our characters when conceived were just a figment of our clay imagination but now seem to have taken a life of their own , we look forward to develop our unique IP and also expand as a claymation service provider to other studios and channels.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4403 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 3499 | Comments: 0



The snow has just started falling again in New Zealand's Southern Alps so we teamed up with a helicopter and online content creators Diaries Downunder and heli-dropped them onto Isobel Glacier.Air New Zealand gives Australia daily access to the New Zealand ski fields, for more info visit
Tags // new  zealand  skiiing  snow 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3889 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 937 | Comments: 1



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