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Search // has
Results 445-456 of 1000 for ' has ' (0 seconds) exposes paedophiles, terrorists and rapists to name but a few. We have the addresses and photos of the people committing these horrendous crimes against the general public and their families and we believe that everyone has a right to know where they are.
Tags // name  and  shame  the  rat  book  paedophiles  terrorists 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  Sexy 
Added: 5590 days ago by TRBMedia
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 7589 | Comments: 1
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MultiplexCalc is a multipurpose and comprehensive desktop calculator for Windows. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. It can be used as an enhanced elementary, scientific, financial or expression calculator. MultiplexCalc contains more than hundred internal constants and functions (algebraic, trigonometric, hyperbolic, transcendental, etc;) to satisfy your needs to solve problems ranging from simple elementary algebra to complex equations. Its underling implementation encompasses high precision, sturdiness and multi-functionality. MultiplexCalc also has the unlimited ability to extend itself by using user-defined variables. You can add your own variables to MultiplexCalc in order to convenience your work. Any instance of a formula can be parsed once, and calculated many times with different variable values.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5582 days ago by larrynylund
Runtime: 7m5s | Views: 5859 | Comments: 0
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SimplexCalc is a multivariable desktop calculator for Windows. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. It can be used as an enhanced elementary, scientific, financial or expression calculator. In addition to arithmetic operation, more than hundred built-in constants and functions can also be used in your expression. SimplexCalc also has the unlimited ability to extend itself by using custom (user-defined) variables. You can add your own variables for SimplexCalc in order to tackle complex problems with ease and fun. Even you can compile formula once and then calculate the result many times with different variable values. With the brilliant designs and powerful features of SimplexCalc, you can bring spectacular results to your calculating routines.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5582 days ago by larrynylund
Runtime: 3m25s | Views: 5131 | Comments: 0
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You can NOW create that perfect gift for any event or occasion. This video explains how easy it is to order personalised gifts from the comfort of your home and get them delivered to any UK address. They make great unique gifts for Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day. You choose a Teddy Bear from their large selection, a coloured top, decide whether you want a name or message expertly embroidered, choose and personalise a free greeting card and your unique gift is sent to you or directly to the recipient. has established themselves as the leading suppliers of online Teddy Bear gifts. They have a large selection of Teddy Bears in all shapes, sizes and colours. White Teddy Bears, Brown Teddy Bears, Pink Teddy Bears and much more. They will embroider your name or message with state of the art embroidery machines to ensure a high quality finish. All these special created unique gifts are sent with a FREE personalised greeting card and make great gifts for any occasion. You will be amazed how easy it is to create that special gift today.
Tags // teddy  bear 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 5580 days ago by funkybearman
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 7192 | Comments: 1
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Almost every market around the world is shrinking at the moment, and so is the medical sector. According to the Federal Statistics Office in the first half of 2009 the German exports were down 2.5 percent, the largest market for exports still remains the United States. However the import market in Germany has managed to become stronger. The statisticians have recorded a 6 per cent gain in imports especially from the USA, Switzerland and Japan. Germany is therefore a highly competitive market in the global medical industry - the medical trade fair MEDICA in Duesseldorf has become the most important platform for manufacturers and customers.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5578 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 6514 | Comments: 0
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Discover the source of holy water derived from the earth. All other wells in the land dried up. The scientists cant figure out why this wells has still yet to do the same.
Tags // zamzam  hajj  islam  muslim  holywater 
Added: 5573 days ago by zkadir
Runtime: 8m19s | Views: 8599 | Comments: 0
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Grey s Anatomy is a medical drama series that has been on air since 2005 and the series is loved by the people, in fact is a favorite of millions. The series is being watched in more than 60 countries with the same amount of success.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5567 days ago by edvincorner
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 5961 | Comments: 2
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Brad Cutler, twenty-eight, is a rising star at his New York ad agency, about to marry the girl of his dreams. Anyone would agree he has it all a great career, a beautiful and loving fiancée, and a fairy tale life ahead of him—when memories of a high school girlfriend begin to torment him. Lost innocence and one very difficult choice flood his conscience, and he is no longer sure what the future will bring except for this: He must find his old love and make amends. Haunted by the past and confused about the future, he turns to God seeking forgiveness and redemption. Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. Christian fiction, literary fiction, Spiritual Growth, Contemporary. Find out more about Karen Kingsbury at Find out more about the book at
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5562 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 13157 | Comments: 3
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The terrain is rather unusual for presenting a Dakar Rally team, but three weeks before the rally is due to begin in Argentina, Volkswagen’s racing division has descended on the Austrian village of Flachau. Even the gods relented at the last moment, sending snow from the heavens. Not the best road surface for the participants of the desert rally, which starts on 1 January 2010, to practise on, but certainly ideal for the team presentation. A fantastic atmosphere and plenty of fun are definitely what count for that.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 5557 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 6786 | Comments: 2
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Brad Cutler, twenty-eight, is a rising star at his New York ad agency, about to marry the girl of his dreams. Anyone would agree he has it all a great career, a beautiful and loving fiancée, and a fairy tale life ahead of him—when memories of a high school girlfriend begin to torment him. Lost innocence and one very difficult choice flood his conscience, and he is no longer sure what the future will bring except for this: He must find his old love and make amends. Haunted by the past and confused about the future, he turns to God seeking forgiveness and redemption. Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. Christian fiction, literary fiction, Spiritual Growth, Contemporary. Find out more about Karen Kingsbury at Find out more about the book at
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5553 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 9359 | Comments: 2
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I've played several theatre organs built by Compton and Wurlitzer but never a Christie until today! Im playing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" on the Christie theatre organ at the Social Welfare Hall in Harworth near Doncaster. The organ was originally built in 1934 for the Essoldo cinema in Durham and had 2 manuals and 7 ranks of pipes. It was installed here in the 1960s and had an extra manual and some extra ranks of pipes added. When playing a cinema organ my aim has always been to try and play as they did in your average 1930s surburban cinema. In otherwords - knock out the tune! The emphasis these days tends to be on "orchestral" styling etc.
Tags // christie  theatre  cinema  organ  harworth 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5551 days ago by christhompsonorganis
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 7609 | Comments: 0
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Me at the organ of St John Vianney Catholic Church in Clayhall, London. Im playing the old tune "If I could help somebody" and using the organs electrostatic melotone unit blended with the Tibia for most of the melody and to round it off I use the Triangle! The organ was originally installed at the Ritz Cinema in Nuneaton and has 3 manuals, 6 ranks of pipes and of course the melotone unit. It was designed by organist Harold Ramsay. When this church was built in the late 1960s, rather than spend large sums of money on a new organ the priest at the time was a cinema organ enthusiast and had this organ brought and installed here. The organ is used for the sunday services, weddings, funerals and other church activities and regular concerts are organised by the cinema organ society.
Tags // cinema  theatre  church  organ  compton  melotone 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5550 days ago by christhompsonorganis
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 7651 | Comments: 0
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