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As the largest senior living provider in the country, Brookdale Senior Living (NYSE: BKD) is advancing its industry leadership role through a new national branding and communications initiative beginning today. Brookdale’s campaign is designed to provoke audiences to rethink their views of senior living and to capture the essence of the close relationships formed every day between the company's 80,000 associates and nearly 100,000 residents. As part of the campaign, the company is undertaking a broad range of initiatives to evolve the perception of senior living and demonstrate how innovative approaches and services at Brookdale can transform lives. “We continue to move forward on our objective to develop the preeminent senior living brand, and we believe this campaign will create a cultural redefinition of the value that an innovative senior living provider can bring to people's lives,” said Will Clark, Brookdale’s senior vice president of strategy and innovation. “Brookdale is bringing new life to the traditional view of senior living. We focus our energy on enabling seniors to live their lives to the fullest – and in doing so changing the myths and perceptions of senior living. As the largest senior living provider in the country, we have the opportunity and I believe the responsibility to lead this conversation.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3436 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 887 | Comments: 0
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AARP’s ‘Random Acts of Kindness for Caregivers’ contest is underway. The contest encourages people of all ages to recognize and reward family caregivers in their lives in small but meaningful ways, especially during National Family Caregivers Month in November. Many family caregivers spend 18 hours per week or more providing care like bathing, dressing, preparing meals, administering medications, driving to doctor visits, or paying bills. Sixty percent of caregivers are helping care for a loved one while holding down a job at the same time. ‘Random Acts of Kindness for Caregivers’ might be something as simple as doing a caregiver’s grocery shopping, taking their dog for a walk, or even cutting the lawn. “I’ve been a family caregiver my entire adult life and I know that unexpected kindness can go a long way for a caregiver,” says AARP Family and Caregiving Expert Amy Goyer, author of the new book Juggling Life, Work, and Caregiving. “If you are not one of the 40 million caregivers in the U.S. now, you either have been a caregiver or will be one in the future.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3428 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 1025 | Comments: 0
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When a serious illness enters a family's life, there are many questions to ask and decisions to make. It is important to answer these questions quickly. The process can seem overwhelming. However, hospice care can be a wonderful resource for information about symptom management and comfort care. Hospice care professionals are available to help assess goals, pain management and care options during the decision-making process. Are your symptoms minimal or moderate? Are these symptoms just starting to affect your life? If you want to continue treatment but also need comfort and symptom management, palliative care (often called comfort care) maybe an option. Palliative care is patient and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing and treating suffering. Palliative care specialists address the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients and families, making sure they have access to all the information about the disease progression and the choices ahead. A patient can receive palliative care in conjunction with other treatments or therapies. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3422 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 840 | Comments: 0
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Long before it's time for hospice care, many people with serious illness can benefit from palliative care but don’t realize it. Sometimes referred to as “comfort care,” palliative care is a specialized approach to the treatment of patients with a serious or life-threatening illness. Palliative care has helped Deadra Gladden get her life back through symptom management and support from Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice, Marlton, N.J. In May of 2014 Deadra, age 28, was in the hospital, feeling hopeless and in excruciating pain due to lupus, a disease she has been battling for over half her young life. Deadra's doctors told her family it was time to call hospice. But after consulting with a nurse from Samaritan Healthcare and Hospice, a palliative care team was brought in instead. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3397 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 817 | Comments: 0
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AARP is announcing the winners of a unique contest that encourages filmmakers to tell the story of family caregiving through short films. The competition was launched as part of Ad Council and AARP’s National Caregiver Awareness Campaign to help reveal the hard work and dedication of the nation’s 40 million family caregivers. These stories focus on three family caregiving themes: The Changing Face of Caregiving, Roles Change, and Random Acts of Kindness for Caregivers. The winners share a $25,000 prize and the opportunity for their work to be featured on AARP and Ad Council web and social platforms. “These three minute or shorter films really open up the world of family caregiving helping people to better understand the intense challenges as well as the deep personal rewards of caring for a loved one,” said Amy Goyer, AARP family and caregiving expert and author of the new award-winning book Juggling Life, Work, and Caregiving. “But more importantly, the stories show how much love is present in family caregiving, whether it comes from a family member, friend or even a stranger.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3365 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m-0s | Views: 916 | Comments: 1
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The Meta “Heart 2 Heart” campaign, created to encourage more family dialogue about heart health, enlisted Emmy award-winning talk show host Michael Strahan to help jumpstart conversations during National Heart Month in February and beyond. Meta, the #1 doctor and pharmacist recommended fiber brand, is proven to help lower cholesterol to promote heart health† when paired with a healthy diet. In an effort to lead by example and put his professional talk show expertise to use in a fresh way, Strahan invited the cameras in to capture his own personal father-son heart conversation, including practical tips on how to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle. The “Heart 2 Heart” video, now available for viewing on YouTube, will also be featured at this weekend’s Dad 2.0 Summit in Washington D.C., where over 400 influential dad bloggers will discuss the “new normal” of fatherhood. As a father himself, Michael Strahan will speak at the conference alongside Dr. Charles Lambert, Preventative Cardiologist at Florida Hospital, to discuss his role as a dad, the male influences in his life that contributed to his success, and how he maintains a heart-healthy lifestyle amid a growing busy schedule. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3308 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 763 | Comments: 0
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For the past six years Brookdale, the nation’s largest senior living provider, has fulfilled its residents’ life-long dreams and Wishes by partnering with Wish of a Lifetime™, an organization dedicated to shifting the way society views and values our oldest generation. During this time, some of the most exciting Wishes have taken place in the skies above. Since the partnership began, more than 70 aerial themed Wishes have been granted to Brookdale residents who had dreams of skydiving, taking helicopter tours, flying fighter jets and more. “Seeing our residents fulfill their Wish of a Lifetime through these incredible aviation adventures shows how older adults continue to act on their dreams and passions,” says Sara Terry, vice president of resident and family engagement. “We are always thrilled to find opportunities for our residents to enrich their lives and honor their spirit.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3114 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 924 | Comments: 0
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DePuy Synthes Companies today announced the launch of Hit Play, an educational initiative that encourages those dealing with hip or knee pain to stop settling for a life on ‘pause’ and instead take action to get back to the activities and people they love most. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common reasons for severe hip or knee pain, affecting nearly 27 million Americans today and will potentially affect up to 67 million people by 2030.1,2 In turn, demand for hip and knee replacements are expected to dramatically increase, yet many women see joint replacement as a “last resort” and often wait until the pain has become unbearable before turning to surgery. Through a series of compelling and relatable content, DePuy Synthes seeks to inspire the millions of people stuck on ‘pause’ due to hip or knee pain to explore joint replacement with a doctor, as a potential viable solution when they Hit Play. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3045 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 855 | Comments: 0
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We won't be in this life forever. How to prepare for your departure
Tags // life  forever  hereafter  prepare  islam  muslim 
Added: 3010 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 75m50s | Views: 846 | Comments: 3
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Miral and SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:SEAS) (“SeaWorld”) today announced their partnership to develop SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, a first-of-its-kind marine life themed park on Yas Island. This next generation SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will also include the United Arab Emirates’ (“UAE”) first dedicated marine life research, rescue, rehabilitation and return center with world-class facilities and resources for the care and conservation of local marine life. SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will be the first new SeaWorld without orcas, and will integrate up-close animal experiences, mega attractions and a world class aquarium, bringing the latest technology in visitor engagement. The partnership brings together Miral’s expertise in developing Yas Island’s portfolio of destinations with SeaWorld’s 50-plus years of theme park, veterinary medicine, marine science and zoological practice and experience. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3007 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 871 | Comments: 0
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Miral and SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE:SEAS) (“SeaWorld”) today announced their partnership to develop SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, a first-of-its-kind marine life themed park on Yas Island. This next generation SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will also include the United Arab Emirates’ (“UAE”) first dedicated marine life research, rescue, rehabilitation and return center with world-class facilities and resources for the care and conservation of local marine life. SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will be the first new SeaWorld without orcas, and will integrate up-close animal experiences, mega attractions and a world class aquarium, bringing the latest technology in visitor engagement. The partnership brings together Miral’s expertise in developing Yas Island’s portfolio of destinations with SeaWorld’s 50-plus years of theme park, veterinary medicine, marine science and zoological practice and experience. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3007 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 788 | Comments: 0
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Are you confused about life? Give this video a thought
Tags // life  party  fun  religion  islam  purpose 
Added: 2955 days ago by Merciful
Runtime: 3m16s | Views: 560 | Comments: 3
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