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Search // even
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Click: “This music video is about immigrants and the challenges they encounter every day," says Sarantos. “Can you imagine leaving the comforts of your homeland and moving by yourself or with a spouse or child to go to a foreign land, not knowing the language and not having any money in your pockets? I can't even imagine something that drastic! My parents were both immigrants and I recall the bias against them. They worked hard, bothered no one and only cared about helping me live a better life. Is there a cause more just or noble? America is still the land of opportunity. I have such a profound level of respect and admiration for any and all immigrants who legally try to make America their adopted home!” 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to Feed My Starving Children. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and they ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Sarantos even participated in one of these packing sessions on a cold Chicago night last month!
Tags // sarantos  childs  mind 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3639 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m45s | Views: 1128 | Comments: 0
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April showers bring May flowers but it also brings the potential for water in your basement. One of the worst experiences a homeowner can have is a backed-up sewer or drain filling the basement with foul-smelling water and sewage. Water losses are rising even though many of these accidents are preventable. In 2014, State Farm paid nearly $1.8 billion for water loss claims as a result of frozen pipes, flooded basements and burst appliance hoses, an increase from the $1.3 billion State Farm paid in 2013. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3635 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 884 | Comments: 2
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A National Safety Council public opinion poll found more than eight in 10 Americans believe cell phones are addictive, underscoring the need to help drivers kick their cell phone use habit – even hands-free. The Council is launching a national campaign, Calls Kill, to illustrate that hands-free cell phones are not risk-free, and no call is worth a life. Visit for downloadable posters, infographics, videos, tip sheets and other information related to this important topic. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3627 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 821 | Comments: 0
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Since ancient times, the egg has been regarded as a symbol of new life and has been associated with springtime celebrations, such as Easter and Passover. But, even during festive occasions, eggs can cause food poisoning (also called foodborne illness) if they are not handled properly. That’s why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminds consumers to handle fresh eggs safely during their springtime celebrations and throughout the year. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3626 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 1173 | Comments: 2
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More than ever, Americans are looking for small steps that lead them to healthier, longer lives. They’re avoiding the office vending machine, they’re walking that extra mile, and they’re getting to the doctor’s office for their regular checkups. Now, a life insurance company wants to recognize people for these healthy habits. John Hancock, in partnership with Vitality, is offering a whole new kind of life insurance product that rewards consumers for living healthy, while protecting their loved ones. The company has teamed up with Chris O’Donnell, star of the hit drama NCIS: Los Angeles, to help consumers recognize they are in control of their physical, emotional, and financial health, and – even with a busy schedule – can take small steps to truly improve their quality of life, now. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3620 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 722 | Comments: 0
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This Earth Month, MorningStar Farms, a leader in the veggie movement for over 40 years, is spotlighting how eating a diet with more plant-based foods is one of the easiest, most delicious “acts of green” we can do today for a better tomorrow. To spread awareness, MorningStar Farms teamed up with food expert and “Top Chef” host Padma Lakshmi to encourage people to take the Veg of Allegiance™. The pledge is simple –eat veggie protein instead of meat, for even just one meal a week, and share your pledge on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #VegAllegiance. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3614 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 888 | Comments: 0
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Nothing heats up Alaska more than second chances and Wild Heat. The quaint town of Cailkirn, Alaska welcomes back Kitty Grant even though she has a secret. But it’s Tack MacKinnon who is willing to look past their history, his heartbreak and her secrets to keep her protected and make her his own. Welcome to The Northern Fire Series by Lucy Monroe. #WildHeatNovel Romance
Tags // wild  heat  lucy  monroe  alaska  romance  hot  fiction  small  town  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3597 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 973 | Comments: 0
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KitchenAid has launched a new line of dishwashers combining striking design elements, including a unique black stainless steel finish, with high-performance features that have earned it bragging rights as the best performing dishwasher brand. “Our latest dishwasher models bring a sleek and sophisticated look to the kitchen, but can tackle even the toughest challenges,” said Beth Robinson, senior manager of brand experience for KitchenAid. “Tests undertaken without the benefit of rinse aid have proven that our newest dishwashers offer the best combined wash and dry results of any leading premium brand.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 3577 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 1145 | Comments: 0
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On Saturday May 30th at the French Tennis Open, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development unveiled its first tourism package, “Enjoy the China Open, Visit Beijing”, or how to combine sport and visits to the cultural sites of Beijing. This comprehensive package includes three days of guided visits to the city’s most beautiful tourist sites, as well as three days to experience the China Open, featuring the world’s top players. With a host of options, the package will meet the needs of sports fans and cultural travel enthusiasts alike. This exclusive package comprises a joint offer by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development and the China Open. It will include several visits to key tourist attractions in the city, such as Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and even the Great Wall of China. At the same time, travellers will also be able to take advantage of 3 days courtside, at the China Open, a WTA premier mandatory event and an ATP 500 event, which is the biggest international competition in Asia. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3565 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 1001 | Comments: 1
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On Saturday May 30th at the French Tennis Open, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development unveiled its first tourism package, “Enjoy the China Open, Visit Beijing”, or how to combine sport and visits to the cultural sites of Beijing. This comprehensive package includes three days of guided visits to the city’s most beautiful tourist sites, as well as three days to experience the China Open, featuring the world’s top players. With a host of options, the package will meet the needs of sports fans and cultural travel enthusiasts alike. This exclusive package comprises a joint offer by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development and the China Open. It will include several visits to key tourist attractions in the city, such as Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and even the Great Wall of China. At the same time, travellers will also be able to take advantage of 3 days courtside, at the China Open, a WTA premier mandatory event and an ATP 500 event, which is the biggest international competition in Asia. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3564 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m22s | Views: 947 | Comments: 1
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Lightning may not seem as destructive as other natural disasters, yet a strike can cause serious damage to business equipment and electrical appliances, disrupt electrical service for long periods of time, and spark wildfires. In 2014, State Farm paid nearly $149 million dollars for insurance claims as a result of damage from lightning strikes. June, July, and August are the times of year when lightning is most frequent. Even though lightning is weather-related and not a preventable event, there are ways to reduce your chance of damage from a power surge or fire. That is why State Farm has joined forces with the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) in recognition of Lightning Awareness Week, June 21-27. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3549 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m12s | Views: 1148 | Comments: 1
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Pegasus Airlines makes its mark in the aviation sector again with a new video explaining flight safety rules in partnership with Disney Turkey. Marvel's best-known characters appealing to all ages, including Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man, Loki, Hawkeye and Odin, feature as flight safety rules are explained in an entertaining and fun way. The overriding message of the safety demo video is: 'Even if you're a superhero, flight safety rules are important for you'. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3548 days ago by MultiVu
Runtime: 4m55s | Views: 829 | Comments: 0
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