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This video is a dedication to all my friends at IBS Mumbai who have created a great impact in my life. These two years have really been so special for all of Us. I'm sure we're all gonna miss our college days. Specially those who wont be going for further studies (FURTHER STUDIES!!!!!! INSANE!!!). This would be the last spice of college life they would get....... The video mainly is based of the photos of my close friend circle, particularly Section C. But its dedicated to the whole Batch of 2010... Pardon me if I have missed few faces.. Did this the night of FRM exam... Total time taken... 4hrs. 45 min... But I thought its the last chance. To say thanks.. For being so special!!!!
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5517 days ago by cowboyguy4u
Runtime: 10m-0s | Views: 9226 | Comments: 1



Playing in the puddle at the park, so much fun I just couldn't stop her.
Tags // playing 
Categories // Family 
Added: 5509 days ago by serene_connelly
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 10773 | Comments: 0



Surmang Foundation has operated a primary care clinic in a remote, poor region of Western China, in partnership with the Chinese Government, Qinghai Province, and Yushu Prefecture, since 1992. The Core Project has treated over 60,000 patients for free, including medicine, since the clinic building was completed in 1996. Its focus is on the maternal and child mortality/morbidity rates of the region, among the highest in the world. It supports two local ethnic Tibetan doctors, Phuntsok Dongdrup and Sonam Drogha. In our catchment area, the average annual income is about $50. Surmang Foundation’s remote site is a test case and a model for all of rural China, because impoverished nomadic Tibetans manifest in the extreme, most rural health and poverty problems. In cooperation with the Chinese Government and several hospitals, Surmang Foundation is currently expanding its mission to address the lack of access to basic services among the 28 million impoverished residents of rural, Western China and the lack of capacity of the local medical providers. The pilot project will create a network of remote providers for IT-based distance medical education and remote diagnosis and referral. The pilot began in 2005 with the promulgation of an archive of all Tibetan and Chinese language health promotion materials and continued in 2006 with the installation of a satellite dish at the Surmang campus. A part of that is the Community Health Worker Project funded by an AmCham grant in Spring 2005. Surmang Foundation has partnered with the Soong Ching-ling Foundation since November 2005.
Tags // surmang  foundation 
Categories // Webcam 
Added: 5508 days ago by yaojia
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 5042 | Comments: 2



Crazy stunt to put the autotrader iphone app to extreme test. Dont try this at home!
Tags // auto  trader  iphone  app  iphone  bridge  swing  number  plate  stunt  extreme  test 
Added: 5474 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 9972 | Comments: 1



When the Football World Cup begins in South Africa in June 2010, many thousands of boys aged between ten and twelve will have already finished competing in their own World Cup. The Volkswagen Junior World Masters is a worldwide tournament series which is held in Brazil, Mexico, the USA, Russia, South Africa and Germany, amongst other countries. In May, the winning teams will compete in a final tournament at the famous Bernabe� Stadium in Madrid.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5423 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 7551 | Comments: 1



Scott proposed to Betty Torrie last night. And he said YES. He has made her the happiest woman in the world. They are so so so in love. Thier marraige will be on the 3rd August at St Magarets Church in Fofar. And everyone is so so so welcome. She is so happy, and they are going to have loads of babies.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5412 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 7691 | Comments: 2



These Two Men Will Be Fighting Each Other On 5th May 2010 At The Reid Park Bandstand In Forfar. For Months They Have Been Miscalling Each Other On Facebook,Bebo,Tagged And Myearbook. Davy Laing Goes Into Training For This Fight. Wazza's Time Has Come.
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5404 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 10108 | Comments: 2



The Lamma Dragons and Thirsty Horse have outdone themselves again as they hosted the 4th Annual Lamma 500. International Dragon Boat Festival at Tai Wan To Beach, Lamma Island, on Sunday, May 16th 2010. The Lamma Dragon Boat Festival has always been a popular attraction in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. This year, SOU-TV was the official media sponsor for the festival and we are happy to tell you that we have captured the most exciting highlights of the races right here!
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5389 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m52s | Views: 8292 | Comments: 2



The Tiny Streaker Runs On To Soccer Pitches At The World Cup. This Man Is A True Hero.
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5375 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 5472 | Comments: 2



Bear and Missy at the Kirtland Summer Bash on Friday, July 23, 2010.
Tags // bear  missy 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5343 days ago by bayley_dog
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 10914 | Comments: 0
      Official trailer for Gucci Guilty -- the new fragrance for her. A tale of passion and defiance. Full version coming soon... Starring Evan Rachel Wood and Chris Evans. Directed by Frank Miller. Soundtrack by Friendly Fires. Become a fan, discover new content and win tickets to the MTV VMAs at: View comments, related videos and more.
Tags // gucci  gucci  guilty  gucci  pour  homme  gucci  for  men  gucci  flora  guilty  pleasures  frank  miller  sin  city  mickey  rourke  watch 
Added: 5319 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 8715 | Comments: 2



All the big digital players are gathering in London 21-22 September to discuss, debate, share strategy and answer your questions at ad:tech London 2010. Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Coca Cola, LVMH, DELL, BT, Moshi Monsters, WPP, Microsoft, AKQA, Lush, BBC, 20th Century Fox, King of Shaves, Phone Valley, Mail Online, the Mirror, Neo@Ogilvy and MindShare will all be present to share strategy, case studies and give you the answers to your questions. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5297 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 5385 | Comments: 1



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