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Ultimate fighters from around Asia converge on Hong Kong for No Rules Mixed Martial Arts. Including Yodsaenklai Fairtex, Contender Asia Winner 2008. A KO is the only way to know you won in this brutal battle of the worlds finest
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5951 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m34s | Views: 12842 | Comments: 1
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Pour Noël, découvrez l'intégralité du Clip de TIBET 2008 ! Les artistes ensemble se sont réunis bénévolement pour chanter pour la bonne cause. Téléchargez TIBET 2008 (Format MP3 dans DRM) sur iTunes, Starzik ou > Prix du MP3 : 0.99€, au profit de l'association humanitaire : - La maison des himalayas (Pour la construction d'un centre pour handicapés tibétains et indiens) Les artistes ensemble : - Renaud SIRY - Didier BARBELIVIEN - Gérard PALAPRAT - Pierre GROSCOLAS - Fred ZEITOUN - Fabienne THIBEAULT - STONE - Mario D'ALBA - FRAMBOISE - Alain CHANONE - Morgan ROYER - René JOLY - Tenzin GÖNPO La Star Academy 7 La troupe de Fame Auteurs/Compositeurs : Renaud SIRY, Gérard STERN, Patricia DORÉ
Added: 5925 days ago by BSmax
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 17896 | Comments: 2
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i just love this game. its still my fav mp game. but i dont play mp any more. and not just ut04. i get sick of being cheated by zelios type hack whores.. very lil is honest on line. seems to me. the same type zelios junk they all use in ut04 is used in all of the mp games.. they have undetectable- not punk buster nothing stops these folks- they have auto tracking and lock on aim bot- radar- can up player speed how high they jump- armor health- ammo what ever and can make adjustments on the fly while playing.. most turn the junk down to not be noticed- but you always get the noob hacker who will post his dumb ass cheat videos on youtube or where ever and prove the games are cheated.. most do lie and most clans all of it is built off of a hack cheat program. its a trip and it sucks.. so i see no need to play mp any more. but i still like ut04 and add maps and skins etc. and it is a great classic. few games can match its quality and or mass content..
Categories // Games 
Added: 5902 days ago by ezeht
Runtime: 8m19s | Views: 5266 | Comments: 1
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ha ha the general lee is cool. it has no guns but its pretty fast and gets some air
Categories // Games 
Added: 5902 days ago by ezeht
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 7159 | Comments: 1
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Decided to post this video because it's also one of my favorites! I work really hard on these videos. It takes me about five-six weeks just to make a video. And I work on them everyday. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway by making this video. My only purpose for this video was for entertainment. So please no rude or negative comments. Thanks! Oh and the song is called Radar by Brittney Spears [: Enjoy!
Tags // club  penguin  music  video  cp  acheerdance  radar 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5901 days ago by Acheerdance
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 8368 | Comments: 1
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Check it @ Over 80 million full quality movies » Download full length TV shows » Get the hottest music videos » Transfer files to your MP3 player » No download limits Watch live tv on your pc, 4000 + stations for free. Download unlimited movies, music, games software and so much more. Watch newly released movies still in theaters and its 100% legal.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Sexy 
Added: 5895 days ago by ronin2230
Runtime: 6m30s | Views: 12095 | Comments: 2
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No matter how hard we try, life doesn’t always go as we plan. Just as Harry begins to pick up the pieces of his life, emotions once hidden away must be dealt with as old wounds are exposed. Although he finally meets a woman who understands and truly loves him, the cosmos takes a different path. He discovers that what goes wrong in life sometimes matters as much as what goes right.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5879 days ago by ntech
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 8066 | Comments: 0
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Taylor Swift-Our song No copyright intended I only own the Footage not the song
Tags // high  school  music  funny  taylor  swift 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5844 days ago by Hay-HayReece
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 15577 | Comments: 1
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Paramore-fences NO copyright intended I only own the footage not the song!
Tags // paramore  fences  funny  high  school  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5844 days ago by Hay-HayReece
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 14735 | Comments: 1
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Jeffrey Howrey aka Dr. Bob a seasoned guitarist/vocalist/composer. The song Trustifarian is tasty, clever, with a great hook. This song is featured on Black Rose the federal registration. Please be aware of many imitators and individuals with total disregard of the law. Black Rose is a federal registration 1214374 registered October 26, 1980 belonging to Tito Batista President of Black Rose Productions Inc. No other individuals are authorize to use this federal registration without a licensing agreement. All others are in violation of copyright law and you should not do business with these violators infringing on our federal registration Black Rose. In addition owns Black Rose Records, Black Rose Media, Black Rose band, Black Rose Productions, Black Rose filmmakers, Black Rose videos, Black Rose Entertainment, Black Rose music, and Black Rose studios. The song Trustifarian was produced by John Pandolfo for Black Rose Records.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5823 days ago by BlackRose
Runtime: 4m42s | Views: 6874 | Comments: 0
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there is no pain when you abstain.
Tags // funny 
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5792 days ago by avaadigslife
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 4930 | Comments: 2
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**WARNING* Some views maybe affected by this video Song: Understanding by Evanescence Featuring: Sam Owen (played by Louis Tamone) Andy Holt (played by Warren Brown) Dannii Carbone (played by Christina Baily) Russ Owen (played by Stuart Manning) Sophie Burton (played by Connie Powney) Mel Burton (played by Cassie Powney) Louise Summers (played by Roxanne McKee) Crossing the line: Lee Hunter held his presidential party, where both Sam and Andy attended as the pair were feeling the highs from last nights triumph adventure. Andy asked out fellow student Dannii Carbone at the party but she turned him down, as she was seeing Sam's brother Russ. Andys true colours soon emerged and Andy spiked Danniis drink with a GHB drug and then later on went on to rape her, wearing a condom (apparently because he 'cares') as he attacks her unconscious body. No going back: Andy Holt meets up with Sophie and Mel Burton who have come home early from a family holiday. The 3 start drinking together and Andy drugs Mel and Sophie's drinks with the date rape drug GHB. He then takes them back to their house which is empty, then brings his mate Sam Owen over, as he knows Sam fancies Sophie. He tells Sam that he's left Sophie as a present for him and leaves him alone with Sophie whilst he rapes Mel in Darlene's bed. But Sam doesn't want to rape Sophie and leaves her on the sofa. The following morning the twins wake up and realise what has happened so they call the police and get tested but they can't remember that it was Andy who they were drinking with. Mel's test comes up positive for rape whilst Sophies comes up negative. Louise Summers finds out what happened to them and tells them about how she was almost raped. She also tells them another person, Dannii Carbone, was also a victim like them and it was Andy who raped her. Back from the dead: Andy Holt appears and seduces Sam and Russ's younger sister Nicole Owen into going away with him to a seaside town. While there he sends a series of messages to the brothers who realise that Andy is alive when he send them a photo over the phone of him and Nicole on a funfair ride. Russ wants to call the police but Sam insists otherwise and they turn up at the warehouse. They don't see Andy and run in to Nicole unarmed, Andy attacks them with a metal pole breaking Russ's leg and badly injuring Sam. Andy then offers Sam his mobile telling him to call the police, Sam refuses shocking his siblings. Andy reveals that he isn't the only one that has used GHB and raped girls. Nicole and Russ are horrified as Sam admits to it and that he almost raped Sophie Burton his now girlfriend. andy then threatens to rape Nicole but Mel enters in time and knocks him unconsicious. She then forces him to take the GHB drug and ties him to a chair. While they waitfor the ambulance Andy spins a story of regret to Mel who relents until sees Andy laughing at how easily he will get off in court if he can make even one of his victims feel sorry for him. Mel is distracted and Andy tries to run away but disorientated by the drugs and still tied up he stumbles down to the basement. Sophie gives chase only to enter a room to find that Andy in the darkness has run straight into a metal spike part of the machinery. As he dies Sophie shouts insults at him.
Tags // hollyoaks  andy  date  rape 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5752 days ago by Ice1103
Runtime: 8m28s | Views: 27870 | Comments: 0
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