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Search // all-in-one
Results 361-372 of 499 for ' all-in-one ' (0 seconds)  The World's Largest Orchestra is a new and exciting concept. Musicians of all abilities play in unison around the world guided by one conductor with laser batons. Will you play a part?
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3582 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 855 | Comments: 0
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What will it take for drivers to stop texting behind the wheel? Car-buying platform believes that a gentle reminder from a loved one could do the trick. Developers of the award-winning Edmunds app recently broke from their usual work to produce “DrivePromise by Edmunds,” a free app that allows Apple Watch and iPhone owners to make and keep a promise to focus on the road while driving. When the device detects that it is in a moving vehicle, it pops up an uploaded photo of a loved one along with a reminder to drive safely. The app keeps count of all of the user’s safe drives to share with friends and family. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3577 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 1109 | Comments: 2
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Click: Sarantos releases a Singer-Songwriter Folks song near and dear to his heart called "A Missión of Heart". Written by Sarantos, this song is about a man on a mission to change the world, and to make it a better place. Sarantos tries to help others every day with his primary day job. One day, when it is revealed to the world what Sarantos does for a living, fans will probably finally understand and appreciate where Sarantos has been coming from and his mission will make a little more sense. The importance of not constantly thinking about one's own self and material possessions is an important message and one that is not frequently stressed enough in today's world. The charities that Sarantos works with are all noble and trying to make a difference. Sarantos encourages all of his fans to take 5 minutes out of their day to try and do something nice for those less fortunate. He tries to lead by example and urges all musicians to join this cause. Together, a difference can be made. As Sarantos routinely says on radio interviews, how much money do you really need? How many new cars do you truly need? There are many in the world that do not have the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. How many of us can truly say we are in that same situation? 33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to Heart to Heart International. Additional Links:
Tags // sarantos  mission  ofheart 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3573 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m6s | Views: 1411 | Comments: 0
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The recent flooding in Texas means the end of the road for an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 insured vehicles that suffered water damage. That’s the current estimate from Copart, a company that works on behalf of insurers to handle the vehicles damaged in catastrophes. About 2,500 cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs and other vehicles have already been towed to one of Copart’s locations, a 200-acre processing facility in Houston. After a disaster, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) works with its member companies, law enforcement and companies like Copart to identify the vehicles that have had an insurance claim filed and to process them for sale. All of the cars will be retitled with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the new title will indicate the fact that the vehicle has been flood damaged. Most of the vehicles are sold to parts companies who will dismantle them and re-sell usable parts that were not damaged by the flooding. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3561 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m31s | Views: 1055 | Comments: 1
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The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity today released a new report “Energy Cost Impacts on Families” that details the plight of American households who are significantly harmed by rising energy costs. The study finds that on average nearly half of America’s households are bringing home $1,900 a month, less than $23,000 annually, and spending 17 percent of those hard-earned dollars on energy. Low and fixed income families, including minorities and senior citizens, are among the most vulnerable to energy price increases and frequently must make tough choices about what to do to meet energy costs. “No one should go without food or medication to keep the lights on but that’s exactly what is taking place in millions of households across America,” said Mike Duncan, president and CEO of ACCCE. “Regulations like EPA’s calamitous Clean Power Plan will only exacerbate the economic struggles families face, making it all that much harder to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. This administration should put Americans ahead of its politically charged agenda and immediately take action to ensure vulnerable families are not harmed further by these reckless regulations.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Categories // Business 
Added: 3550 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 829 | Comments: 2
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To find out more on the different types of car insurance in NSW visit At NRMA Insurance, we’re here to give you all the information you need to choose the best policy for you. That means understanding the difference between agreed value and market value when you take out our Comprehensive Car Insurance. One is not necessarily better than the other. It’s about which one is right for you. Say your car is a total loss and you have chosen agreed value on your comprehensive car insurance policy. Agreed value is a fixed value, that we agree to insure your car for upfront, which includes modifications, options and accessories. This gives you the confidence of knowing how much we’ll pay you if your car is a total loss, less any fees and charges. People often prefer an agreed value if they have finance owing on their car. Market Value on the other hand is the value of your car as determined when an incident happens. This is influenced by such factors as local market prices, as well as the age and condition, of your car. It can be a cheaper option, as the amount you’ll receive is uncertain. We hope this has been informative and you’re now ready to go. Remember that, whether you’re insuring a new car, the weekend wagon or a family hand-me-down, the decision to insure your vehicle for either its Agreed Value or Market Value is entirely up to you with our Comprehensive Car Insurance. If you would like to know more, call us on 132 132. NRMA Insurance. It’s insurance, just NRMADE Better.
Tags // comprehensive  car  insurance 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3544 days ago by Australia10
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 824 | Comments: 2
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L’Oréal announced the winners of its International Awards for Social Responsibility in Dermatology, “Caring to Inspire Skin Confidence” at the 23rd World Congress of Dermatology taking place in Vancouver, Canada. For North America Dr. Danielle Marcoux from Canada Camp Liberté – Summer camp for children with skin disorders This one-week summer camp run by volunteer dermatologists and nurses enrolled children aged 7 to 12 with moderate-to-severe skin disorders, as well as their families, to bring them together for support, social interaction and to increase their confidence. All the activities aim to increase patients’ confidence and self-esteem, improve social skills, reduce stigma about their condition and improve adherence to treatment. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3536 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 1020 | Comments: 0
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Deep emotions, love and happiness are the muses of the new Love Bridge collection from THOMAS SABO. This season, the jewellery items appeal to all the senses and convey a feeling of connection with a loved one. Never has a THOMAS SABO collection been as full of sentiments and joie de vivre as this season. Star photographer Ellen von Unwerth presents the new collection perfectly in romantic campaign pictures, with top models Georgia May Jagger and Marlon Teixeira taking centre stage. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3529 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 1124 | Comments: 3
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Adlens, the global leader in adjustable focus eyewear, has launched its ground-breaking adjustable prescription eyewear ‘AdlensFocuss™’, the greatest advancement in optics in more than 50 years. Vision inevitably changes with age and people often need different strength glasses to see at near, intermediate and far distances. Progressive lenses are an option but they have a restricted usable lens area. A GFK Roper Study has shown one-third of wearers say they have trouble adjusting to them with seven to eight percent of wearers saying they cannot adjust to them at all. AdlensFocuss provides the benefits of a single vision lens – full frame viewing area – with the best features of a progressive lens – the ability to see at different distances. They are prescription glasses with proprietary technology; a unique flexible membrane that allows the power to be adjusted by simply turning small dials on the inside of the frames. AdlensFocuss lenses offer at least four times more viewing area than traditional progressive lenses and come encased in a fashion-forward frame from award-winning designer Blake Kuwahara. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3529 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m32s | Views: 1065 | Comments: 3
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Eid is round the corner and in keeping with the spirit of the festival, Capillary Technologies has published a heartwarming three minute video on YouTube about a young man returning home this festive season to celebrate Eid with his family. The essence of the festival of Eid al-Fitr is the bonding, love, sharing, and caring that families around the world celebrate. In today’s busy lifestyle, to be able to give loved ones the immeasurable gift of time during Eid is priceless, and Capillary’s Eid Mubarak video captures the joy of being able to bond, re-connect and spend time with one’s family after a long period of separation. The narrative captures the man’s feelings as he thinks about his home, and the family he hasn’t met in five long years. The video explores various dimensions of human emotions in a beautiful manner, conveying a poignant message that family is the biggest blessing in the world and a festival is all about being with one’s family and celebrating the joy together. To view the Multimedia News Release, go
Added: 3521 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 1026 | Comments: 3
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After a nearly two year bidding race, Almaty 2022 is ready and excited to welcome the international community to its beautiful city. Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city has seen a rapid rise in its tourism sector. With annual growth rates of almost 11% in hotel rooms, Almaty is one of the fastest growing tourism destinations in all of Central Asia. The city attracts visitors from all around the world due to its close proximity to world-class ski resorts, picturesque mountains, newly developed casino and entertainment resorts and vibrant Kazakh culture. In addition, the city continues to benefit from increased tourism through the hosting of major international winter sports events, such as the 2011 Winter Asian Games, as well as many FIS and ISU World Championships. To view the multimedia news release, go to
Categories // Sport  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3513 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m32s | Views: 1034 | Comments: 2
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Comic novels can be whimsical, absurd or just plain funny, rarely are they all three. A riotous romp on the high seas that’s sharply intelligent and refreshingly zany. A five star cruising experience with passengers unaware that plots are afoot to rob them of their jewels and maybe their freedom culminating in an astonishing and unpredictable ending. This is one trip you don’t want to miss. Find out more at comedy/thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 3509 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 998 | Comments: 2
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