Zum Start der neuen Radsaison führt die Deutsche Verkehrswacht (DVW) die bundesweite Aktion „Ich trag´ Helm“ fort, mit der sie für das freiwillige Tragen von Fahrradhelmen wirbt. Um modebewusste Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrer für das Helmtragen zu begeistern, setzt die DVW aktuell die Akzente auf das Thema „Mode und Fahrradhelm“. Als prominenten Paten für die Aktion konnte die DVW den Modedesigner Guido Maria Kretschmer gewinnen. Er zeigte sich von der Idee begeistert, Fahrradhelme mit Mode-Outfits zu kombinieren und nahm die künstlerische Herausforderung an, dies mit seinen Models umzusetzen. Besonders medienwirksam für die Kampagne war das Engagement des Stardesigners auf seiner After-Show-Party während der Berliner „Fashion Week“. Dort trugen seine Models handelsübliche Fahrradhelme zur Abendgarderobe. Auf der Party wurde ein Video-Podcast produziert, der die Models und die Reaktion der Gäste, zum Beispiel von Jorge Gonzalez, zeigt.
http://www.eveofpoison.co.uk There will never be another like Bettie Page the greatest pin up. She has always been my inspiration. I guess I am romantic about the 1950s, I love the fashion and music. The song for this video is 'Shadows' taken from our debut album - 'Ascension'. Hope you like. Check out our other videos. For more info about me and my band, go to http://www.eveofpoison.co.uk Thanks for watching.
We have put together some of the hottest male models that cover the face of the earth. These are unreleased shots never seen before. These candid shots are of some of the most attractive males on the planet and was especially made for all of the men and women all over the world that truly love men. Enjoy, more to come in the near future!!! Let\'s us know what else interests you by posting your comments and sharing this video with your friends.
The most incredible collection of paper-folding projects ever assembled! Origami master John Montroll has created and diagrammed 46 easy to challenging origami models related to BATMAN, SUPERMAN, WONDER WOMAN and the Justice League. Watch as these creations come to life.
DC Super Heroes Origami: 46 Folding Projects for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and More
www.capstoneyoungreaders.com Kids/Comics
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Spoken Word Written by Zuhayr Essenouni & Mounir
This spoken word is about how some young boys are enticed into gang life due to the lack of choice. Their upbringing saw this as the only option. They didn't find acceptance in school or home but got respect from gang members. They felt like they were part of something bigger than themselves. I also try to depict how they don't really care about you and the only aim is making money. so when you do slip up or make a mistake they will turn on you. The final part is about regretting what you did and wanting to change. This is a 100% guarantee for all gang members. There will come a time where it is either love, family or moral/ ethical reasons to stop. one way or another all gang members realise that the life is not for them.
We as youth should not be swayed but the idea of money and acceptance. Gangsters are not role models they are humans that are in a very bad situation and need help themselves. It is not a life that should be glamorised.
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Spoken Word by Zuhayr Essenouni Audio by Zuhayr Essenouni
Clubman comes to Hong Kong -Mini Cooper has chosen Hong Kong as the first place in the world to launch their new model Clubman. Music, celebrities, models and mini fans flooded Stanley Plaza for a full on party. Flamenco dancers, beat boxers, sword fights and a surreal carnival atmosphere took over the night. But nothing could steal the show from the unveiling of the new Clubman. Draped with beautiful women the cars were unveiled to a cheering audience while champagne flowed freely. Taiwanese boy band Lollipop provided another level of excitement as young girl fans screamed from outside the walls.