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Search // fix
Results 25-36 of 36 for ' fix ' (0 seconds) Long Path Tool fixes path too long error allowing to delete or copy long path files or files locked by other applications. Long Path Tool can fix: Path too long. Error cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk. Cannot delete file: Access is denied. There has been a sharing violation. Cannot delete file or folder The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name. The source or destination file may be in use. The file is in use by another program or user. Error Deleting File or Folder. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use. Path too deep.
Tags // too  long  files  long  deep  files  error  deleting  files  cannot  delete  files 
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Added: 4682 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 5107 | Comments: 0
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If your parking lot is already paved, check for cracks and a fragmented surface. Once you find damage to the surface, fix it with concrete or asphalt; it is better to get an asphalt crack repair service from a good paving company. For more information visit here:
Tags // atlanta  parking  lot  maintenance 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4563 days ago by JohnSills
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 3657 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Dr. Sara Gottfried refuses to accept the traditional medical thinking that feeling cranky, asexual, tapped out, and sleep-deprived is just part of being female and aging, and that prescription medication will fix all problems. In The Hormone Cure, she combines natural therapies with rigorous scientific testing to help women feel fully alive, especially in the years prior to menopause. Using an informative questionnaire to identify common symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as insomnia, low sex drive, lack of energy, moodiness, hot flashes, and more; detailing causes; and offering solutions in non-judgmental and thoughtful language, Dr. Gottfried provides a novel plan based on solid scientific research. She believes you don't find a cure at the bottom of a pill bottle.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4399 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 1641 | Comments: 1
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when he tries to fix the car, the other gets impatient haha
Tags // john  travolta  robert  de  niro  killing  season  2013  funny  playing  dead  haha  death  died  lol 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4225 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 743 | Comments: 3
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Trophy Wife Nail Art has teamed up with Maybelline New York to bring you this stunning nail art look: Neon Jigsaw. This design features Color Show nail colours: Orange Fix, Chiffon Chic, Green with Envy and Fuchsia Fever.‎‎
Tags // color  show 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4186 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m47s | Views: 799 | Comments: 0
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Trophy Wife Nail Art has teamed up with Maybelline New York to bring you this stunning nail art look: M is for Maybelline. This design features Color Show nail colours: Orange Fix, Onyx Rush and Iced Queen.‎‎
Tags // color  show 
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Added: 4186 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 794 | Comments: 0
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Gleich zweimal fallen erstmals Kindersitze der Traditionsmarke Römer beim aktuellen Test des ADAC und der Stiftung Warentest mit „mangelhaft“ durch. Ein Sitz versagt beim Frontaufprall, der andere hat viel zu hohe Schadstoffwerte. Insgesamt erhalten vier von 15 getesteten Sitzen das ADAC Urteil „mangelhaft“. Bei einem Sitz von Axkid reißt sogar die Isofixverankerung, bei einem Sitz von Nania wird das Kind beim Seitenaufprall ungeschützt an die Autotür gedrückt. Generell gibt es dieses Mal auffallend viele schlechte Modelle. Als bestes Produkt im Test erweist sich der Cybex Juno 2-Fix mit einer sehr guten Beurteilung. Dieser wird mit Fangkörper in der Klasse I für Kinder von etwa 1 bis 4 Jahren angeboten, er ist damit besonders empfehlenswert. Da allerdings nicht jedes Kind einen Fangkörper akzeptiert, sollten Eltern dies vor dem Kauf unbedingt ausprobieren. Folgende Sitze erhalten ein „gut“ und sind empfehlenswert: Der Casualplay Q-Retraktor Fix und der Casualplay Q-Retraktor Fix & Support Leg (mit Stützfuß) für die Klasse I (von etwa 1 bis 4 Jahren) sowie der Römer Kidfix XP SICT, der Recaro Monza Nova 2, der Storchenmühle Solar und der Recaro Monza Nova 2 Seatfix, alle für die Klasse II/III (von etwa 4 bis 12 Jahren). Beim Römer Xtensafix (Klasse I/II/III von etwa 1 bis 12 Jahren) rutscht der Gurt beim Crashtest aus der Führung und schneidet in den Hals des Kindes ein, was ein hohes Verletzungsrisiko darstellen kann – der Club bewertet deshalb das Produkt als „mangelhaft“. Auch der rückwärts gerichtete Römer Max-Fix (Klasse 0+/I, bis etwa 4 Jahre), ein sogenannter Reboarder, erhält aufgrund seiner hohen Schadstoffbelastung das ADAC Urteil „mangelhaft“. Durchgefallen sind auch die Babyschale Nania Baby Ride (bis etwa 1,5 Jahre) und der Axkid Kidzofix (Klasse I/II von etwa 1 bis 7 Jahren). Während die Babyschale beim Seitenaufprall versagt und das Kind bei einem Unfall ungeschützt an die Fahrzeugtüre geprallt wäre, reißt beim Axkid die Isofixverankerung im Frontcrash und der Sitz fliegt durch das Fahrzeug. Darüber hinaus ist dieser Sitz hoch belastet mit Schadstoffen. Die vollständigen ADAC Kindersitztestergebnisse sind unter zu finden. Getestet wurden die Kindersitze aus allen Gewichtsklassen in den Kriterien Sicherheit, Bedienung & Ergonomie, Schadstoffgehalt, Reinigung und Verarbeitung. Wichtig für die Eltern: Die Kleinsten müssen bei jeder Fahrt im Sitz richtig gesichert sein. Vor dem Kauf sollte man sich unbedingt Bedienung und Einbau erklären lassen. Um Fehler beim Einbau zu vermeiden, muss die Bedienungsanleitung genau befolgt werden. Außerdem empfiehlt der ADAC, den Sitz vor dem Kauf im eigenen Fahrzeug auszuprobieren: Nicht jedes Produkt passt optimal in jedes Auto. Der Kindersitz muss sich stabil befestigen lassen und besonders auf den richtigen Gurtverlauf ist zu achten.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4157 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 1087 | Comments: 1
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HealthCare Partners, a division of DaVita Inc. (NYSE: DVA), a leading independent medical group in the United States, is encouraging Medicare beneficiaries to review their health care coverage during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period. From October 15 through December 7, Medicare holds its annual Open Enrollment Period. During this seven-week window, Medicare beneficiaries can make changes to their health and prescription drug plans for the following year. If you are satisfied with your Medicare coverage, you may wonder how open enrollment applies to you. As the old adage goes, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” right? While this may certainly be the case for many things in life, it may not be true about your Medicare coverage. Choosing a Medicare plan is similar to shopping for other insurance; by comparing different plans and rates, you choose the coverage that’s best for you. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3035 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 655 | Comments: 0
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We get it, filters are the perfect skin fix for all things social, but what about your real-life beauty routine? Ditch the filters and take the #peelchallenge with Exuviance Performance Peel AP25 to reveal your own radiant, glowing complexion. Experience the benefits of this high performance 25% blend of Alpha and Poly Hydroxy Acids including Glycolic Acid, Mandelic Acid, and Gluconolactone. Exuviance Performance Peel AP25, developed by the original patent holders of the Glycolic Acid peel, exfoliates dead, dull surface layers, and encourages cell renewal for fresher, healthier-looking skin. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2848 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m39s | Views: 768 | Comments: 0
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Step right up to witness the greatest “big top” celebration the world has ever seen. The 14th Annual Avon Heritage Duck Tape® Festival sets up Father’s Day weekend – Friday, June 16 through Sunday, June 18, 2017 – with a theme to entertain men, women and children of all ages. That’s right, folks, the Duck Tape® “circus” is coming to town! Available in hundreds of colors, designs and licenses, America’s favorite fix-all is ready for the spotlight. Head out to Veterans Memorial Park in Avon, Ohio to be amazed, amused and astonished by a most-incredible Duck Tape® “Circus Spectacular”: from a circus-themed parade featuring floats made with Duck Tape®, larger-than-life Duck Tape® sculptures to lots of fun under the arts and crafts tent and a community fashion show. Families can also enjoy delicious fair food favorites (cotton candy, anyone?), rides and attractions, including family-friendly games, live entertainment and more. Plus, the first 500 spectators each day will receive a free roll of Duck Tape®. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2847 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m28s | Views: 914 | Comments: 0
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The Honda Accord, Volvo XC60 and the Lincoln Navigator were crowned as the winners of the 2018 North American Car, Utility and Truck of the Year (NACTOY) awards today at the North American International Auto Show. The awards are among the most prestigious in the industry because they are chosen by a panel of more than 60 jurors from print, online and broadcast media across the United States and Canada. Votes were tallied confidentially by Deloitte LLP and remained sealed until they were announced today by NACTOY officers, President Mark Phelan, Vice President Matt DeLorenzo and Secretary-Treasurer Lauren Fix at Cobo Center in Detroit. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2611 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 899 | Comments: 1
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Oro Valley Audiology 2542 E Vistoso Commerce Loop Rd, Tucson, AZ 85755, USA (520) 825-4770 As the name suggests, and audiologist is a health-care professional who concentrates on the medical diagnoses, recognition, tracking and treatment of conditions of the auditory and vestibular parts of the ear. These specialists dispense hearing aids, manage and fix up hearing problems and evaluate candidacy for cochlear implants. An audiologist helps style and carry out individual and industrial hearing safety programs, newborn hearing screening programs, and school hearing screening programs. Audiologists have training in anatomy and physiology, hearing aids, cochlear implants, electrophysiology, acoustics, psychophysics, neurology, vestibular function and evaluation, balance disorders, therapy and indication language. Unfortunately, hearing loss is prevalent throughout the U.S.
Tags // audiologist 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1752 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 807 | Comments: 0
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