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Search // 2d
Results 25-26 of 26 for ' 2d ' (0 seconds)
A Primal Wisdom, 2d. Ed. Explains why finding the asymmetric balance or sweet spot between cooperative behavior and competitive behavior is the key to resolving issues, and the key for setting the best course for any social, economic or political system, and for achieving the highest and best level of operation of the system. This is so because it is natural. John Forbes Nash applied the co-opetition concept to Game Theory in business. Years before that, your author V. Frank Asaro coined the word co-opetition and applied the theory universally. Find out more at Non-fiction, self-help, political philosophy
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3312 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 974 | Comments: 0
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Vigilant Solutions, a global intelligence and analytics company serving law enforcement agencies, announced today BallisticSearch™, a new product providing law enforcement agencies with faster and more efficient cartridge case analysis, will be unveiled at the upcoming International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference, October 21st – 24th in Philadelphia. BallisticSearch includes portable image capture hardware, cartridge case capture software and ballistics comparison technology. The solution enables agencies to quickly compare evidence from crime scenes to help generate more investigative leads, and potentially identify more suspects and the firearms they use. Developed using the company’s image analysis and technology expertise, BallisticSearch is designed to be the most efficient system available for analyzing ballistic evidence in both 2D and 3D format. BallisticSearch can process evidence in minutes, while other systems can take hours to process the same evidence. BallisticSearch’s faster analysis will have a huge impact on reducing backlogs. With faster comparisons and potential links established, agencies can generate strong investigative leads boosting their ability to solve crimes more quickly, in some cases right from the crime scene. This will help agencies establish a comprehensive ballistic collection program and ultimately reduce crime rates. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2684 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 715 | Comments: 2
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