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Ab Exercises - Build muscle lose fat with Turbulence Training\'s fat loss workout. Fat loss workouts through weight training and minimal cardio. Weight training exercise will burn fat and help you gain muscle. Get rid of stubborn belly fat.
Tags // ab  exercises  ab  exercise  fat  loss  fat  burning  burn  fat 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5727 days ago by turbulencetraining123
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 10253 | Comments: 1
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got a group of members to help clean up little talbot island state park. remember always take your trash with you from the beach and discard in the proper cans. the beaches is our kids future. thank you.
Tags // beach  clean  up  and  fishing 
Categories // Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 5724 days ago by justonemorecast
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 8869 | Comments: 1
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Terrorist's Farewell Video: Female suicide terrorist sees killing Zionists as her ticket to heaven Reem Riyashi, Hamas, before her attack killing 4, Hamas website, 2004 2009 I am the Martyr Reem Saleh Riyashi, I hoped that the shredded limbs of my body would be shrapnel, tearing Zionists to pieces, knocking on heaven's door with the skulls of Zionists. How often I spoke to my soul: "Oh soul, if you loathe the Zionists, enemies of my religion, my blood shall be my path to march to Heaven". Since 8th grade I have striven, seeking people daily to guide, listen, and help me. How often I desired to carry out a Shahada-Seeking (suicide) operation inside Isreal, and by perseverance, and with Allah's grace, my wish was fulfilled.
Tags // reem  riyashi  farewell  hamas  website 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5707 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 12399 | Comments: 0
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Hamas puppet show: Islamic child kills George Bush Aqsa TV (Hamas), Mar. 30, 2008 Bush: Who are you, what brings you here to my home? Child: My daddy, you killed him in the Iraq war. And mommy, you killed her with the criminal Zionists, in Lebanon. My younger and older brothers, you killed them also, with the criminal Zionists, in Gaza's Holocaust. I am orphan, I am orphan, you criminal! Bush, I must take my rights with the sword of Islam. Bush: I repent, just don't kill me. Where are my guards? Guards! Child: (Laughing) There are no guards, and your people surrendered, oh Bush. I'm coming with billions of children from Palestine, Iraq, children from Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan. Bush: I will give you whatever you want. Come with me to the White House, you and your friends. Child: (Laughing) Bush, you are impure, and it won't help you to go to the White House. It turned into a big mosque for the Islamic nation and Muslims. I will kill you, Bush. It is your fate. I will kill you. (Stabbing Bush) I killed him. (more)
Tags // bush  puppet  islamic  child  kills  george 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5707 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 12816 | Comments: 0
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Bombs are more precious than children Hamas Children's Education (US Senate, Feb 8, 2007) Announcer: Hilary Clinton at a press conference with Palestinian Media Watch in the US Senate criticized Palestinian television and school books: Hilary Clinton: It must stop the propaganda to which Palestinian children are being exposed. Because it basically profoundly poisons the minds of these children. Announcer: Hamas uses its television station to indoctrinate Palestinian children to value violence, hatred and martyrdom. Subtitles: Violence Hatred Martyrdom Violence (Al Aqsa TV (Hamas) 2007) These are the acts of Martyrdom-Seekers Palestine one of its leaders is Ahmad Yassin (Hamas founder) Its children carry the knife. Its children carry machine guns. The land is filled with furious lions Hatred Announcer: Palestinian children are exposed on Hamas television to charming characters who poison them with hatred. Subtitles: [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) Feb 8, 2008] Why is your name Assud (lion) since you are a rabbit? A rabbit is (a term) for a bad person and a coward. And I, Assud, will finish off the Jews and eat them, Allah willing. [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) Feb 22, 2008] Did you see the West's attack against the Messenger (Muhammad)? We will all boycott Danish products We can fight them because they cursed Allah's Messenger. If they repeat it we will kill them, by Allah. I will bite them and eat them! Martyrdom Announcer: Children are encouraged to seek death as heroic martyrs for Allah. Subtitles: Machine-gun and Quran in our hands We've grown and so has the right in the eyes of the wronged We have come! We have come! The pure blood will produce honor and glory Indoctrination Announcer: Even in kindergarten children are indoctrinated to aspire to violence and martyrdom. Subtitles: [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) May 2007] Al-Jihad! Allah Akbar! Your role model? The Prophet (Muhammad). Your path? Jihad! Your aspiration? Death for Allah. Your movement? Hamas Your movement? Hamas Bombs are more precious than children Announcer: This music video simulates the reaction of a five year old girl to her mother's suicide terror attack. The young girl concludes: Bombs are more precious than children. Subtitles: [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) May Nov. 2007] Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms? Mother prepares bomb Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me? Mother hides bomb A toy or a present for me? Come back quickly, Mommy Girl sees news about her mother's bombing Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us My love (for Muhammad) will not be (merely) words. I am following Mommy in her steps! Picks up explosives in mother's drawer My mother! My mother! Subjugation under Islam Announcer: Hamas teaches their children to see themselves as the ones who will subjugate the entire world under Islam. [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) May 11, 2007] Subtitles: We are setting with you the cornerstone For world leadership under Islamic leadership. We will win, Bush! We will win, Sharon! Ah, Sharon is dead. We will win, Olmert! We will win! We will win, Condoleezza! [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) Mar. 30, 2008] Bush: Who are you, what brings you here to my home? Child: My daddy, you killed him in the Iraq war. And mommy, you killed her with the criminal Zionists, in Lebanon. Bush, I must take my rights with the sword of Islam. Bush: I repent, just don't kill me. Where are my guards? Guards! Child: (Laughing) There are no guards, and your people surrendered, oh Bush. I'm coming with billions of children from Palestine, Iraq, children from Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan. Bush: I will give you whatever you want. Come with me to the White House, you and your friends. Child: (Laughing) Bush, you are impure, and it won't help you to go to the White House. It turned into a big mosque for the Islamic nation and Muslims. I will kill you, Bush. It is your fate. I will kill you. (Stabbing Bush) I killed him. (US Senate, Feb 8, 2007 Clinton at press conference with Palestinian Media Watch) Hilary Clinton: It must stop the propagan
Tags // bombs  precious  children 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5707 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 6m30s | Views: 8268 | Comments: 1
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Imagine young, responsible men smiling on an operating theater bed as a team of surgeons cut off their foreskin; in a new effort to help them reduce their risk of acquiring HIV. Well, no need to imagine. See for yourself: In Swaziland, "Operation Abraham" supports the training of doctors in performing safe, effective and rapid circumcisions on men.
Tags // hiv  health  africa  male  circumcisions 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5704 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 7227 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - At Lori's Lingerie - (That is me) YES! I understand the need for the perfect fit! And if does not feel right... The fit may be wrong. So Let me help you and we will get the perfect fit! Yes? Thank You - Lori
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 5660 days ago by Lori5150
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 6305 | Comments: 1
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10 years old and 100 years old both share their uncommon wisdom and universal truths in this inspiring novel by Roger Emerson Fishman. What philosophy is common between a 10 year old and a 100 year old could surprise you. It will definitely warm your heart, inspire your spirit and make you smile. What I Know Roger Emerson Fishman Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book Self Help
Added: 5638 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 6560 | Comments: 0
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Affirmations to help you find the woman inside
Tags // crossdressing 
Categories // Sexy  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5634 days ago by Teresabowers
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 4963 | Comments: 2
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Friends shows everyday lives as they navigate through the different phases of their lives and help each other to get out of the obstacles that life brings to everyone. This video is shows some parts of friends.
Categories // Comedy  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5632 days ago by mackenzie
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 5077 | Comments: 1
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Major companies are helping to find a cure through donations, selling inspirational pink products and creating revolutionary breast scanning technology. Here are a few ways you can help.
Tags // breast  cancer  oreck  energizer  lee  jeans  nvidia  race  for  a  cure  susan  g  komen  christina  applegate  denim  day 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5629 days ago by NextpertNews
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 10007 | Comments: 0
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Fuse needs a video reporter to help cover the John Mayer concert at NYC's Beacon Theatre on November 17th! You can win a trip for you and a friend to NYC including a 2 night stay at the Beacon Hotel, tickets to the sold out Beacon Theatre show, round trip airfare provided by Delta, and the chance to be on Fuse as you co-anchor a special segment of The Daily Noise with Billboard Editorial Director, Bill Werde. To enter, head to
Tags // john  mayer  fuse  beacon  theatre  contest  nyc  new  york  city  free  trip  delta  on  tv 
Categories // Music  Event and Party 
Added: 5610 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 7392 | Comments: 1
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