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The Director of National Intelligence for the United States stated publicly that Iran is a direct threat to the United States. Jay Sekulow talks about the reasons why Iran must not posses a nuclear weapon.
Tags // jay  sekulow 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4389 days ago by jaysekulow
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 1065 | Comments: 0
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I am a fan of those American documentaries but I always wonder why folk would leave such great stuff in lockers. I keep some stuff in storage here
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4374 days ago by taton
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 1302 | Comments: 0
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Think you’re the only one who has been faced with a one-sie suddenly becoming a “two-sie” from your child’s morning “up the back,” a “heave-hello” from a sick kid, or a bathroom “dumpster diving” mission for your phone? You are not alone. That is why The Clorox® Company is partnering with award-winning writer, comedian and mom, Carol Leifer, who has written for shows such as Modern Family and Seinfeld, to launch the Clorox® Ick-tionary, a wiki-style dictionary of everyday ick that parents everywhere and others are all-too familiar with. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny  Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4358 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 4100 | Comments: 1
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Spring means warmer weather, flowers starting to bloom and more time spent outdoors, so why not ring in spring by adding light and healthy new potato recipes to the dining table? Chef and Registered Dietitian Katie Cavuto Boyle stars in the US Potato Board’s “Seven Potato Types” educational video series and has created two new potato salad recipes perfect for the season. With seven unique potato types – Russets, reds, yellows, whites, purples, reds, fingerlings and petites – you can use a new type every night of the week! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // uspb  red  potato  types  salad  dishes  recipes  cooking  tips  food  multivu  60495 
Added: 4357 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 984 | Comments: 1
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Why Do Husbands Get Bored Of Their Wives After Few Years Of Marriage? Advice By Ahmed Moait
Tags // islam  muslim  allah  good  manners 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4355 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 8m5s | Views: 730 | Comments: 2
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Addiction can destroy careers and ruin lives. It can be devastating to watch a loved one descend into addiction, and family members often can’t understand why an addict continues to use drugs or alcohol despite the ruinous consequences. In a series of new videos at, leading experts explain how addiction affects the brain and offer insight into why it is so hard for addicts to stop using drugs and alcohol. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4344 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 2249 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated I use to promote ZNZ One zipnadazilch but i stopped because i was working long hours day and night none stop, was making good money but didn't really have time for nothing the reason i started doing this online stuff is to have freedom you know? Like go on vacations spend time withe family and friends.. but with ZNZ i couldn't do none of that and that's why i stop promoting it, but this is just my ZNZ review, my opinion.
Tags // znz  one 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4338 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m36s | Views: 897 | Comments: 1
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At Stokke, we love to innovate and to challenge modern perceptions, but more than anything else we love to create products that enhance your experiences as a family. It’s all about connection. Tripp Trapp® Newborn Set™ is an ergonomically designed, baby seat that fits simply onto the top of the Tripp Trapp® chair, creating the perfect vantage point for your newborn to experience the rich tapestry of family life. We believe that interaction and being close, is essential for babies development. That’s why all Stokke products, including the Tripp Trapp® Newborn Set™, are designed to bring your baby close to you. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4331 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 3584 | Comments: 2
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They stand out in a crowd. They have more fun. They always steal the spotlight. Blondes are a special breed—and they deserve special treatment. That’s why the John Frieda® Sheer Blonde® team is proud to appoint June as Blonde Appreciation Month—a time to celebrate what sets blondes apart and equip them with the expert care they need to preserve their signature shade. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4297 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 1885 | Comments: 2
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Ex-US Navy SEAL, Dakota Carson, is a man at war with himself. Living by himself in the Grand Tetons with his wolf, he wants nothing more than to be left alone with his PTSD. So why does Shelby’s gentle presence suddenly make him question his seclusion? Literary Fiction
Tags // military  seal  romance  ptsd  western  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4293 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 2182 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Interview with Impulse Fitness Marketing Executive whom was a personal trainer/bodybuilder himself as he speaks of:- 1) How bodybuilders can establish his/her own gym through Impulse Fitness via business loan by PUNB? 2) Why is it important for a starter to hire professional BodyBuilder/Personal trainer to achieve your goal? Q: What is your name? A: My name is Zul Helmi. People often call me Angah, or Helmi. Q: What do you do here to today at Impulse Fitness? A: We are running a booth to introduce our company and also to introduce our package of promotion for complete gynamsium. Q: Who are your customers? A: Commonly are bodybuilders and gym owners. We also provide home use equipments to home-user. Q: DO you train yourself, An\'gah? A: Yes of course, I train myself also. Q: Do you engage a bodybuilder or personal trainer? A: Before this, I was also a personal trainer, and I am doing my Bachelor is Sport Science and Recreation at UiTM. Q: Do you encourage starter to seek professsional advice from personal trainer instead of doing it ownself at home, and why? A: From my opinion, we have to take advantage of training in gynasium as there are many personal trainers (and also other members with experience). In bodybuilding, there are theory and experience. We need to make use of their experience to make up our own set of experience. We will not get very efficient result if we train at home. There is no one to monitor you, whether you are cheating or doing the wrong technique (which leads to wrong habit). Hire a Bodybuilder/Personal trainer at Q: Do you encourage to have an equipment? A: Yes of course, with an equipment, there\'s a commitment. Without one, we cannot see how it can help and how much our body can develop. Q: Lastly, do you have a tip to newbie who wants to build a fit body, a simple one, and how to choose a personal trainer? A: Number 1, you have to know the principle of training. It has to be at the back of the mind. It will be used everyday. To hire a personal trainer, you have to search for one who is reliable, with proof of own body result and knowledge. ****************************************************************************************************** Check out Mr Kuala Lumpur 2013 organised by KLBBF. It was contested by over 100 bodybuilders.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4293 days ago by Wishine
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 1809 | Comments: 2
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So you might be asking what to do for a bachelorette party? Well, getting away from the usual wild bachelorette party night out would be fun if you do something metaphysical; like fortune telling, astrology, and all that. So why not do astrology for a bachelorette party theme idea? Here’s what you do: make invitations based on the astrological signs. If you really want to be crafty the try find everyone’s horoscope sign and cater their invitations accordingly. Then find out the sign of the bride to be! Say for instance, she’s an Aries then she’s a fire sign. Try to find out her birth stone, characteristics, and all the rest. Then see about getting her natal chart done. You can do this for free online. For food, you can do something exotic or just simply make moon and stars shaped cookies. A lot depends on your friend’s personality. You can also decorate the space with fairy lights and big pieces of draped material like deep red velvet and silk; have a table covered with candles and incense. You can even hire someone to read tarot cards or do palm reading! This would be a really good time for everyone and not just for the bride to be. And here’s our gift pick for this time around is a book titled: The G-Spot in Words and Pictures guide to sex. It makes a good gift or a good conversation piece for the bachelorette party. Go to and search for “books” then at checkout use Coupon Code PARTY100! By entering PARTY100 you’ll get 50% OFF, FREE Shipping, a FREE Mystery Gift and a whole lot more.. Why look for a Bachelorette Party Superstore Coupon? Where you already have the Adam and Eve Coupon Code PARTY100. You know it’s way way much better. Remember the Coupon Code PARTY100 at the checkout of
Tags // bachelorette  sex  party 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4289 days ago by jackieleefor
Runtime: 1m59s | Views: 1266 | Comments: 4
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