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Le programme de mécénat culturel Audi talents awards soutient depuis 6 ans la jeune création musicale. A l’instar des catégories cinéma, design et art contemporain, toutes adossées à un événement majeur (Festival International du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand, Designer’s Days, FIAC…), la catégorie musique a enfin trouvé son rendez-vous. En effet, Audi talents awards organise les 13 et 14 octobre 2012 un Festival créé sur-mesure pour mettre en lumière la musique de film. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4559 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 3670 | Comments: 2
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Learning a few more tricks to incorporate in your bedroom fun and experiment techniques from your favorite videos could be a fantastic way to spice up your life. Enter the Promo Code GAY50 at the checkout to enjoy 50% OFF on almost ALL item. Plus FREE DVDS\'s, FREE Mystery Gift, and FREE Shipping on your Entire order. Hello Sirs, Here’s the last Gay Guide Video. We need to get sales for this code. The contract has ended but there’s low return in sales. I’ll give you a planned strategy for this later this week. Please check the attached files.
Tags // adult  movie  tips  tricks  dvds  fun  bedroom 
Categories // Music  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4554 days ago by tricksuradult
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1686 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Check out this step-by-step soccer training video on how to beat a defender in soccer and discover how you can master soccer these extra tips and moves to help you beat a defender with ease and control.
Tags // how  to  beat  a  defender  in  soccer  how  to  beat  defenders  in  soccer  beating  defenders  in  soccer  beating  a  defender  in  soccer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4548 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m36s | Views: 1975 | Comments: 0
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Registration for the nation’s largest cyber defense competition for high school students, CyberPatriot, closes in less than a week. More than 1,000 teams from all 50 states and Department of Defense Dependent Schools in Europe and the Pacific have already been fielded, so don’t forget to sign up your team for the ultimate cyber game of the year! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4547 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m5s | Views: 3351 | Comments: 0
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« Le vide spirituel », ouvrage de Pierre Willequet, docteur en psychologie et psychanalyste exerçant en France, aborde la question de plus en plus pertinente du sens, et surtout de son absence. La spiritualité, quoi que notre civilisation en dise, nécessite tout de même un minimum de structure commune pour apporter les bienfaits sociaux qu’elle véhicule. Or, depuis quelques décennies, force est de constater que les libéralités encouragées par notre société civile ont mené à davantage de perte de sens que de liberté promise.
Added: 4540 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1546 | Comments: 1
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Voiceover:Here is how it usually starts... “At the repair shop, it just gets worse. Pressure to make a decision? Not sure of how things work? Or who to trust? We are automotive repair consultants, only a phone call away. You talk. We listen. We analyze. We advise. We interpret. We assist. We clarify. You can now make an informed decision. and communicate with confidence. Get the repair you need at a price that is fair. Peace of Mind. And drive off happy.” youtube:
Tags // auto  repair  mechanic  advice 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4530 days ago by MechanicSpeak
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1188 | Comments: 2
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Transcript: “That's a great question. What is MechanicSpeak? We are experienced mechanics and we do automotive repair consulting for individuals such as yourself. So in the old scenario, your car breaks down, which often leads to some financial panicking. You bring yoCan I really save money with an auto repair consultation? ur car to a shop, you have them diagnose it, you have them provide you with an estimate. Now, based on your limited understanding of the situation, you can accept their diagnosis and their estimate, or you can leave, not knowing how bad the problem REALLY is or what to do next. In the new scenario, you call MechanicSpeak, which is a service you can pre-subscribe to or purchase on the fly when you need us. And what you get is an instant, one-on-one telephone consultation with an experienced, knowledgeable mechanic that is hand-picked based on their ability to communicate. And we provide you with an assessment of the situation; we have no financial affiliation with any shop, so we have nothing to gain by you paying any more than is absolutely necessary for your automotive repair. We also know how the service works from the inside and we can often provide you with options that you may not know that you have. We will listen to your side of the story, get as many facts as possible, we will even talk to your mechanic if you want us to. We will gather all the information possible about the situation and then we will provide you with an assessment. We can let you know if the diagnosis was thorough enough, we can let you know if the estimate is an appropriate price to be paying for that repair. Check out our website. There's tons of information on how to use our service and how it works. It's a low price and it's a wonderful experience to have, very new for some people, a feeling of good about their car, good about their mechanic, and good about what they just paid to get their repair done. In conclusion, what you get with your one-on-one telephone consultation with the automotive experts at MechanicSpeak is an honest assessment of your mechanic's credibility, you get an unbiased opinion of the diagnosis and the estimate, you get to make an informed decision and have peace of mind.” youtube:
Tags // auto  repair  mechanic  advice 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4530 days ago by MechanicSpeak
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 1551 | Comments: 4
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A good video that you guys might have missed! Please leave some feedback and drop a like! Add me: Ps3 - MVPxFLiGHT Xbox - MVPxTruth Follow me! Twitter: TwitchTV:
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4518 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 8m35s | Views: 2268 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated KIA Australia Next Gen Sorento Web Film - Part 1
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4515 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 1035 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Golf Tips - Short game Tips Free Download . The Scoring Zone is a guide to help you maximize your scoring opportunities. Short Game Golf Tips, Chipping tips, Pitching Tips, course management and mental game techniques. Golfing Techniques is a blog for club and armature golfers to help them improve there game.
Tags // golf  tips  short  game  chipping  tips  pitching  tips 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4513 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1098 | Comments: 0
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MadamefashionTV takes you live to the streets to showcase Fall/Winter 2012/2013 and the sophisticated elegance of shows. The event was attended by the designers and merchants of Madame India, KSA, Spain and Bhutan. Also present at the event were all the Store Managers who enthralled the forecast.Madame Models walk the ramp to showcase the Latest Fashion Trends Autumn Winter 2012 Collection. Inspired from the fashion streets of Milano, Paris and European Fashion Destinations - the themes are inspired to give a look of sophistication.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4505 days ago by madameapparels
Runtime: 5m2s | Views: 1163 | Comments: 0
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jessica drakes guide to missionary position. All best male dominant position. If you want more on the jessica drake series get the full non-edited version at Go to and use Source Code JESSICA at the checkout to get 50% OFF and own any explicit version of this video or almost any other item plus a Mystery Gift, 3 Hot Bonus DVDs and a FREE Shipping on your entire Order.
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4502 days ago by jessicadrakesguide
Runtime: 3m48s | Views: 1310 | Comments: 2
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