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Thirteen year old Blake Wyatt travels back in time to try to protect Christopher Columbus‘s mission to the New World. Dagonblud wants the admiral dead, and history destroyed, so he can control the universe. Blake must master his new powers to defeat him—but Dagonblud has other plans.Learn about the book and author here Young Adult Fantasy, Middle grade, Adventure, Historical Fiction, thriller, science fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4826 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 8865 | Comments: 1



HER FIRST KISS…WILL BE HIS LAST. Blue Sargent, the daughter of the town psychic in Henrietta, Virginia, has been told for as long as she can remember that if she ever kisses her true love, he will die. But she is too practical to believe in things like true love. Her policy is to stay away from the rich boys at the prestigious Aglionby Academy. The boys there, known as Raven Boys, can only mean trouble. By Maggie Stiefvater find out more at Teen/Fantasy/Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4581 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 3242 | Comments: 0



As facts go, we’re used to extraordinary numbers in the tech world, yet certain realities continue to astonish: each day on the planet, more iPhones are sold than babies are born. Access to information is constantly at our fingertips, keeping us connected virtually at all times; but moments when we are face-to-face merit attention as well. Kendall-Jackson, a family-owned winery that handcrafts high-quality wines, is changing the way wine can be part of those everyday occasions with family and friends. Introducing “Goes Well With Friends,” your official permission to enjoy wine however, whenever and with whomever you choose. Instead of only pairing wine with food, Kendall-Jackson invites you to pair wine selections with your experiences and mood, such as a night out with friends, a quiet dinner for two or a family gathering. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4498 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 1059 | Comments: 0
    Filled W/Drama, Scandal, Secrets & Passion-See How Beautiful Women Can & Will Stoop To Ugly Acts In The Name Of Love, Lust &Power, Fiction, Romance, Drama
Tags // fiction  romance  drama 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 4415 days ago by junglelove187
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 852 | Comments: 1



Tanger Factory Outlet Centers, Inc. (NYSE:SKT) Tanger Outlets is the best place to indulge your sense of style and fashion taste this spring. To bring even more fashionable taste to our customers, Tanger Outlets is partnering with celebrity chef Curtis Stone to celebrate gourmet food trucks across the country as part of Tanger Outlet’s Taste and Style Event! Select Tanger Outlet centers will hold special events where Curtis Stone will bring his popular cooking show live onstage. He will demonstrate his signature recipes while engaging the audience by creating an amazing food event and experience for Tanger Outlet shoppers. At Tanger Outlets Taste and Style Events, you can enjoy great style, good taste and GREAT DEALS! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4385 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1802 | Comments: 2
    - A new reggae artist is emerging with his first hit single YOUR LOSS, his name is FIGARO and you should remember that name because chances are you will be hearing a lot more of this artist. The track “Your Loss” is gaining worldwide attention from music media outlets and the press including a new press release presumably from his agents calling him The New Voice of Reggae. You can search for the article online. DJ’s will start playing this track at all their events and this is our prediction for this track, get a copy on iTunes, Amazon and all the other digital music site on the internet.
Tags // pop  reggae  videos  download  youtube  english  stream 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4381 days ago by taton
Runtime: 4m4s | Views: 745 | Comments: 0



Alouette®, Chavrie® and Ile de France® cheeses today announced a delicious new partnership with celebrity chef and cheese enthusiast Jason Sobocinski, host of The Big Cheese on the Cooking ChannelSM. Together, they will launch a new campaign, See Where Cheese Can Take You, to inspire consumers — both accomplished foodies and foodies-in-training — with unique pairings, appetizers and snacks featuring Alouette, Chavrie and Ile de France cheeses. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4379 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 923 | Comments: 2



Former Division I basketball player and all-pro tight end Tony Gonzalez is teaming up with CLEARMEN SCALP THERAPYTM to share his tips on executing The Perfect Play during March Madness this year. From picking a winning bracket to hosting the perfect Final Four® party, Gonzalez, with the help of CLEAR MEN SCALP THERAPY™, has you covered. He helped the University of California-Berkeley reach the Sweet Sixteen® in the 1997 NCAA tournament, so he knows what it takes to win on the hardwood. Plus, with the Final Four in Atlanta this year, where Gonzalez has spent the last four pro football seasons, he can even help you throw the perfect Southern-inspired Finals party. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4352 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 2092 | Comments: 0



A Compilation of Amazing Trick Shots 'Aussie Style' including new Rugby, NRL & Cricket Shots using the new GoPro, supplied by HCF. You can WIN one here We'd love you to catch up with us on these 2 cool things . - Facebook: - Twitter: Or you might want to - Grab a T-Shirt: - Donate to Compassion Child Survival Project:
Tags // trick  shots 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4317 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m7s | Views: 1836 | Comments: 0
    I always try to put an album together rather than a collection of songs, and Beautiful is no exception. Let me ask you... Have you ever felt unworthy, ugly, ashamed, dirty, imperfect, even hopeless? Most of us have, and we then try to go through life, putting on a happy face as best we can, but feeling so inadequate inside. Fact: Research shows that between 77% and 90% of women think that they're ugly. Fact: The majority of men doubt themselves and live with fear and insecurity. Fact: 97% of Americans FAIL to achieve their life goals (& it's probably the same in Australia and at least the rest of the western world) Beautiful is a song that brings hope and declares the truth of God's word that basically says you're beautiful and the with God on your side, it's impossible to fail... not a bad promise to keep in mind. As a good friend of mine says, God bankrupted heaven so that he could have you as His friend. You are the pearl of great price and he sold all he had, gave His only Son, so that he could buy you. May God bless you as you listen and may he lift you to a point that you realise that it is God himself who sees you as beautiful, proclaiming you perfect through the blood of Jesus, his Son. Please let me know how God ministers to you through this. Kind regards Jim. go here for more information about my album - go here to listen to samples of all my music -
Tags // youtube  gospel  music 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4277 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 2371 | Comments: 2



Disgraced lord Blaine McFadden was exiled to the northern wastelands. The supply ships have stopped coming. Then magic vanishes. The king is dead, and the kingdom has been reduced to rubble. Blaine may be the only one who can restore the magic, but the price might be his life. Learn more about this series here, Fantasy Adventure
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4150 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2631 | Comments: 0



Photographs of vintage warbirds by Jonathan Lappin, slide show feature photographs of Mustangs, Spitfires, Me109, Lancaster Bombers etc. All images can be purchased from the website.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4074 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 1516 | Comments: 0



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