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Super hero fans around the country had a chance to put their own Spidey senses to the test by creating original DIY suits inspired by Sony Pictures’ new movie, “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” in theaters today, Friday, July 7 in the U.S. After narrowing the entries down to 10 semi-finalists and then five finalists, one especially crafty entrant won a trip to the world premiere screening of “Spider-Man: Homecoming” on Wednesday, June 28, 2017. Tiffany Mink (@tiffmink) turned a red dress found at her local Goodwill store into a full-fledged, head-to-toe super hero outfit. Her video showing how she created the suit, along with the submissions from the other finalists, can be viewed at Entrants were encouraged to put their super hero love to work alongside their senses of style, and to act as community heroes by sourcing materials for their suits from Goodwill, where the sale of donated goods creates job preparation, skills training, education assistance and support services for people who face challenges to finding employment. Tiff’s purchases equates to 40 minutes of job search training for a Goodwill participant. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2793 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 909 | Comments: 1
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Mouse was found hiding in the shadows. From the looks of him it was clear most of his 10 years had been very hard, but under the dirt and matted fur was a huge heart ready to give love. Thankfully, after a grooming Mouse quickly found his forever family, and was named America’s top shelter dog makeover in the 2016 Dirty Dogs Contest. His story stands as proof that a good bath can transform a dog’s life in more ways than one. The sad truth, however, is that less than half of the three million dogs entering shelters each year are getting the necessary grooming they need. That’s why Wahl has teamed up with to donate funds and grooming supplies to shelters nationwide. The goal: Transform more than 20,000 dogs this year to get them ready for adoption. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2764 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 794 | Comments: 2
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As part of its new brand campaign, Share A Legend, New Holland Brewing Company is tapping into its heritage and success as the top craft Bourbon Barrel-Aged Stout to unveil a nationwide storytelling contest. The #ShareALegend contest is inspired by the nearly two decades of legends told over Dragon’s Milk™ stout—and celebrates the lore of the brew that began when it was first bottled 17 years ago. The top user-generated story submission will earn the winner $5,000 cash plus $5,000 from New Holland Brewing Company to donate to one of several charities selected by the brewery. Share A Legend is an open-ended storytelling project that invites fans to share their personal tales, whether they are everyday stories of triumph, the goodness of humankind or someone who has made an impact on them. Throughout the campaign, New Holland Brewing Company will release the legends of six real people who fall into the archetypes of Warrior, Huntress, Smith, Poet, Alchemist and Performer to inspire contest entrants. The videos, the new website and other branded elements adopt a half-illustrated design that embody the true but imaginative and creative nature of legendary tales that are passed down over time. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2329 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 1041 | Comments: 3
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Jenny Craig, a leader in the weight loss industry, announced today their 2019 ad campaign, which focuses on actual Jenny Craig members and weight loss experts, and their stories of finding health and wellness on the program. Jenny Craig’s mission of helping real people find real results is harnessed in their new campaign, launching digitally and on TV this week. The campaign exclusively features members from across the country who have achieved their weight loss goals using the scientifically proven program. Jenny Craig hosted a contest this year, which yielded more than 500 applicants, to find authentic stories from members to inspire others on their path to achieve better health. The contest winners were flown to Jenny Craig’s 2019 commercial shoot in Los Angeles for a week and took part in a professional photoshoot as well as received cash and prizes totaling up to $10,000 each. The contest winners shared their experience together and were celebrated for their achievements throughout the week. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // jenny  craig  2019  weight  loss  health  diet  wellness  food  tv  campaign  multivu  8469551 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2264 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 994 | Comments: 1
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