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Thanks to all the people who've been following 'Little Girl Big Dreams' since day 1 and thank you to all the new supporters! Your love truly means the world to me. Mahalo for supporting 'I.D.G.A.F.' & for those out there fighting for their dreams as well: We all
Categories // Music  Family  Sport 
Added: 4460 days ago by vdotvaldez
Runtime: 6m5s | Views: 2833 | Comments: 1



Here is my cover of Wings by Little Mix. I love their music and hope you like my cover! Be sure to follow me on twitter @the_temaramelek . Like my Facebook page at . . Visit . and SUBSCRIBE!
Tags // cover  by  temara 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4425 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 4078 | Comments: 0



FOLLOW!! @Miss_Erica FREE DOWNLOAD . Lyrics: Ya girl Done took of on em YeP! I done up & Done it . Start investigating I'm the worlds most wanted . But the world I don't want it No it can't do nothing 4 me . So im not eatin what they tryna feed me like'Yummy? ' Like Dummy, Life is more than stackin money . its not a contradiction Its a true statement Honey! Blind 2 the world -i'm Spirit led- Unlike these anorexic Christians I'm spirit Fed . So u can call me Sara Lee I'm in the Bakery . Breakin Bread I got my own Recipe . The Word of God cures sin - its a sad Disease . I can't be around it,excuse me, Bad Allergies . I'm all natural call me organic Lemme break it down so that you can understand it .Born again, New in my own skin, dipped in the blood Im a transfusion ::HOOK:: Make the funeral arrangements my flesh already dead Flesh already dead,Flesh already dead, how did i die It was suicide The Obituary said i killed my flesh & my pride
Tags // erica  diamonds  christian  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4418 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 5358 | Comments: 2



Being one who loves to indulge in the fear of things that go bump in the night, I used to sneak downstairs and quietly watch the Creature Feature movie hoping not to wake up mom and dad. If they caught me I knew that the only thing that would go bump in the night was me. Still sometimes I would hear the approach of slippers and then I would shut the TV off and hide. As soon as I would hear that he was at the far side of the basement I'd make my move and and gun it up the stairs...
Tags // stephen  hereford  steve  terror  television  sitcoms  prime  time  the  munsters  the  addams  family  lost  in  space  star  trek  the  t 
Categories // Music  Funny 
Added: 4408 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 6629 | Comments: 0



"the trip", like all the other songs from our album "first",recorded 1971 by Conny Plank for PILZ-records (now available as CD on ohrwaschl-records), was our "real krautrock"-song. never it was the same song twice; we totally improvised it each time we played it. only structured thing was the guitar melody-theme from Harald Thoma and me singing along with it.(find out, when you hear it live 1991 ) unfortunately Harald Thoma doesn´t appear in this video, because he was about to get draughted by the army and our manager replaced him with the red-haired Jürgen Schneider. Short time after that we fired the manager and brought back Harald Thoma to the band. The sound you hear is the original line-up: Andreas Cornelius - drums; Joachim Schiff - bass; Harald Thoma - guitar,vocals; Rainer Wahlmann - vox, harp
Tags // krautrock  germany  1971 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4364 days ago by prettypolly
Runtime: 5m37s | Views: 3768 | Comments: 0



This Big Booty Girl is bad  She can really twerk something, on top of that she pretty A*F*** check her out. Don't Know about you but I love a chicks with a big butts it just does something to me for real.  she can be ugly with a big booty... I still would give her a try lol.  I'm from Mississippi and a lot of women down here have big butts... don't know if it's the soul food we eat here or what, but big booty girls are all around here white girls black girls all different kinds. well hope you enjoyed the Big booty - Twerking Something video
Tags // big  booty  big  butts 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4301 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 1265 | Comments: 2



Hi guys, I am entering one amazing contest. If you liked this cover, please vote for me >> and share it :) Thanks
Tags // jay  sean  singing  cover  competition 
Categories // Music  Funny  People and Blog 
Added: 4218 days ago by AdamanteDurius
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 1231 | Comments: 0



See me rolllin in the range rover
Tags // dyna  e  dyna  e  international  dyna-e  international  dyna-e 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4184 days ago by Dyna-E
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 2384 | Comments: 1



Robert Johnson Project From: 1969 Tony McPhee and Friends - I Asked For Water But She Gave Me Gasoline
Tags // tony  mcphee  robert  johnson  love  in  vain 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4120 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 794 | Comments: 0



Click: \
Tags // i  need  a  lover  by  cecil  parker  independent  music  preview 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4114 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 1621 | Comments: 0



Pretty much the kitchen sink with everything that I've been learning since listening to Electronic, Ambient and Dub-step music to put together my home made Electronic stew with just a pinch of paprika. If you don't like it, I won't force feed you like I do my goldfish. They can just float on their backs and play dead like my hamsters do. All the more fish food for me. However, if you do like this, I would recommend it with sushi or a can of high grade pork and beans. This song contains no automation, digital by-products or artificial flavors. Everything was made here from scratch...even the scratching. Alright, It's now baked, brewed, simmered and ready to serve. "Bon Appétit ...Oui, oui"....That's french for...???....Oui, oui.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3830 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 9m7s | Views: 1571 | Comments: 1



What can I say about this one that I haven't said before? ....... "SCOOBY DOOBY DOO DOOWAH" ..... I don't think that I've ever said that before on any of my prior songs ..... Maybe I said "Zippity Doo Da" or "Yabba Dabba Doo." ...... What I did do this time was to sneakily rip a vocal line off of a marvelous singer going by the name of Isabella Peter Blue "No relationship to Little Boy Blue" and inserted her voice into this song ..... A little extra sugar and spice for this new cake that I baked. You can check her out at Lyrics When I was a little child, the other children put me down. They always used to laugh at me and never let me hang around. But then one day my Grandma taught me some very simple words to say and now I say them night and day and I say them every time I play. I say Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. And so my Grandma said to me to scurry outside and play. The other children saw me coming so they turned around to run away. But then I thought about these words that Grandma had sang to me. The other children turned around and they came back running to me as they sang Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. You don't need no distractions. You don't need no delays to get some satisfaction and to Scooby Dooby Doo all day. You don't need no permission to Scooby night and day just follow me and Scooby Dooby every day and I say Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day. Scooby Dooby Doo Doowah. Scooby Dooby YEA Scooby Dooby Doowah. Shooby Dooby Doowah. Scooby Dooby night and day.
Categories // Music  Funny  Cartoon 
Added: 3118 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m44s | Views: 1082 | Comments: 4



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