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Results 253-264 of 592 for ' being ' (0 seconds) 'Speakerphone' is the Brand New Official Video From Lyracis. Directed by The Moon Runners.Produced by Andy Price and pontus hjelm and co produced by Josh Newell Introducing Lyracis....rapper, singer, dancer, songwriter & producer. Embraced early on by Choice FM, Kiss FM & BBC's 1Xtra; Lyracis gained playlist spots as an unsigned artist. The buzz grew quickly and Lyracis was invited to perform as support for a range of artists including Chris Brown, Pit Bull, Sean Kingston, Ne-Yo, Lemar, Estelle, Ja Rule, Chingy, The Game, Donnell Jones and Ciara. After a period of being mentored Beyoncé's father Matthew Knowles, Lyracis began experimenting with various sounds, as well as collaborating with other artists and producers. Lyracis is currently unsigned and working on new material.
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Added: 4776 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 5700 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Looking to upgrade your property, add class and do it without the HASSLE of a huge team of workers coming in, taking forever, leaving a mess and generally being more trouble than it's worth? Ah! You can call PM Fencing. PM Fencing has been operating in Union County, NJ and surrounding areas for the past 13 years. They're reliable, friendly, clean and professional. It makes the job easy--like it should be. Call today for a free quote or ideas for your yard.
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Added: 4772 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 4410 | Comments: 0
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Science of Tears and Emotion The Start of Brain Research So Lydia Cassone said that they all went back to their respective scientists and asked what on earth this had to do with memory. And do you know that since about the late 1960s and early 1970s we have learned more about the mind, more about the subconscious mind, more about the body, more about the mind/body connection than in any previous 2000 years in our history. Look at just what we’ve learned. Genome and Proteins Look at the genome stuff that we’ve learned. Do you know that proteins are being investigated. They say that there are 6 million proteins in the body and when we know all the proteins in the body, we will be able to cure anything in humans. It’s frightening isn’t it, but that’s where it’s going. We’ve learned a lot in the last 40 or so years. Tears – a Different Chemical Composition One of the things that we’ve learned, I use in seminars and I think it’s really interesting. You know tears that we have. We can have tears of sadness and we can also have tears of happiness. Well do you know that they have a different chemical composition? So in other words we’re doing something different to our body when we have tears of sadness and tears of joy. Now that coupled with another research scientist, Rappaport, is fantastic information. Emotion is Memory for the Subconscious Mind You see, Rappaport showed emotion is memory for the subconscious mind. Emotion is memory and this was proved in 1971. What was actually proved was that emotion is not only involved with memory, it is the very basis on which memory takes place. A Quick Demonstration Now, when you think about that, a quick demonstration is that you could go back in your mind right now to something that you didn’t like – something that was an adversity, a trauma ….. OK, no need to go any further as you’ve probably got it already. Don’t think about it any more. But you go there easily, you know what the occasion was, you know what hurt – all that sort of thing. Another Demonstration And I could also ask you to go back to a really fantastic event in your life. You might for example go back to when you were riding your two-wheeler bike for the first time, or maybe your first kiss, or maybe a fantastic result at sport or in school, or something like that. We have so many good, joyous occasions in our mind and they will come up. How Did You Remember Now, how did you remember them? That’s the key – how did you remember them? To remember either the negative event or the joyous event, did you have to tell other people about it? Did you have to write about it again and again? Did you have to make a mind map about it? Did you have to do all those sorts of things to remember it? No, it just stuck fast didn’t it. It’s right there. So, in other words, the emotion of the event made it stay in your memory. Remembering With Only Positive Emotion So now, if we can remember with both negative emotion and positive emotion, do we use negative emotion to enhance imprinting on our memory? The answer is no, because of the tear stuff. Tears of sadness, tears of joy – different chemical constitution. We know we’re doing something different to our body with negative stuff and the negative stuff doesn’t make us feel good. So therefore we only use positive, joyous memory connections to enhance memory within the subconscious mind. So that’s something that came out of this science a long time ago. By Sandy MacGregor – See it on Video – 08 of 16 Science of Tears and Emotion Next Video – 09 Sandy's Trauma and Beginning of Grief
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Added: 4766 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 4723 | Comments: 1
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Sandy's Trauma and Beginning of Grief Every One of us go Through Grief OK, so I was on this journey – you can imagine. I loved the journey. And then, the next thing that happened was that tragedy in my life whereby my 3 daughters and their friend were murdered. I want to tell you about my journey of grief during this time. There may be some things there that can help. There are certainly some positive aspects that come out of it, so I’ll tell you about my journey of grief … and you know what? Every one of us here are going to have to go through grief. Learning Through Adversity Maybe many of us have already been through grief, and there’s going to be more. We’re all going to go through some adversity at some time. The key thing out of adversity and out of trauma is learning. What is there that you can learn from this event, because you know, those learning experiences are experiences for our soul and it’s the soul that needs the experience. I’m so Glad I Spoke to my Girls That Night So, Jenny and Kirsty, they were twins at 19 and Lexie, she was 16 – the next day. And the date was 23rd January 1987. They were living with their mum in the northern Sydney suburb of Pymble and a friend of theirs, Lisa was there as well, so there were 4 of them in the house. I was living about 5 kilometres away in Lindfield, married to Sandra and at that time we had a little 5 year old girl, Lara and a little 3 year old boy, Ian. At about 7 o’clock that Friday night I rang and spoke to Lexie and also spoke to Jenny and Kirsty and I tell you, the mirth and joy in that household was fantastic. They were all preparing to go camping for the Australia Day long weekend. And we taught them about camping, so I was really pleased about that. They were going to be joined by a group of friends to go camping. In retrospect I am so glad I was able to speak to the girls at that time, because at 10 past 9 that night Richard Madrell arrived at the door and professed his love for Jenny who of course had not had anything to do with him for 12 months and all of them wanted to keep him away with their mother even trying unsuccessful to take out an AVO on him. But he arrived at the door and shot her. He then shot Kirsty, then Lisa and then shot Lexie. All over in ten minutes. My First Reaction The police hammered on my door at about 2 o’clock in the morning and told me what had happened. My first reaction was that this was impossible … I mean I had only spoken to them several hours earlier. For me it was complete disbelief and I questioned about being shot with a shotgun as I knew something about guns from the army. I questioned the fact that it must have been impossible because with a shotgun you have to load it, fire and then re-load it, re-load it again …. Surely one or two of them are going to be able to get away. Surely not all 4 of them, not all 3 of my girls. I Still Couldn’t Believe it. On the way to their home in the police car I was still arguing with the police and I was asking if they had seen their bodies. “Oh, so you haven’t seen their bodies … you haven’t actually been there …. You’ve only been told about this over the radio … so you don’t really know this for sure.” Always thinking and hoping that it’s not true. My Denial Phase And then a little bit of doubt would come in and it would be like this: “God, how could you let this happen. No, no no, you haven’t let it happen. But …. If you have … what have the girls done? What have they done to deserve this for goodness sake? There is no God.” And so that’s where my denial phase started. By Sandy MacGregor – See it on Video – 09 of 16 Sandy's Trauma and Beginning of Grief Next Video – 10 Hatred Anger and Revenge Can Become Habits During Grief
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Added: 4766 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 4m39s | Views: 4636 | Comments: 0
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Josh Fallis is a professional who works hard at helping others and being an active member of his community. Josh is passionate about working out and nutrition.
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Added: 4765 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 5114 | Comments: 0
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CLICK to find out more. WARNING: Before you buy, please read this information! You can lose up to 4lbs per week and detox your body with acai berry but you need to know THE FACTS first to ensure you are not being SCAMMED!!! To visit my health blog CLICK The top rated acai berry product as voted for on my website - with a daily dose of 1500mg per day of PURE, ORGANIC and FREEZE DRIED Acai Berry, Pure Acai Berry Max is the MOST SUPERIOR Acai Berry product available. Compare it to the competition and you will see!
Added: 4763 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 8703 | Comments: 1
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A dropped bottle or slipped martini olive can jeopardize a bartender’s chance of being crowned the world’s best. It’s all on the line at the 21st annual World Bartender Championship (WBC) taking place on February 26, 2012, where the top T.G.I. Friday’s® bartenders from across the globe have more reason than ever to step up their game. Mixology authors, TV personalities and internationally-renowned bartenders will judge the skill and showmanship of each of the nine finalists as they take center stage at the Glass Cactus in Dallas. Among the celebrity guest judges are Kim Haasarud, Charlotte Voisey and Phil Wills To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4762 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 7638 | Comments: 0
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As February Daytona Speedweeks marks the “official” beginning of the 2012 NASCAR season, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company also celebrates being chosen as the exclusive tire supplier to the top three NASCAR racing series through 2017 while also reaching the 58th year of uninterrupted commitment to the sport, making it one of the longest-running supply program participants in sport history. As the official tire supplier to the NASCAR Sprint Cup, Nationwide and Camping World Truck Series, Goodyear sets out in 2012 on a ‘More Driven’ mission to continue to build on the Company’s more than 100-year racing history by learning, driving innovation and enhancing performance and quality in the sport…and beyond. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4761 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 6007 | Comments: 2
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Envision a wireless experience with maximum data rates and no dropped calls at cell edges. Envision limited service areas being a thing of the past. Envision lower costs and greener solutions for base stations. Now, envision the technology that makes all of this is possible. Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) today is unveiling the industry’s most comprehensive wireless infrastructure System-on-Chip (SoC), featuring an ideal mix of processing elements for both ultra-high capacity small cell and macro base stations. TI’s scalable TMS320TCI6636 delivers breakthrough performance, simultaneous 3G and 4G coverage and capacity expansion features that wireless operators and their users will love. For more information please visit To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4758 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 3m6s | Views: 4439 | Comments: 0
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We Learn a Lot From Our Children The other thing I had was meditation as taught to me by my young son Andrew – wow, can’t we learn a lot from our children. Andrew taught me meditation, and I was meditating – endeavouring to get some sort of peace, some sort of clarity … that sort of thing and I knew it was good for relaxation, stress release, anxiousness and all that sort of thing. The Greatest Wake Up Call So I already knew all of that, so I did it. And you know what? I got the greatest wake up call that you could ever get. It was like a whack across the head … and this was it: “Hey, if you persist in being hateful, angry and vengeful … then you’re going to end up like that! Wow! In other word, if I talked to myself 65,000 times a day, then I am going to be another victim … and who has done it to me? Me … haven’t I. I’ve done it to myself. By Sandy MacGregor – See it on Video – 12 of 16 A Wake-Up Call - Talking to Yourself Negatively Next Video – 13 Asking the Wrong Question Can Lead to Guilt, Blame and Judgements
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4751 days ago by sandymacgregor
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 5933 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated[EXTRACT] You want more customers, but buyers are overly cautious because the media says the economy is hurting. Nonsense. Marketing legend, Dan Kennedy, has done the research for you, and shows how history proves NOW is your biggest opportunity to be crowned a millionaire. Forget what the majority of people are being led to believe, and get instant access to Dan's free, Renegade “Recession Made” Millionaire video series. In the Renegade
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Added: 4751 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 8471 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated The OrGano Gold Opportunity is creating success stories all across the home based business industry. Its Easy, Its Simple, Its COFFEE!! The only coffee made with 100% certified ganoderma lucidum. Organo Gold Contains the most pure Certified Organic Ganoderma: A Red Mushroom that dates back over 4,000 years. Ancient generations prized this mushroom for its medicinal properties, promoting health and well-being. See the Difference That 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Can Make in Your Life.
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Added: 4745 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m45s | Views: 4244 | Comments: 1
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