there are unexpeced things frequently happen.( Max Phong, Poy Kim, Tuan Keyl, Bao Ho, Bao Duong) Written & Directed by Max Phong, Executive Producers Max Phong, Produced by Max Phong, Poy Kim CAST Max Phong-Pugilist, Poy Kim-musician, Tuan keyl, Bao Ho, Bao Duong ♦My Facebook:♦My Instagram:
Bu konudaki kararı siz kendiniz verin:
Kalpleri vardır, bununla kavrayıp anlamazlar (Araf-179), yeryüzünde gezip dolaşmadılar mı ki, düşünecek kalpleri, işitecek kullakları olsun (Haç-46), kuranı anlamamaları için kalpleri üzerine perdeler, kulaklarına da ağırlık koyarız (Isa-46),
Rock all night for Youth Outreach. Hong Kong;s favourite bands battled it out. Fistiwave, Broken Lighter, Darkness Pool, Scratch, Killersoap, T.S., Hazden, Silent Chamber, Bomber, Abyssal Desire and Dark Fringe. T.S. took the top honour. Watch the highlights at
Ukrainian band and living legends perform Katy Perry\\\'s hit in their own unique style! Definitely an improvement on the original, but so would a dog farting - Any band who uses an accordion and dresses in their dad\\\'s cast-offs is OK by me - Awesome!