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Mission Park, marks the debut feature film for writer/director Bryan Anthony Ramirez and producer Douglas Spain (Star Maps, Band of Brothers). The film opened with a national platform release in select Santikos Theaters on September 5, 2013 in San Antonio, TX as well as AMC Theatres in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City on September 6, 2013. Then it will expand this Friday September 13th in Bakersfield, Salinas and Pittsburg, CA through Maya Cinemas and in Houston, TX via Santikos Theaters. It stars Jeremy Ray Valdez (La Mission), Walter Perez (The Avengers), Fernanda Romero (Drag Me to Hell), Will Rothhaar (Battle Los Angeles), and Joseph Julian Soria (Filly Brown) with Will Estes (CBS Blue Bloods) and Sean Patrick Flanery (Showtime’s Dexter). David J. Phillips (Life Happens) is co-producer and Armando Montelongo of Flip This House fame is the executive producer. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4191 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 1791 | Comments: 2
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11-13 September 2013 @ Bitec Bangna David Aitken Managing Director Asian Exhibition Services Ltd.
Added: 4144 days ago by bizeventth
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 1523 | Comments: 2
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David G. Dorr Senior Director of World Wide Events Herbalife International
Tags // tceb  herbalife  thailand 
Added: 4129 days ago by bizeventth
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1060 | Comments: 2
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Back App proven to improve back pain and prevent office workers from falling victim to Sitting Disease, is a chair that is very different from all others. Back pain is a modern epidemic, with recent high profile victims including UK Prime Minister David Cameron, model Jodie Kidd and tennis ace Andy Murray. With 80% of people experiencing some form of back pain in their lifetime and the rise of tablet computers creating a generation hunched over screens - dubbed the ‘iPosture’ generation – the Back App is more relevant than ever in the effort to combat Sitting Disease which, in addition to back pain, has been linked to cardiovascular illness and cancer. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4099 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 1922 | Comments: 0
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Click:  Jenavive performing Mechanical Boy. © 2014 Blackstream Records Director: David Fyfe Producer: Airgead Production Company: Fyfedawg Productions Make up and Costume: Carbon MUFX Mechanical Boy played by Rex Cable
Tags // jenavive  mechanical  boy  official 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4021 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 998 | Comments: 0
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At a ceremony today at the U.S. National Archives in Washington, D.C., Monuments Men Foundation Founder and Chairman Robert Edsel donated “Hitler Album No. 6” to the Archive, reuniting it with 39 other “Hitler Albums” recovered at the end of World War II. Chief Archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, accepted the album from the foundation and Monuments Man Harry Ettlinger. Ettlinger represents the historic group honored most recently in Sony Pictures’ THE MONUMENTS MEN, which is based on Mr. Edsel’s No.1 New York Times’ bestselling book of the same name. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  News and Politics 
Added: 3951 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 1249 | Comments: 2
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The con man known as David Walker didn't exactly volunteer, but OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan convinced him that serving his country and the cause of freedom by posing as German astrologer Peter Kepler was a better use of his time than going to prison for impersonating a Princeton University professor. His mission: use his skills in illusion, sleight of hand and deception to gain Heinrich Himmler's trust and persuade him to assassinate Adolph Hitler. In action that takes him from Berlin to Paris to Cairo; from Hitler's Eagle Nest to Himmler's occult Wewelsburg Castle, Gary Kriss's The Zodiac Deception is a memorable debut, an unforgettable thrill ride through the dark heart of World War II Germany. Find out more at
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3935 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 1396 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - David Wilson an alcohol & cocaine addict, came to Your Inner Power 6 months ago to help him get rid of his addiction. Jackie Durnin used EFT Tapping technique to treat his addiction. Visit us to know more!
Tags // emotional  freedom  technique 
Categories // Business 
Added: 3766 days ago by melisarayul
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 1086 | Comments: 2
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David Kieselstein, CEO of Penton, announced today at the Business Information Management Summit (c-level event for business information ecosystem), the launch of the Company’s new branding and website (, which marks the evolution of Penton into an information services business. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 3765 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 832 | Comments: 2
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As the country celebrates the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, Dallas-based nonprofit Earth Day Texas gears up for its fifth annual event. Founded in 2011, the organization expects more than 75,000 attendees during the three-day event. Earth Day Texas takes place April 24, 25 and 26 at historic Fair Park in Dallas. Confirmed speakers include Karenna Gore, author and daughter of Al Gore; Bill White, former mayor of Houston; David Yarnold, president of the Audubon Society; Dan Patrick, Lt. Governor of Texas; B.A. Norrgard, Tiny House advocate; Laura Turner Seydel, chairperson of the Captain Planet Foundation; and Louie Psihoyos, Oscar®-winning director of The Cove. Seven-time Grammy Award winner Paul Winter will perform on Saturday, April 25, at 4:30 p.m. Grammy nominated artist Michael Martin Murphey will perform on Sunday, April 26, at 4:45 p.m. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3603 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 987 | Comments: 1
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Outdated beachfront properties are transformed into hot commodities in HGTV’s newest renovation competition series, Beach Flip. Premiering on Sunday, July 5, at 9 p.m. ET/PT, HGTV and DIY Network stars Nicole Curtis (Rehab Addict), Josh Temple (House Crashers) and David Bromstad (My Lottery Dream Home) act as hosts, judges and mentors to four rival teams as they compete to renovate rundown waterfront bungalows with outdated décor, loud wall colors and awkward layouts into spectacular properties in just eight weeks. The team with the highest increase in property value as determined by the region’s top appraisers wins the $50,000 grand prize and a spread in HGTV Magazine. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3566 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 925 | Comments: 3
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Heute fand im „Maison de la Chimie“ in Paris die Pressekonferenz #ChangeTheNumbers der L’Oréal-Stiftung statt. Dort wurden die Ergebnisse einer exklusiven internationalen Studie vorgestellt, die gemeinsam mit dem Meinungsforschungsinstitut „Opinion Way“ durchgeführt wurde. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Gründe für das Ungleichgewicht in der Wissenschaft zwischen Frauen und Männern besser zu verstehen sowie Hindernisse aufzudecken, denen Frauen bei einer Karriere in der Wissenschaft gegenüberstehen. David Macdonald, Direktor des Förderprogramms For Women in Science von L’Oréal betonte auf der Veranstaltung, dass sich die Öffentlichkeit nicht darüber bewusst sei, wie stark die Vorurteile über Frauen in der Wissenschaft noch immer in den Köpfen der Menschen verankert sind. Heute bewegt sich der Frauenanteil in der Wissenschaft nach wie vor auf geringem Niveau: Nur 30 % aller Forscher sind weiblich.1 Als Ergänzung zu dieser Studie hat die L’Oréal-Stiftung darüber hinaus Erfahrungsberichte von Preisträgerinnen, die im Rahmen des For Women in Science Programmes ausgezeichnet wurden, hinzugezogen. Besonders stolz ist die Stiftung auf die Unterstützung von Elizabeth Blackburn, L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Preisträgerin und Nobelpreisträgerin für Physiologie oder Medizin 2009. Elizabeth Blackburn To view the multimedia release go to:
Added: 3451 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 910 | Comments: 3
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