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Every dog has his day. And yesterday, Atlanta-area dogs sure had theirs, as its first Dream Dog Park was unveiled by Beneful® brand dog food in Johns Creek, Ga. The entire Johns Creek dog-loving community has awaited this day since last September, when their community dog park was awarded a $500,000 renovation from the Beneful® brand after local resident Pat McNeely and his Siberian Husky Koda were named Grand Prize Winner in the Beneful® WagWorld® Dream Dog Park Contest. Since then, Pat and Koda’s dream ideas have served as inspiration for the renovation that was managed by the Beneful Dream Team, led by TV personality and design expert Jason Cameron and pet expert and bestselling author Arden Moore. The Dream Team duo have worked together to transform the Newtown Dog Park into an enviable adventure destination for dogs and owners. Some of the park’s most interactive and unique elements include a giant bone-shaped ramp with tunnels, two water splash pads and a running trail, all of which were put to good use yesterday as local dogs and their best buddies turned out to celebrate at a special unveiling event. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // beneful  dream  dog  park  wagworld  four  legged  friend  dog  food  newtown  dog  park  consumer  multivu  50743 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5015 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 6005 | Comments: 1



Studs in Spurs Series, Book 4. Annie Grant is at the top of her game as an on air interviewer for the pro bull riders tour. In all those years standing within microphone range of thousands of gorgeous cowboys, she’s never been tempted. Until now. Now that respected veteran Luke Carpenter is no longer with his longtime girlfriend, he’s back on the market. And Annie is buying. Learn more about the book here Learn more about the author here Romance, Western, Contemporary
Tags // romance  western  cowboys  bull  rider  cat  johnson  book  trailer  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4923 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 5090 | Comments: 1



Rovaniemi is the official hometown of Santa Claus and is christmassy all year round. The highlight of the year is at the end of November, when the Christmas season is officially opened by the most famous citizen of Rovaniemi, Santa Claus. Many elves, citizens and tourists also take part in the festivity. Santa is on his way... Santa Claus starts his long journey to deliver gifts to children around the world on the day before Christmas Eve from Santa Claus Village. We can all wish him a safe journey and send our Christmas greetings all over the world. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4849 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 8704 | Comments: 1



When it comes to making sure the Chevrolet Cruze is as durable as it can be, Dave Schoener and his teammates are all wet. As a GM splash test engineer, Schoener helped develop an innovative splash shield for the Chevrolet Cruze that protects the engine compartment from water and potentially harmful contaminants. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4833 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 5032 | Comments: 2
      i Get It offers some of the best educational apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, autism apps, and iPad apps for special needs kids. i Get It applications are designed to support language skill development and facilitate cognitive growth through building language skills. Typically developing young children and individuals with developmental delays, such as PDD-NOS, autism, down syndrome or TBI will benefit from these interactive applications. Autism apps have been recently featured on TV shows as a great way of communication for people whose condition prevents them from speaking. i Get It apps have been featured on,, A4cwsn and many others. Please go to to see all our apps.
Tags // educational  apps  for  ipad  apps  for  autism  autism  apps  best  educational  apps  for  ipad  ipad  apps  for  special  needs  autism 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4791 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 5527 | Comments: 1
      - Lower Back Extensions | Back Exercises - When working on strengthening your core do not forget to add back exercises to your workouts. A lot of people only concentrate on the abdominal muscles and neglect the all important back muscles. To get a strong core you must workout both your abs and your back muscles. Back exercises like the lower back extension demonstrated in this video ideally should be done the same day you workout your ab muscles for optimum results. As you progress in your workouts you can increase the weight and/or the reps for a more challenging workout. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 4459 | Comments: 1
      - One Arm Preacher Curls | Bicep Workouts - One of the easiest exercises to get people excited about, especially guys, is bicep exercises. All guys want bigger arms and the one arm preacher curl is a fantastic exercise that isolates the bicep muscle one arm at a time. The one downside to the one arm preacher curl is that you'll most likely have to go to a gym to perform the exercise. Because your elbow rests on a sloped bench to perform the exercise it is unlikely you'll have this available at home. I wouldn't recommend you join a gym just to do this one exercise but if your serious about weight training and getting fit joining a gym is a must. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 4243 | Comments: 1
      - Squat Exercise | Leg Workouts - The squat exercise, or as most people refer to it as "squats", is probably the best single workout you can do for your legs. Squats workout your quadriceps, hamstrings and all the other muscles in your legs. You will get the most out of your squat workouts if you use free weights rather than a squat machine. Using free weights makes you use all the little stabilizer muscles in your legs and adds to the effectiveness of the exercise. Just make sure not to get so infatuated with squats that you ignore the other exercises that target you legs. And remember that working out your legs is just as beneficial as working on your chest and arms and maybe more so. Strong and powerful legs provide a strong base for any other training or athletics. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 4119 | Comments: 1
      - Wide Grip Lat Pull-Downs | Back Exercises - Wide grip pull-downs serve as an alternative to pull-ups and are useful for all weight-lifters - beginner to advanced. Being able to adjust the weight is very useful because the beginner can reduce the weight lifted - if their own weight is too heavy for them to lift when doing pull-ups and the advanced lifter can increase the weight beyond their own body weight. Most experts suggest that pull-ups are a superior exercise, so wide grip pull-downs should take back seat to pull-ups when possible. A problem with pull-downs in general is that some users can't isolate the lats and end up using their biceps to do a lot of the work. To isolate the lats, use a wide grip and when you're pulling down, focus on your lats pulling inwards as they go down. Imagine them pulling down in a semi-circle motion. The wider grip promotes the width of the upper portion of the lats. Never try to pull the bar down using your forearms. The forearms will simply be used to hold the bar. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 4297 | Comments: 1
      - Dumbbell Presses | Chest Workouts - Another fantastic workout for your pecs dumbbell presses are similar to the classic bench press but offer some unique advantages. Because you're holding the weights in separate hands you reduce the opportunity of one sided muscle dominance when doing bench presses. Also you have to use all the stabilizing muscles you never use when you perform the classic bench press, especially if you perform the bench press on a bench press machine and not free weights. These advantages increases your functional strength. Using free weights vs weight machines always carry more risks so it's important to have a spotter. Always begin with a lighter weight and work you way up. This will reduce the risk of injury because you will know your limits and not select a higher weight from the get go. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 5179 | Comments: 1
      - Standing Barbell Curls - Biceps Workout - A fantastic exercise for isolating the biceps muscles. Everyone wants to show off their guns and the standing barbell curl is a great way to pump up your biceps. As with all exercises to get the maximum results you need to perform the exercise correctly. The single biggest mistake people make when performing the standing barbell curl is swinging the body back. This defeats the whole purpose of the exercise which is to isolate the biceps muscle. Your body should remain fixed and only the biceps muscles used to lift the weight. If you can't lift the weight without swinging your body back then you need to use less weight until you can effectively perform the exercise. Another mistake people make is not keeping your elbows tucked into your sides. You should not let your elbows leave your side. Again, we are going for the isolation of the biceps and you do not want to use any other muscles or movements to lift the weight. The third most common mistake when performing the standing barbell curl is to drop the weight too quickly. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise you need to slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. If you can't lower the weight slowly you need to reduce the weight until you can. By isolating the biceps on the way up and on the way down you will get amazing results with the standing barbell curl. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 4125 | Comments: 2
      - Stiff Leg Deadlifts | Leg Workouts - The is a super exercise for your hamstrings and lower back. As with all weight training exercise proper form/technique is essential for not only getting the most out of the exercise but also to avoid injury. As you lower the bar towards the floor make sure to keep your eyes/head up as this will facilitate keeping your back straight. And as shown in the video do not bend you knees - remember you are targeting your hamstrings and lower back. Because technique/form is so essential to the stiff leg deadlifts start off with a lower weight and concentrate on performing the exercise correctly. Do not sway as you lower the weight but try to keep slightly more than 50% of your weight on your heals. And as with all weight training exercises keep your movements slow and steady - again concentrate on form not reps. You will get more out of the exercise with proper form and fewer reps than more reps with incorrect form. After you have performed the stiff leg deadlift with the correct technique successfully you can increase the weight. Don't make too large a jump in weight but move the weight up slowly. You should not be in a rush to max out the weight. I'll say it again proper form with fewer reps will yield greater results that incorrect form and more reps. A word of caution - do not perform the stiff legged deadlift if you have lower back problems or are dealing with a lower back injury. And as with any weight training exercise if you begin to experience pain you should discontinue the exercise. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us on the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4704 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 4507 | Comments: 1



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