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Lyrics by Tess Moore, Piano by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. \'Beatinthepocket\' in sites, (Search Google, Yahoo or Bing).
Tags // alternative  new  age  romantic 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4995 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 3m27s | Views: 4355 | Comments: 0
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Danse by Tess Moore, Music by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of santa fe, new mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' in sites, (Search Google, Yahoo or Bing).
Tags // alternative  new  age  hip  hop 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4995 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 4597 | Comments: 0
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Following the launch of its new super-capacity French-door refrigerator, the largest capacity model in its class, LG Electronics USA today announced the “LG Ultimate Jelly Bean Count Contest,” an online competition that takes Main Street USA’s favorite unofficial unit of measurement to a whole new level. The contest challenges anyone and everyone to guess how many jelly beans can fit inside the spacious refrigerator. The winner will receive a complete kitchen makeover, built around LG’s premium kitchen suite valued at more than $6,500. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4957 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 5017 | Comments: 1
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Original music on piano by Dfavid Vigil (Morningstar), artist / muszician of Santa fwe, New Mexico, USA.
Tags // alternative  new  age  jazzy 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4925 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 5358 | Comments: 0
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Original music on piano by David Vigil (Morningstar) artist / musician of santa fe, new exico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' in sites, (Search Google, Yahoo or Bing)
Tags // alternative  new  age  jazz 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4868 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 6m32s | Views: 6895 | Comments: 0
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Original music by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician of santa Fe, new mexico, USA. \'Beatinthepocket\' in sites.
Tags // alternative  new  age  calypso 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4846 days ago by beatinthepocket
Runtime: 4m4s | Views: 6298 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated multilingual seo expert gets you top ranking in your local search engine in Europe, USA and Canada
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4743 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 4820 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated multilingual seo services for multilingual websites. We promote sites in Scandinavia, Europe, USA, Canada & Australia
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4736 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 5010 | Comments: 0
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Aprilia USA, the North American subsidiary of the Piaggio Group’s Aprilia brand, the Italian motorcycle manufacturer with more racing championships than any other European brand, is taking American moto enthusiasts for a memorable ride – both virtually and in real time. The company is launching a national multi-media campaign that invites riders to get more familiar with the brand and its award-winning sportbikes through real customer experiences, online trivia with user rewards, action-packed videos, an infographic featuring company “firsts” and other race wins, and a test ride tour featuring the new Aprilia Tuono V4 APRC, the fastest naked sportbike in its category. The campaign debuts with a new microsite, and Facebook app at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport  Business 
Added: 4735 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m14s | Views: 4708 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated blu cigs National TV ad - I like to smoke but my old cigarettes kept me from smoking where I wanted to. blu electronic cigarettes are different. They have no ash and no offensive odor, so I can enjoy them anywhere. In my car, at work, at my favorite restaurant or even at my friends house. blu has lot's of great USA made flavors and come in four different strengths so I can control my nicotine intake and it cost less than regular cigarettes. blu is the smarter alternative to cigarettes and the best way to take back you're freedom. blu Cigs are available at many fine retailers including, Sheetz, Ingles, Kerr Drug, Harps, Cumberland Farms, H-E-B, Scolari's and Couche-Tard.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4726 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 5683 | Comments: 0
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Eigentlich macht dem Rodel-Weltmeister Felix Loch (GER), Bob-Olympiasieger Steven Holcomb (USA) und Skeleton-Pilotin Anja Huber (GER) auf Eis und Schnee niemand etwas vor. Beim BMW Ice & Snow Perfection Training am schwedischen Polarkreis, waren die Eiskanal-Experten allerdings die Schüler: DTM-Champion Martin Tomczyk (GER) und Bruno Spengler (CAN) ließen ihre Sportlerkollegen im Verlauf des dreitägigen Kurses in Lappland erleben, wie sich die BMW typische „Freude am Fahren“ bei winterlichen Bedingungen am Limit perfektionieren lässt.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4723 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m54s | Views: 5507 | Comments: 2
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Bobby Hurley, former All-American guard at Duke and current assistant coach of the University of Rhode Island men’s basketball team, and Travis Ford, two-time SEC tournament MVP at Kentucky and current Oklahoma State University head coach, traded in their playbooks for chore lists at the “LG Home Court Challenge” during the NCAA® Final Four® weekend. LG Electronics USA, an official Corporate Partner of the NCAA, hosted the competition and donated a total of $20,000 in the participating coaches’ names to Coaches vs. Cancer® and the MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  News and Politics 
Added: 4722 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 6510 | Comments: 1
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