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Search // fight
Results 229-240 of 286 for ' fight ' (0 seconds)
anything can fuel a fight up, it all depends who cares to stop it
Tags // vin  diesal  a  man  apart  2001  fighting  argument  problem  gun 
Added: 4300 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 691 | Comments: 1
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Today’s superheroes don’t drive a Batmobile or fly through the air faster than the speed of light. Their capes are white lab coats and their superpower is the ability to cure. They are men and women researching cures for childhood cancer – the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the U.S.1- which is vastly underfunded.2 Starting today, Northwestern Mutual is giving consumers the chance to honor childhood cancer researchers and kids who are fighting cancer, by raising research funds through a new Facebook campaign, Heroes for a Cure. The Northwestern Mutual campaign aims to raise $50,000 – equal to 1,000 hours of research – in September, which is National Childhood Cancer Month. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4207 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 2406 | Comments: 0
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Avatari offers revolutionary levels of interactivity, fidelity, and scale. The Avatari platform scales to support thousands of simultaneous users per region along with state of the art graphics, game-play, and social engagement. This adventure game perfectly awakens the players to a state of fresh youthfulness, adventurous spirit, inquisitiveness and idealism. Story Synopsis: Many millions of years ago, a great turmoil overshadowed our universe as the demigods and demons struggled for supremacy over heaven. The leader of the demons was their king, Hiranyakashipu, who above all else desired invincibility to ensure his victory over the demigods. Hiranyakashipu asked the cosmic engineer Brahma, “Let me not meet with death at the hands of any being, living or nonliving, be it animal, man, demon or god. Grant that I may not die inside or outside any building, during day or night, or while in water, on the ground, or in the sky, and let me not be killed by any weapon.” Having achieved what he thought was immortality, Hiranyakashipu planned how to take over the universe. Hiranyakashipu had wished for his son Prahlad to follow in his footsteps and become a cruel demon, but now he could understand that one day Prahlad would undermine his rule and give power back to the divine demigods. Thinking in this way, Hiranyakashipu became blind with rage, and ordered the demons to kill his saintly son by any means. Game Play: Divided into two game plays where initially the player Prahlad surpasses various obstacles and in the latter stage he enters into the warrior zone for the actual fight and witness the most spectacular pastime.
Tags // app  game  avatari  fun 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4191 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 1244 | Comments: 2
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The City Birds are in danger and they need your help! Steer the birds to safety by dragging each one to a cage of the same color. But watch out; these birds don't like to be caged! They'll fight you at every turn by launching dive-bombing eggs, floating booby-trapped balloons and even strapping on jet packs to outrun you! You're the only one who can save the City Birds.
Tags // city  birds  game  ios  app  fun  addictive 
Categories // Games 
Added: 4187 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 1098 | Comments: 4
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Domestic violence happens 145 times every hour in the U.S. It affects more women than breast cancer, lung cancer and ovarian cancer combined. As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, The Allstate Foundation has partnered with actress Rosario Dawson for the Purple Purse campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and the role finances play in helping survivors break free from violence. In its third year, The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse campaign has pledged to donate up to $350,000 to the YWCA for programs that help domestic violence survivors gain the financial knowledge and resources needed to live independently. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4179 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 2173 | Comments: 1
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Fight For This (lyrics) It\'s been years together, You know we hardly talk at dinner anymore, We\'d have coffee and you\'d kiss me, And tell me I\'m beautiful
Tags // scarlett  rabe 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4178 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 2484 | Comments: 2
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In America, an estimated three million households are food insecure - that amounts to one in six people who lack the nutritious food needed to live a healthy life. Bob Evans Farms is pledging to continue the fight to end hunger through its Hunger Free Communities campaign, and is offering more ways to help feed families this holiday season. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4151 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m27s | Views: 874 | Comments: 2
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Three and a half years after beginning a clinical trial which demonstrated the first successful and sustained use of genetically engineered T cells to fight leukemia, a research team from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will today announce the latest results of studies involving both adults and children with advanced blood cancers that have failed to respond to standard therapies. The findings from the first 59 patients who received this investigational, personalized cellular therapy, known as CTL019, will be presented during the American Society of Hematology’s Annual Meeting and Exposition in New Orleans. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4111 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m52s | Views: 1521 | Comments: 1
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A woman in a warrior’s world Captain Morgan Boland is a sniper and bound for combat. Navy SEAL Jake Ramsey is not happy to be paired with her on a dangerous mission, especially since they share a heated past. Passion and heartache must be set aside if they are to stay alive because first you fight for your life, then you fight for your heart when you’re Down Range. Military romance
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4110 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2291 | Comments: 1
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Women in combat fight for more than just their lives. Being good isn’t always good enough, but these women battle for country, team and heart with guts and passion. Legendary Army medevac pilot Sarah Benson and U.S. Navy Seal Ethan Quinn team up in Risk Taker. Sarah and Ethan’s story continues in the heart pounding sequel Degree of Risk. Don’t miss the excitement of New York Times bestselling author Lindsay McKenna’s Shadow Warrior series. Romantic suspense, military suspense
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4080 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 1925 | Comments: 1
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Jewelry Television® will support the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women® this month to help fight heart disease. The shopping network will roll out ‘Love Your Heart,’ a comprehensive, multimedia campaign created to raise awareness and educate viewers about the risks of heart disease, and raise funds to support the Go Red for Women® movement. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4055 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 1023 | Comments: 0
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This year, Bob Evans Farms is partnering with JDRF for the second year, with a goal of raising $100,000 for T1D research by selling JDRF’s signature paper sneakers in each of its 561 restaurants. Starting today through March 19, guests can support the fight against T1D by making donations of their choice to JDRF at their local Bob Evans restaurant. Guests interested in making a contribution will receive one of JDRF’s paper sneakers to sign and display. In addition, on March 19, Bob Evans will host a national community fundraiser, donating 15 percent of sales to JDRF when guests present a fundraising flyer. To access and download the community fundraiser flyer, visit Bob Evans’ Curing Diabetes Facebook page. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4027 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m30s | Views: 1397 | Comments: 2
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