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Search // wells
Results 13-14 of 14 for ' wells ' (0 seconds) to get quote! Trick Roper Gun Spinner Will Roberts is an internationally renowned performer and speaker known for his high-energy and insightful content spiked with humor. He prides himself on bringing back the common sense and simplicity of America. Along with being a masterful trick roper and gun spinner, Will finds time to be a Cirque du Soleil artist on the Las Vegas Strip, business owner, social networking consultant, author, television segment host, and certified performance coach.Now don't be fooled, Will is a Cowboy. The values and skills of the West are in his blood and are his true passion. He apprenticed with world-renowned Mexican charros and Hawaiian paniolos to help him achieve his current level of success.Since 2000, Will has been working with leading corporations, like Ebay, Anthony Munoz Foundation, Wells Fargo, and Ford Motor Company. He shares the western arts of trick roping, gun spinning and whip cracking with a good dose of humor. go to to get quote! - 702-481-5829
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4282 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 2007 | Comments: 1
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Crystal Lagoons broke the record for the “World's Largest Crystalline Lagoon” with the completion of its latest project in Egypt. Twelve Crystal Lagoons totaling 250 acres will be the centerpiece of the $5.5 billion dollar, 1,850-acre development in Citystars Sharm El Sheikh. The record-breaking lagoon is 30 acres of crystal-clear water surrounded by white sandy beaches - perfect for swimming, sailing, kayaking and more. Citystars Sharm el Sheikh's crystal lagoon get its salt water supply from wells in the middle of the desert that are otherwise useless, allowing for a tropical crystalline lagoon in the desert. In addition, the salt water used in the crystal lagoon features higher levels of purity and will be used for reverse osmosis desalinization processes, lowering the costs of water treatment. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3399 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m25s | Views: 1017 | Comments: 1
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