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Launching this September, Bare Escentuals ( unveils its first-ever global creative platform and marketing campaign. Rooted in the company’s 35-year history, ‘Be a Force of Beauty’ amplifies the core belief that beauty can change the world, both by inspiring positivity and activating women to put beauty into action. Playing off the notion, Pretty is. Beauty does.™ Bare Escentuals celebrates and gives emphasis to the influential power of beauty as more than meets the eye. By going beyond the surface visage, Bare Escentuals builds upon its heritage as an unconventional beauty brand, recognizing the opportunity to give women a voice and to champion the individual stories that represent their own ‘force of beauty.’ To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4951 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 6127 | Comments: 0



Meet the NAUGHTIES! Being naughty has never been so much fun. Meet the GRITTIES! Being gritty has never been so easy. Meet the NOTABLES! Being notable is the new cool. A collection of little stories to bring you big smiles… At bedtime, daytime and funtimes. Find out more at – Children’s Book
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2935 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 863 | Comments: 0



Fall in love with India and the bustling city of Mumbai in Ajay Kaul’s book of short stories, Mumbai Matinee, truth-based fiction that acts as both memoir and travelogue. Mumbai Matinee portrays the veritable feast of the commerce, people, and danger which make up India’s most populous city and financial capital. Filled with eight interconnected short stories based on Kaul’s life and work there, this charming book is a terrific pleasure read and highly recommended if you plan to visit. Find out more at romance, thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2529 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 939 | Comments: 5



The earthquake hitting the Sichuan region in May was devastating. Very few stories of joy and hope were told. SO-U.TV is bringing you one. Listen to Charles Chan, one of our Hong Kong heroes, relate his trip to the region and how with a little effort he brought joy to the distressed community. Watch and listen to Charles Chan at
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6077 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 5m30s | Views: 9388 | Comments: 0



Vivid Images of the actual onslaught brought about by the Typhoon Ondoy (It'l name: ketsana) on manila Phils.
Tags // manila  ketsana  ondoy  flood  philippines 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5631 days ago by rikdagger1
Runtime: 5m22s | Views: 5409 | Comments: 1



If you like cute puppies, you will love this video! So-U.TV was at the launch of (Sunday Puppy), the latest puppy homing event from the Hong Kong Dog Rescue. A great opportunity for dog lovers to meet and play with puppies, and maybe find their future pet-to-be. Watch these little guys steal the spotlight at
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6099 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 15026 | Comments: 0



Parable of humanity. More stories on
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6188 days ago by allanrich
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 10847 | Comments: 1



The Australian National Maritime Museum is not just a fascinating maritime attraction, it is overflowing with incredible stories from the volunteer guides who work there, there are over 400 dedicated volunteer guides as well as highly skilled paid teacher guides that will make your maritime experience truly memorable. Some of the volunteer guides have actually worked on the vessels and others have had extensive maritime careers, nevertheless their tours and stories will have you yearning for more. Australians are closely linked to the sea, our oceans and waterways have influenced our development and are very much part of who we are. You\'ve never experienced water like this! Join us on Facebook for the chance to WIN great prizes over summer.
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4853 days ago by hardliner
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 31195 | Comments: 1



Rescue pets can reach their full potential if just given the opportunity. Four rescue pets have been selected as finalists in the “Tales of Greatness” Purina® Pro Plan® 2012 Rally to Rescue® Story Contest, proving that even in the face of challenging beginnings all pets can make a positive difference. Purina® Pro Plan® is now inviting pet lovers to share in the celebration of these remarkable stories of achievement by voting in the nationwide contest. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // purina  pro  plan  rally  to  rescue  national  pet  rescue  contest  dogs  cats  multivu  58333 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 4560 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 3423 | Comments: 0



It took tens of thousands of activists on the ground to win the right to vote for women --a total of 144 years from 1776 to 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment. This video by the granddaughter of an American suffragist celebrates women\\\'s freedom to vote and builds leadership with news and stories of the suffrage movement.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4514 days ago by Cumullati
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 2686 | Comments: 1



The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation invites you to join The Living Room, a lively and interactive online support group for those who are directly and indirectly affected by lung cancer. The April Living Room will feature a patient-focused program, titled “Sharing My Personal Journey.” There’s no guest speaker this month, just stories and experiences from patients and family who can offer hope to others. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 4355 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 5836 | Comments: 2



At Blue Bunny, we make more than just ice cream. We set the stage for great stories to unfold and laughter to be shared. We help bring smiles to those who sometimes need it most. Blue Bunny is continuing its cause alliance with Make-A-Wish in 2014 to help make more wishes come true. Since the start of the relationship in 2013, Blue Bunny has helped Make-A-Wish grant more than 100 wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // blue  bunny  make  a  wish  children  patients  kids  charity  ice  cream  donate  multivu  7188851 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3934 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1177 | Comments: 1



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