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Saxo Bank’s decision to continue its sponsorship is based on a desire to support Bjarne Riis.
Categories // Business 
Added: 5275 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m25s | Views: 6720 | Comments: 2
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Today, Red Lobster introduces their most comprehensive core menu transformation in the brand’s history. The menu will offer significantly more items with price points below $15. It will also substantially increase the number of non-seafood selections. Additionally, the menu will offer more choice and variety, including lighter-style options and more fish and shrimp entrées. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // red  lobster  seafood  restaurant  new  menu  maine  stays  entrees  food  ad  multivu  57989 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4550 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 2881 | Comments: 1
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To order call toll free at 1-877-576-1112 Visit for more on the Biniki Butt Bra. Erica from Mania TV on a night on the town with the Butt bra Is Biniki? hard to put on? Not at all. Each Biniki comes with easy instruction on how to wear Biniki. Biniki is as easy to put on as a bra. See How to wear Biniki How do you adjust Biniki?? Just like a bra. It?s easy. Just put on and cinch up the adjustment straps. See How to Wear Biniki Where do I get Biniki? You can order on-line at or toll free at 1-877-576-1112 What is Biniki? Biniki is a derriere shaper, toner, lifter and support device for Mens and Womens butts. It is for people who would like a rearend-shaper type of lingerie for their buttocks. Want a rounder, bubble butt look in back without surgery or pads? Try Biniki, the internationally patented product designed to do the job. Although Biniki is designed to create buttock enhancement and make the backside look sexier and more round, it is not designed specifically to draw attention to the shapely derriere-it just can?t help but to do so. Support against the pull of gravity is always a plus. It is comfortable and provides an anti-gravity helper for the beautiful weight in back. It is also a comfortable feeling to look your best in back, of course! How does Biniki work? Biniki offers a custom fit by means of self adjustment and strategically placed leg loops. Since Biniki moves with you even with movement, Biniki stays in place. Biniki works because of a unique three ring system that adjusts to the wearer?s body, with the adjustable leg loops riding just under the buttocks, where the buttocks and thighs meet. See What Biniki Does How long will my Biniki last ? It depends on how you take care of your Biniki. It is recommended that you wash your Biniki by hand or have it dry cleaned for longer use. If you machine wash your Biniki even on the gentle cycle it will fade faster than hand washing and will not last as long. Can you see Biniki through clothing? t depends on the clothing. For instance, if you wear a black Biniki underneath a white dress or white pants then there is a chance that your Biniki will be seen. If you wear your Black Biniki with black pants or jeans then your Biniki will be much less noticeable.
Tags // butt  bra  sex  sexy  ass  beyonce  jlo  buns  of  steel  tight  buns  firm  derriere  tits  gluteus  maximus  glutes 
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6195 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 12367 | Comments: 2
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Permeable or not, this is in the case of glass, in fact the question. Light shines through, this is what most people think, however, this is not quite true. Low iron glass is aimed to protect cells, but it is supposed to also let more light energy shine on the modules than normal window glass. On the other hand, modern three-or four-glazed windows let light through, but form an energy-saving temperature barrier. This way in the winter the cold stays outside and the heat inside. In the summer modern windows can automatically darken and prevent the room from heating up - energy for air conditioning is therefore saved. Glass has a lot of potential, a fact the visitors to the trade fairs glasstec and solarpeq in Düsseldorf, will have the chance to convince themselves of.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5304 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 5913 | Comments: 0
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Ruby dreams of love and escaping the Congregation. But if Ruby leaves, the Congregation will die without the secret ingredient to the Water, her blood. So she stays, and prays to their savior Otto, who first gave Water to the Congregants, and fathered Ruby before he vanished. Learn more about this book here, and its author here, YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5106 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 7639 | Comments: 2
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Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: PNK) today announced it is reshaping casino industry rewards with the re-launch of its mychoice™ guest loyalty program. The new mychoice offers guests the opportunity to earn annual lease payments on Mercedes-Benz vehicles, cruises on Royal Caribbean International® and stays at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore, two of Las Vegas’ premier resort properties, through an innovative cross-marketing agreement with Wynn Las Vegas, LLC. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5103 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 5551 | Comments: 3
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Prem Rabindranauth, MD, a heart surgeon at Gundersen Lutheran Health System in La Crosse, Wis., is using an exciting technique, called minimally invasive coronary surgery (MICS), to perform heart bypass surgery. To perform MICS, a very small three-inch cut is made between the ribs instead of the long cut through the breast bone that is needed with traditional open heart surgery. This means less pain and blood loss, fewer risks for problems, shorter hospital stays and quicker healing time. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4857 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m29s | Views: 6450 | Comments: 0
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Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: PNK) today announced it is offering players a wealth of extraordinary benefits in its mychoice guest loyalty program. Just one year after enhancing the program, Pinnacle is now offering an innovative new benefit: annual trips to Atlantis, Paradise Island resort in The Bahamas. Atlantis joins an array of iconic brands already available to mychoice members such as the opportunity to earn an annual lease on Mercedes-Benz vehicles, cruises on Royal Caribbean International and stays at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4718 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 4778 | Comments: 1
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Who ever thought bed-hopping could be so rewarding? On June 26th, hundreds of New Yorkers went on an exciting “Bedventure” thanks to® and its loyalty program, Welcome Rewards™. Participants went on a whirlwind, virtual vacation by “flying” from one exotic destination to the next on a larger-than-life, custom-made bed during the free outdoor event. New Welcome Rewards members who signed up on the spot were automatically entered to win one of three five-night stays at a destination of their choice, a $500 cash card, and a FlipCam. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4659 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 76500 | Comments: 2
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Golf Lessons Irvine Call (949) 554-9926 - Are you looking for golf lessons in Irvine (or the nearby area) or just golfing tips in general? Ryan Trengrove (Class A PGA member), owner of a state-of-the-art indoor golf training facility called Golf Swing Prescription (Laguna Hills, CA), shows you how conquer one of the most common problems in Golf - keeping your lower body stable while swinging the golf club! Ryan states that if you can get your lower body to be more stable, you will have a lot more fun when you are playing golf. Ryan shows you a video of one of Golf’s great player’s, Davis Love III, to display great lower body stability. Ryan points out how Davis’s lower body not only stays in the “same sit” and “same flex” as Davis goes up to the top of his golf swing, but, also when he goes back down to hit the golf ball. Ryan also points out the importance of NOT having your lower body “sway”, but to have it “swivel” instead. The goal is to keep the lower body in its flex, so that you can have it sit, and keep the hip in the same spot. If you are able to do this, as you come from the top of your swing down to the ball, you should make solid contact. In order to assist you in achieving better lower body stability, Ryan shows you a golf drill called the “Feet Together Drill”. This drill has the golfer setup to hit the golf ball with their feet together, which will prevent the golfer from going “side to side” during the swing. The idea behind the drill is to have the golfer hit a number of shots with their feet together so that they can get the “feeling” of not “going side to side” and being stable. Once you get use to the feeling, then you can widen your golf stance, trying to maintain the same “stable feeling” felt during the drill, with your base “swiveling” and not “swaying”. Ryan goes on to show you one more drill to help you that he got from Golf Professional, Nick Faldo called the “Right Foot Forward – Left Leg Back Drill” (just switch if you are left handed). The goal of this drill is to help you focus on keeping the flex in your right knee. You get in your normal golf stance, but, just move your left leg back a couple of feet, and then hit the ball. So what this drill does is to focus you on keeping the proper flex in your right knee. What Ryan wants you to do is to work on the combination of the “Feet Together Drill” and the “Right Foot Forward –Left Leg Back Drill” so that when you get up to your golf ball you focus on staying centered – no “side to side” and keeping your right knee flexed. Ryan points out that if you can do this, that you should make better contact with the ball! Ryan performs over 1,500 golf lessons per year, when compared to the average club pro that only conducts approximately 300. Ryan is extremely popular for a reason; his indoor
Tags // golf  lessons  irvine 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4551 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 1615 | Comments: 0
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To help combat an increasing trend in festive isolation, charity Abbeyfield today launches a nationwide campaign, Companionship At Christmas, to create an alternative to spending the celebratory period alone. The charity is offering free overnight stays and delicious Christmas lunches over the festive season (24th December – 4th January) in over 100 Abbeyfield sheltered houses and care homes. The Charity will take enquiries from now until December via their website or via their dedicated telephone number 0845 052 3553 up until the 18th December. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4532 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m19s | Views: 5269 | Comments: 1
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Roger Fedrer, a sensational Swiss professional tennis player who as of December 2012 is ranked world No. 2 by the ATP, stays @ Hotel Mansión Algodón
Tags // hotels  in  recoleta  buenos  aires 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4437 days ago by algodonmansion
Runtime: 2m38s | Views: 885 | Comments: 0
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