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Search // request
Results 13-24 of 31 for ' request ' (0 seconds)
The National Bone Health Alliance (NBHA), a public-private partnership with 42 member organizations, is urging a simple solution to a big problem: if it’s 50+ fracture, request a test. This is the call-to-action for the NBHA’s new public and healthcare professional education campaign – 2Million2Many ( The campaign reflects the two million bone breaks that occur in the U.S. each year that are caused by osteoporosis and urges the public and healthcare professionals alike to take action and request a test for osteoporosis when someone age 50 or older breaks a bone. Despite the fact that 50 percent of osteoporosis-related repeat fractures can be prevented with existing treatments, only two in 10 initial bone breaks get a follow-up test or treatment for osteoporosis. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4678 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 8599 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Demo of the Home Repair Industry Mobile Application. ClickTecs launches Web Based SaaS model application developed to Automate & Track the workflow of Home Repair Service providers. This SaaS based repair service management application software allows a Company to respond to customer request with Real Time data on the Location (on a Map) & Availability of their Field Technicians.
Categories // Business 
Added: 4622 days ago by clicktecs
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 3086 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated / Request @whoisPH
Tags // new  hip  hop  song  new  rap  song  new  hip  hop  music 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Event and Party 
Added: 4585 days ago by realvideofile53
Runtime: 4m12s | Views: 2285 | Comments: 0
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The National Insurance Crime Bureau, the Insurance Information Institute and the National Consumers League have joined together to alert victims of Sandy to the potential for fraud by unscrupulous contractors. A 30-second public service announcement urges Sandy victims to be alert to potential fraud schemes by contractors who are only looking to take their money while doing shoddy repairs or no repairs at all. Victims are advised to avoid pressure tactics and contractors going door to door. “If you didn’t request it, reject it.” People who suspect that they’re being scammed can call 1-800-TEL-NICB to report it. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4492 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m29s | Views: 4144 | Comments: 1
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Tags // zolo  zolo  world  zoloworl 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4361 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 592 | Comments: 0
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Tags // zolo  zolo  world 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4361 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m56s | Views: 667 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2000 Sonny Moorman - By Request
Categories // Music 
Added: 4266 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 5m49s | Views: 818 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2000 Sonny Moorman - By Request #2
Tags // sonny  moorman  robert  johnson  dust  my  broom 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4234 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 5m12s | Views: 844 | Comments: 0
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Robert Johnson Project From: 2000 Sonny Moorman - By Request 2
Categories // Music 
Added: 4160 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 913 | Comments: 0
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Dua To Literally Boost Your Energy ᴴᴰ ┇ #DuaRevival ┇ by Ustadh Majed Mahmoud ┇ TDR Production ┇ Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu *This video is Created by & for The Daily Reminder. Feel free to re-upload and share. **No Music was used in the production of this video ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----- Keep Yourselves updated: TDR Website: (coming soon) TDR YT Channel: TDR fb Page: TDR on Twitter: TDR on G+: TDR on Vimeo: TDR on Sound-cloud: TDR Studio Fund: TDR Donation link: Speaker: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud Ustadh Majed Mahmoud on YT: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud on fb: Ustadh Majed Mahmoud on twitter: ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----- Dua To Literally Boost Your Energy ᴴᴰ - Ustadh Majed Mahmoud One time Fatima (radiallahu anha) -- she went to complain to her husband Ali ibn Talib (radiallahu anhu) about how exhausting and tiring the housework has become on her. You know what, the family - Ali and Fatima (radiallahu anhuma) -- was a very poor family actually. Unlike many other homes, they had no money to afford to have a servant or a maid to help out in the housework. So Fatima (radiallahu anha) used to do everything. And you gotta appreciate that because there were no washing machines, no dishwashers, no vacuums, nothing! It was all physical work. So Ali ibn Talib (radiallahu anhu) hearing this, he says, 'Ya Fatima! How about you get a servant?'(Fatima says) 'How can I get a servant? We don't have money for this stuff?' He tells her, 'Ya Fatima! I have heard that your father Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) just recently received some prisoners of war. And why not you go and request from your father (Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to give you one of those people to be a servant for us? Why not?' Fatima liked the idea. She never the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had received such a group of prisoners of war, and she wants now to go to the house of R asulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and she heads there right away. She knocks on the door. Aisha (radiallahu anha), the wife of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam opens the door and they greet each other and Fatima asks, 'Ya Aisha! Is my father there?' And Aisha says, 'No, he's not here.' Then Fatima basically wants to tell her exactly what her request is like and she tells her, 'You know what? I heard my father has received some prisoners of war and I was hoping I could get one [like] to be [like] a servant for our family. That'd be really nice.' So Aisha (radiallahu anha) says, 'You know what, the moment your father comes back I will surely let him know of what your need is.' Beautiful! Fatima goes back home. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam -- after some time -- comes back to his house. And Aisha tells him exactly why Fatima came and the request, 'you know what, she's looking for a servant to help her out with all the housework.' Rasulullah says, 'you know what, I'm going to go right now to the house of Ali.' Allahu Akbar! Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam heads to the house of Ali ibn Talib (radiallahu anhu). As he gets there, Ali and Fatima -- they would like to stand up and greet the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. But the Prophet says, 'Ala makaa nikum."He says, ' Ala makaa nikum -- Stay the way you are. Stay in your bed, no need to stand up. Just relax.' And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam -- Allahu Akbar! -- He comes and he sits on their bed in between Fatima and Ali (radiallahu anhuma). And he tells them... "Hal adullukuma 'ala khayrim mimma sa altuma -- shall I not guide you of something that is better and more beneficial to both of you than whatever you have requested (i.e. having a servant)? Whenever you're about to go to sleep -- itha awaytuma firaashikuma -- you shall say fasbbiha thalaatha wa thalaatheen (say Subhanallah thirty three times) wahmadaa thalaatha wa thalatheen (say Alhamdulillah thirty three times) wa kabbirah arba'un wa thalatheen (and say Allahu Akbar thirty four times). Haatha khayrullakum min khadim -- Allahu Akbar! -- This is better for you than having a servant!'
Tags // islam  islamic  dua  supplication 
Added: 3863 days ago by Muslimah
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 1024 | Comments: 3
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Suffering from an in-law overdose? Recovering from a shopping overload? Planning on feeling a little fuzzy? With more than a third (35 percent) of Americans* planning to drink on New Year’s Eve already predicting a hangover on New Year’s Day, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. (Red Robin) has the perfect remedy for guests in need of some relief this holiday season! To ring in the New Year, the Gourmet Burger Authority™ will unveil The Cure Burger, available by request only at participating restaurants nationwide beginning January 1. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3727 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 962 | Comments: 1
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1. Offer available from December 25 2014 for a limited time only in Sydney and participating regions. 2. Orders already confirmed cannot avail of the offer. It is only open to new inquiries from 25/12/2014. Quotes prior to the sale can be requoted upon request to take up the offer. 3. Not valid with any other discounts or interest free offer. 4. Installation and accessories do not form part of the offer and will be charged as per the normal retail prices. 5. Discount is off Apollo’s normal selling prices. 6. The ranges applicable are as follows: *20% Off Panel Glides Cellular Blinds Viewline Shades * 25% Off Roller Blinds Fabric Verticals Venetians Roller Shutters Roman Blinds * 30% Off Awnings * 35% Off Shicane Verticals *40% Off All Louvre Shutters
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3689 days ago by reachapollo
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 844 | Comments: 0
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