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Added: 4340 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 1233 | Comments: 0
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Rachael Ray and Guy Fieri return to mentor and coach eight new multi-talented celebrities in the third season of Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-Off, premiering Monday, January 6th at 9pm ET/PT on Food Network. The eight celebrities are divided into Team Rachael and Team Guy as they compete over six episodes in a variety of culinary challenges, testing their cooking, marketing and performing skills along the way. New to this season, each episode features a special Food Network guest judge who will determine which celebrity is sent home. The last one left standing wins bragging rights as they join past season winners Lou Diamond Phillips and Dean McDermott, and $50,000 to the charity of their choice. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4145 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 1927 | Comments: 1
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Gucci Guilty Pour Homme - Director's Cut, starring Chris Evans and Evan Rachel Wood. Directed by Frank Miller. Soundtrack by Bat for Lashes. Check out the home of Gucci Guilty Pour Homme here
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Added: 5140 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 9702 | Comments: 2
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In their ongoing commitment to support fearless women, Secret Deodorant has created the Mean Stinks program; a supportive Facebook community that gives young women the courage to stand up to a stinky behavior – bullying. To help this cause, Secret is partnering with relatable role models—Amber Riley, best known as Mercedes on the hit FOX show Glee, and Rachel Simmons, nationally renowned relationship expert—to start a movement of “nice.” Together they are giving young women the strength to face challenges associated with bullying and mean behavior. Secret is also partnering with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center by donating a portion of proceeds from select Secret Clinical Strength purchases to it’s prevention efforts. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4998 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m35s | Views: 6299 | Comments: 0
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Even the panel of “odor specialists” resisted the urge to cover their noses as pungent smells emanated from the smelliest sneakers in this year’s Annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest. Ready to be judged, seven kids, ages seven to sixteen, from across the country have arrived in Montpelier today, selected as national finalists, wearing the decrepit and odorous rubber-soles that won them regional recognition. In its 37th year, the National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest is the ultimate test of just how dirty and stinky sneakers can get when they’re part of an active kid’s life, going where they go, through puddles, mud and all. Sneakers are judged on the conditions of the sole, tongue, heel, toe, laces or velcro, eyelets/grommets, overall condition and most important ODOR, by a panel that includes NASA “Master Sniffer” George Aldrich, Chemical Specialist for NASA space missions, and Rachel Herz, Ph.D., a professor at Brown University and author of The Scent of Desire and That’s Disgusting. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4748 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 4629 | Comments: 0
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Meet Karma. new episode each week on cast: Annie Wood, Eric Curtis, Liz Benham, Cameron Diskin, Peter Arpesella, Matthew J Cates, Stephanie Erb, Phillip Estrada, Teresa Ganzel, Susie Geiser, Jill K. Allen, Arthur Hanket, Hali Lula Hudson, Bill Lippincott, DeLane Matthews, Erin Murphy, Brian Prisco, Mikul Robins, Leif Ronalds, Rachel Sciacca, Chelsea Switzer crew: Kyle Stryker, Zach Voytas, Alex Pulido, Ryan Villarreal, Brian Ronalds, Chad Villella, Ryan Hetrick, Josh Benham & Jon LaFleur - The Crafty Caterer!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4566 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m47s | Views: 7846 | Comments: 0
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(Sandy-Hook, Connecticut Massacre Tribute) by GIO This song is dedicated to the 20 kids an 6 adults that got killed in the Connecticut school shooting ON DEC 14th 2012 that won't be around for Christmas. May this song bless them and their families. Here are the list of names of those who are now at peace with God: Charlotte Bacon - 6, Daniel Barden - 7, Olivia Engel - 6, Josephine Gay - 7, Ana Marquez-Greene - 6, Dylan Hockley - 6, Madeleine Hsu - 6, Catherine Hubbard - 6, Chase Kowalski - 7, Jesse Lewis - 6, James Mattioli - 6, Grace McDonnell - 7, Emilie Parker - 6, Jack Pinto - 6, Noah Pozner - 6, Caroline Previdi - 6, Jessica Rekos - 6, Avielle Richman - 6, Benjamin Wheeler - 6, Allison Wyatt - 6, Rachel Davino - 29, Dawn Hocksprung - 47, Anne Marie Murphy - 52, Lauren Rousseau - 30, Mary Sherlach - 56, Victoria Soto - 27, We apologize if there was anybody left out due to this horrific event as for it was short notice. Our condolences to the families MERRY  CHRISTMAS to the 26 innocent hearts. To contact GIO email him at
Categories // Music 
Added: 4470 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m15s | Views: 3559 | Comments: 0
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As part of Global Youth Traffic Safety Month™ , the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Mazda Motorsports, the Ad Council and the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) announced the six high school and college winners of their second annual Project Yellow Light scholarship contest. “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All,” was the theme of this year’s contest. Entrants were asked to develop and produce a short video that would depict for their peers the dangers of risky mobile behavior on our Nation’s roadways. The high school grand prize was awarded to Brittany Devasure, a senior from North Carolina, for her video. For the first time, the contest was open to college students. Rachel Hall, who studies at the Cleveland Institute of Music, was recognized as the grand prize winner for her video. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4347 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 3360 | Comments: 2
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Regional winners of the Rotten Sneaker Contest® gathered at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Times Square for the 2016 national competition. Six contestants from across the country, ages seven to thirteen, went head-to head in New York City today to show off their foul smelling sneakers for a chance to win the national title. But only one pair of sneakers could be crowned the winner and they belonged to 12 year old, Mason Young-Hiss, from Berthoud, CO. The Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest is the ultimate test that shows how offensive kids’ sneakers can get when they are playing outdoors, splashing through puddles, slogging through mud and more. The contest has a long history (over 40 years) and kids from across the country look forward to this annual event in their hometown. Participants take pride in mucking up their shoes to stand out from their competitors to ultimately win over the judges. Sneakers are judged on the interior and exterior conditions of the shoe, and most importantly odor, by a professional panel that includes NASA “Master Sniffer” George Aldrich, Chemical Specialist for NASA space missions, and Rachel Herz, Ph.D., an expert and author on the psychology of smell. Additionally, Brittany Every, Marketing Manager of Ripley’s Believe Or Not! Times Square joined the expert judges this year. Brittany is accustomed to seeing the unexpected and unusual at Ripley’s so she was up for the task. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3306 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 895 | Comments: 0
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