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At Munich’s real estate exhibition last week, Russia’s leading e-commerce company, Ulmart, hosted a “working breakfast” to discuss the nuances and intricacies of investing in Russia today during times of heightened international tension. The topic, “Making the Case for Star Investment Projects in Russia”, featured Ulmart’s chairman and majority shareholder Dmitry Kostygin; Andrew Kaye, Managing Director and Co-Head of Technology Banking, William Blair International; Calin Anton Business Development Director Russia & CIS, Astron; and, Tim Millard, Regional Director, Head of Consulting Services at Jones Lang LaSalle, Russia. A lively discussion kicked off about how some in the investment community tend to focus—even obsess—on macro realties at a state-to-state level ignoring many truly interesting project; precisely the types of projects that keep most of the world’s economies developing positively from cycle to cycle. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3432 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 8m15s | Views: 894 | Comments: 0
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At Munich’s real estate exhibition last week, Russia’s leading e-commerce company, Ulmart, hosted a “working breakfast” to discuss the nuances and intricacies of investing in Russia today during times of heightened international tension. The topic, “Making the Case for Star Investment Projects in Russia”, featured Ulmart’s chairman and majority shareholder Dmitry Kostygin; Andrew Kaye, Managing Director and Co-Head of Technology Banking, William Blair International; Calin Anton Business Development Director Russia & CIS, Astron; and, Tim Millard, Regional Director, Head of Consulting Services at Jones Lang LaSalle, Russia. A lively discussion kicked off about how some in the investment community tend to focus—even obsess—on macro realties at a state-to-state level ignoring many truly interesting project; precisely the types of projects that keep most of the world’s economies developing positively from cycle to cycle. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3432 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 980 | Comments: 0
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Water has played an important role in the Stella Artois brewing heritage for more than 600 years, and is an essential ingredient in the Stella Artois that is brewed today. Yet 663 million people lack access to clean water – a global crisis that disproportionately affects women, who spend millions of hours a day collecting it. Stella Artois has again partnered with to drive awareness of the global water crisis, and calls on consumers to help leave a legacy as the generation that ends this crisis, once and for all. The “Buy a Lady a Drink” campaign was first launched in 2015 to utilize Stella Artois’ global footprint to help positively impact this important issue. Last year the campaign focused on women’s long journeys for clean water. This year, the campaign showcases the positive impact that access to clean water can have, while inspiring consumers to leave a positive mark on the world. “I’ve seen how the lives of women and their families can change when they get access to clean water,” said Co-Founder Matt Damon. “Access to water is access to education, access to work, access to the kind of future we want for all humankind. Thanks to our partnership with Stella Artois, this year’s ‘Buy a Lady a Drink’ campaign helps us tell this story – and gives consumers the chance to help us change it.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3335 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 971 | Comments: 1
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BLACK+DECKER™ has joined Habitat for Humanity’s first nationwide cause campaign, Home is the Key (#HomeIsTheKey), in raising awareness throughout April of the critical need for improved access to decent shelter. Funds raised during the campaign will allow Habitat to partner with more families and unlock better, stable futures. BLACK+DECKER understands the significance of calling a place home and is proud to support this important initiative. “We are thrilled to be part of a movement that will help open more doors to affordable homeownership,” said Allison Nicolaidis, Chief Marketing Officer for Global Tools & Storage at Stanley Black & Decker. “Studies have shown that a stable home plays a key role in positively influencing a family’s education, health and financial opportunities. We feel that the BLACK+DECKER mission of turning the place you live into a home goes hand-in-hand with this campaign.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2895 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m17s | Views: 642 | Comments: 0
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The Häagen-Dazs brand is helping to change the way ingredients are grown to better support bee populations by working hand-in-hand with its farmer suppliers. The internationally-recognized ice cream brand has installed one of the largest, privately funded pollinator habitats on the farmland of its almond supplier in California’s Central Valley. No stranger to helping the bees, the brand aims to impact additional ingredients used throughout its super-premium ice cream portfolio and positively influence sustainable agriculture practices. The “Häagen-Dazs Loves Honey Bees” program launched in 2008, and today is expanding from research and educational funding to hands-on initiatives that will rejuvenate pollinator habitats to allow native bees to flourish. Located in Chowchilla, California, the habitat consists of six and a half miles of hedgerow and 11,000 native drought-tolerant shrubs and flowering plants, impacting 840 acres of farmland. In order to supply what pollinators need, the Häagen-Dazs brand worked with expert agronomists and the Xerces Society to maximize the impact of the habitat by choosing regional plants that are attractive to pollinators. Looking forward, the team will work to create custom habitats for more of its ingredient suppliers who depend on bees to pollinate their crops. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2893 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 906 | Comments: 0
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Cole Haan, the iconic American lifestyle footwear and accessories brand and retailer, is delighted to announce its Fall 2017 Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Stories campaign featuring fashion icons Christy Turlington Burns and Karlie Kloss, lensed by acclaimed photographer Cass Bird. The campaign is a culmination of an all-women cast and crew. Showcasing these extraordinary women and laced with the narrative of the unique relationship between Burns and Kloss, the campaign features strikingly intimate candid video vignettes and editorial photographs, as well as classically cool styling by Karla Welch. Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Stories explores the meaningful relationship between Christy and Karlie, bound by a shared desire for purposeful change. Each has been inspired to channel the success of their modeling careers to work toward positively impacting women’s lives through their respective initiatives: Kode with Klossy, empowering young women and girls to learn to code as well as become leaders in tech and, Every Mother Counts, providing support to mothers around the world with access to essential maternity care. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2740 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 962 | Comments: 3
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As entrepreneurs struggle to find desirable investments that also allow them to have an impact on the future of our country, Primrose Schools invites them to explore the benefits of opening a high-quality Primrose preschool in their communities. As the nation’s leading early education franchise company, Primrose currently has more than 350 locations in 29 states and is growing across the country. Financial forecasters and economic developers alike point to early education as a stable investment that yields strong returns. A recent report by Child Care Aware shows that the high-quality early education industry generates a return of more than $8 for every $1 spent, meaning the returns of providing early education for children positively impact the economic development of communities and future workforce development. Last year, IBIS World reported that the industry reached a record high of $47.8 billion and is expected to continue to grow at an even faster pace than the overall child services market. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2727 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 747 | Comments: 3
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Whirlpool Corporation is celebrating the conclusion of its first-ever Global Habitat Build Project -- a project which engaged more than 200 Whirlpool Corporation employee volunteers in 14 Habitat for Humanity home build projects in eight countries. The project was coordinated to recognize the many contributions of the company’s former CEO, Jeff Fettig, who stepped down as CEO on October 31 of this year, and to celebrate the 17-year partnership between Habitat for Humanity International and Whirlpool Corporation. “What better way to recognize the standard of giving back set by our Chairman and former CEO, Jeff Fettig, than to collectively build homes around the world in his honor,” said Jeff Noel, the corporate vice president of communications & public affairs for Whirlpool Corporation. “At the same time, we’re celebrating our long-standing relationship with Habitat for Humanity. Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International, gave his time to hammer nails alongside our employees, honoring our collaborative work building homes and positively impacting society for nearly two decades.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2617 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m10s | Views: 875 | Comments: 2
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