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Search // ops
Results 13-18 of 18 for ' ops ' (0 seconds)
A woman in a warrior’s world Captain Morgan Boland is a sniper and bound for combat. Navy SEAL Jake Ramsey is not happy to be paired with her on a dangerous mission, especially since they share a heated past. Passion and heartache must be set aside if they are to stay alive because first you fight for your life, then you fight for your heart when you’re Down Range. Military romance
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Added: 4123 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 2294 | Comments: 1
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The hero we’ve all been waiting for… Ethan “Ozzie” Sykes Former Navy SEAL Underground operator for Black Knights Inc., the covert government defense firm disguised as a custom motorcycle shop In a black-on-black international mission that went seriously sideways, Ozzie was badly injured—now he’s stuck at BKI headquarters in Chicago, champing at the bit to get out into the field again. To his disgust, he’s tasked with distracting Chicago Tribune ace reporter Samantha Tate, who’s been trying to dig up the dirt on BKI for years. Turns out Samantha’s beauty, intelligence and sense of humor are a seriously big distraction, and Ozzie’s losing his desire to keep her at bay. Find out more at Action/romance/military
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2715 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 952 | Comments: 2
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Mere info på Hos Fyns Kran Udstyr har vi et udvalg af forskellige kransystemer. Vores udvalg inkluderer: Lette kransystemer - op til 5 tons, Industri Traverskraner - op til 20 tons, Vægsvingskraner, Søjlesvingskraner. Kransystemerne er modulært opbygget. Det betyder, at der er mulighed for lave et kransystem, der passer til den enkelte kundes behov. Kundetilpassede løsninger er i høj grad baseret på standardkomponenter, hvilket betyder at omkostningerne og leveringstiden kan holdes nede. Vægler du os som leverandør af de næste kransystem, er vi behjælpelig under hele processen -- fra projektering, montering og efterfølgende service. Vores mange års erfaring betyder, at vi er i stand til at give den korrekte rådgivning og løsning til vores kunder, således det optimalt udbytte opnås. Denne video viser projekt med opsætning af et 5 tons Erikkila Spartan Industri Travers Kransystem.
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Added: 4647 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 2982 | Comments: 0
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An elite squad of soldiers are tasked with tackling military ops that are blacker than black and far beyond the call of duty . . . fiction
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Added: 4331 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 1762 | Comments: 0
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To help amp up your beauty routine and smile for the holiday parties to come, Andrea Brooks of @AndreasChoice and Colgate® Optic White® released Episode 7 of the seven part online video series, “The Smile Show™,” today. Hosted via the Colgate Optic White YouTube channel, the latest installment features Andrea’s exclusive tips and tricks for looking and feeling your best while celebrating this holiday season. She shares her winter beauty routine and tips for achieving a whiter, brighter smile just in time for the holidays. “The holidays are full of photo-ops, so I always want to make sure my smile is bright,” said Andrea Brooks. “I use the Colgate Optic White Toothbrush + Whitening Pen because my busy holiday schedule requires a whitening product that is easy to use, convenient and effective.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3395 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m22s | Views: 1020 | Comments: 0
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A gripping and authentic thriller by an author with personal experience in Black Ops—Leo Maloney. New danger has been brought to the world of Zeta Division, and it’s up to ex-CIA agent Dan Morgan and his team to stop a criminal mastermind that would destabilize the world’s balance of powers. Find out more here- and here For Duty and Honor by Leo J Maloney Military thriller, spy thriller
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3044 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 691 | Comments: 0
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