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Search // notes
Results 13-24 of 38 for ' notes ' (0 seconds)
It's all set to go for Seembee! One of the most efficient note taking app is ready to hit the app store. With Seembee taking photo notes, audio notes is just simple and more effective. Seembee is the easiest way to document all of those notes that you wrote on scraps of papers, napkin, etc. Sync your documents on the web and make life simpler!
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5076 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 2m25s | Views: 6424 | Comments: 0
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Office Note provide better solution for office notes writing and Google Docs editor. WYSIWYG document Editor for BLOGS, Google Docs, HTML and EMAIL Signatures. .. Google Docs™ SYNC ** Sync documents with Google Docs. ** View and edit Google Docs™ in the app and on the desktop. Changes made on the desktop will be maintained once they are on your iPad. ***Add handwriting to Google Docs ** Keep documents in sync across multiple devices. **Download documents in different formats **Open in other apps such as Pages **Update or upload documents from other apps Export to DROPBOX and use as web page EMAIL *MULTIPLE EMAIL SIGNATURES: Use your own previously saved templates, such as signature files, commonly used phrases, or email messages that are frequently sent. * Email multiple images, including photos and images from the web. * Email as PDF if desired. * Load images to DropBox and send them in email more at :-
Tags // notes  write  app  for  ipad 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4425 days ago by officenoteapp
Runtime: 4m19s | Views: 911 | Comments: 0
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Composer plays on a white guitar.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5590 days ago by wwwsensitivemusicde
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 5636 | Comments: 0
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No more tiresome strains or pressure on your mind, scared of losing traffic tickets or house bills? Seembee is the app of choice, makes management of documents seem like a piece of cake. Never again will you have to go searching for receipts or documents around the house or your office desk, SeemBee enables you to upload snapshots, scanned documents or image files into your personal web based archive. With features that enable virtual stapling/un-stapling, folders/subfolders and multiple tag mechanisms that help in segregating documents, SeemBee is the choice for many who find it hard saving and segregating documents and events in their lives.
Tags // note  taking  app  document  backups  photo  notes  audio  notes  upload  photos  iphone  app  mobile 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5068 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6286 | Comments: 0
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An app for hiding your private notes and photos on your phone! There are some things that you just want to keep private. While there are plenty of apps that let you store information on your phone, very few of them take their own steps to ensure the privacy of your information. Once a person gets past your lock screen, your life is wide open, including the private things you’ve saved for yourself. With this app, you can access your private notes and photos by drawing your secret signature on the screen. No password prompts or buttons that would give away the existence of your secret area. Even your most private information remains safely locked away from prying eyes. You can store passwords, banking information, ID numbers, intimate photos and more. Only you can access the hidden content by drawing your signature shape anywhere on the screen. Once unlocked, your notes are readily available to you. Anyone that doesn’t know your signature will simply see a list of “dummy” public notes with zero indication that a password is even required. There is no password prompt. Only you know that a special signature is needed.
Tags // secret 
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4390 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 4m11s | Views: 1210 | Comments: 1
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'The Love Note in San Francisco' is based on a true story of a couple who meet in San Francisco and fall in love, but are torn apart by distance. It's clear Amanda & Fernando have fallen in love fast, but will they ever see each other again? Watch the video and find out just in time for Valentine's Day. 'The Love Note in San Francisco' is a video produced by Savvy Sleepers Luxury Satin Pillow Cases. Savvy Sleepers, based in San Francisco, are 100% Pure anti-aging Satin Pillow Cases ultra-smooth for hair & skin with the secret pocket for jewelry, love notes or a sweet surprise sold in salons and blow dry bars nationwide and worldwide at The story starts out near AT&T Park with Philz Coffee as the couple walk along the Embarcadero and to a San Francisco Cable Car. Starring Amanda Grace Jenkins, Fernando Guevara. Produced by Bobby Huerta. Written by fashion blogger Dale Janée of and founder Savvy Sleepers.
Tags // love  long  distance  love  san  francisco  savvy  sleepers  satin  pillow  cases  love  notes 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3695 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 968 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Learn to Play the Piano Fast
Tags // piano  play  learn  lessons 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4715 days ago by alamar
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 3340 | Comments: 0
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Gregory Maguire, Michael Cunningham, Amy Bloom, David Levithan, James Lecesne, Linda Villarosa and others tell their younger selves what they would have liked to know then about their lives as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender people in The Letter Q. Watch now! Learn more about this book Non-fiction, Teens
Tags // teen  book  lgbtq  gay  lesbian  advice  trans  gender  book  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4689 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 3m9s | Views: 3729 | Comments: 0
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I am in favor of holding the next of kin fully accountable for grammarical errors in suicide notes.
Categories // Music  People and Blog  Street 
Added: 5773 days ago by firelobe
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 8035 | Comments: 1
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MyLAB, a new iPhone app that helps future singing sensations around the globe to reach their full vocal potential; be it by increasing and expanding range, hitting notes with crisp timing and clarity, and delivering, time and time again, vocal performances that will captivate audiences and lead to the emergence of a new breed of superstar: YOU!
Tags // mylab  mylab  pro  sing  learn  talk  pro  iphone  ipad  app  vocal  practice  music  song 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4866 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 7555 | Comments: 1
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The Yankee Candle Company, Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer of premium scented candles, today announced its most popular fragrances within its new contemporary candle line, Pure Radiance. After just a few weeks of availability, the three best-selling Pure Radiance scents are: After Dark™ — Enjoy an enchanted evening with this nocturnal mix of night air, garden herbs, rich woods and musk. Beachfront™ — Escape to a place where the air is filled with the sounds of the waves and the scents of summer blossoms. Includes notes of watery, ozone, pineapple, lotus, and coconut. Denim™ — Comfortable and casual … this carefree mix of citrus, white flowers, cedarwood and musk is as relaxed as a Sunday afternoon. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4780 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 7821 | Comments: 1
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You can learn to play piano by ear, for fun, whether or not you can read musical notes.
Tags // play  by  ear  play  piano  by  ear  learn  to  play  by  ear  playing  by  ear  playing  piano  by  ear  playing  music  by  ear 
Categories // Music  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4563 days ago by MusicFunMan
Runtime: 5m22s | Views: 3194 | Comments: 1
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