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Search // michel
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Nearly 12 million men in the U.S. suffer from symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an enlargement of the prostate that can cause issues such as frequent and weak urinary streams and sleep deprivation from getting up repeatedly during the night to urinate. Since traditional BPH therapies such as daily medications and more invasive or surgical procedures often result in unwanted side effects and complications, more than 54 percent of men who would benefit from treating their BPH choose not to do anything1. With today’s national introduction of the FDA-cleared Rezūm® System, NxThera provides urologists and their patients suffering from symptomatic BPH with a new, safe and effective minimally-invasive, office-based treatment option which improves quality of life and preserves sexual function2 – one of the main reasons many men choose to forego medications or more invasive procedures. “Men suffering from BPH are constantly evaluating the trade-offs between maintaining their current declined quality of life or treating their BPH symptoms and possibly incurring long term side effects,” said Dr. Kia Michel, M.D., a urologist at Comprehensive Urology in Los Angeles who recently performed the procedure as part of a nationally televised segment on prostate health. “Of all the minimally-invasive BPH treatments I’ve performed, Rezūm is the most effective and most versatile treatment available to patients – and the results have been excellent.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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