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Results 13-24 of 422 for ' line ' (0 seconds)
Primal Mist has released two new perfumes, Formulae Alpha and Formulae Beta, after four years of archaeological study, scientific investigation and fragrance design. The Primal Mist line is produced in extremely small quantities, making them exclusive and rare. The company states that each stage of the creation process is hand-crafted, including bottling. Both perfumes are cured for two years before they are ready for release. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4940 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 6850 | Comments: 0



The Angry Birds® craze continues to sweep the nation — and pets are fed up! Having shared their owners’ attention with the popular game since its release in 2009, cats and dogs are begging to take a bite out of the fun. Now they can play too. The Hartz Mountain Corporation, a leader in the pet products industry, is launching an exclusive line of Angry Birds pet toys featuring many of the wildly popular Angry Birds characters just in time for the holidays. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 4859 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 11899 | Comments: 0



THE INFAMOUS MOTORHEAD! Back on the road with “The World is Yours” tour, 2012. Motorhead started in 1975 when Lemmy Kilmister returned to London, determined to start his own band to avoid being fired again, he decided it would be called ‘Bastard,’ but management overuled and ‘Motorhead,’ a song Lemmy had written as a B-side for Hawkwind, was born. With drummer, Lucas Fox and Pink Fairies guitarist, Larry Wallis, and Lemmy on bass and vocals, Motorhead began gigging and recorded their first album, which their record company refused to release at the time, (it later emerged in 1980 as ‘On Parole’).
Tags // motorhead  line  back  world  is  yours  2012  tour 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4449 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m58s | Views: 3719 | Comments: 0



Ryan's about to hook up with Emma when she passes out drunk. Should he just go for it anyway?
Tags // the  line  party  girl 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4298 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1634 | Comments: 0



Cracker Barrel Old Country Store® today announced the arrival of the Goo Goo® Cluster Latte, a new premium coffee beverage inspired by the Goo Goo® Cluster, a beloved, iconic candy of the South and America’s first combination candy bar. Available at all Cracker Barrel® locations nationwide beginning today, the Goo Goo Cluster Latte is a blend of rich espresso and steamed milk combined with classic caramel, milk chocolate, peanut and nougat flavors. Cracker Barrel is introducing this new expression of the classic Southern candy as part of the launch of its Crafted Coffee line of handcrafted espresso drinks that honor traditional coffee flavors, while also crafting fun, signature and seasonal flavors. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2528 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m58s | Views: 741 | Comments: 4
      Red Line at the LA Auto Show
Tags // ferrari  enzo  redline  red  line  car  showroom  la  auto  show  ccr  carrera  gt  s7 
Added: 5867 days ago by MedicalJob
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 13073 | Comments: 2



Categories // Music  Howto and DIY 
Added: 5877 days ago by xstrap
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 13375 | Comments: 0



The last race before the final was the coldest yet. Anxious athletes broke out of the start line to capture as many points as possible.The next race will be the deciding event on who will be King of the Hill!.Watch the fast paced excitment here. For more information turn to www.seyonasia. The full action of race 4 can be found on sponsorship information or how to get your event filmed contact Prosperity Research
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6251 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 12456 | Comments: 1
      is an Online Dance Videos Store! We have digital download video library in which you can learn to dance. You will receive your videos instantly by digital download. We have one of the easiest ways in which, you can learn to dance, on line, in the privacy of your own home. We offer you the opportunity to watch the video at your leisure and learn to dance at home, repetition so you can learn to dance, which is the key to learning quickly. Try a Free Demo today!
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5686 days ago by vasanthakumar
Runtime: 5m19s | Views: 6184 | Comments: 1



I feel fabulous, not flabulous, how about you? Check me and The Buttons out as we Get Waisted. In line with our single release, Mama Mio will give a donation for every Get Waisted sold through or through Debenhams to cancer support charity Look Good...Feel Better.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5423 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 5454 | Comments: 1
      - Upright Rows | Traps Workouts - The upright row is a multi-joint exercise that not only works the front and middle heads of the deltoids, but also works your biceps and your trapezoids as secondary or auxiliary muscles. This is a great exercise for giving width to your shoulders and for raising your trapezius muscles as well. It's a great upper body exercise and will really help to broaden out the base of the neck and the shoulder line. Be very careful with how much weight you use for this exercise. Too much weight leads to bad form, which in turn will cause shoulder injury. I've seen this too many times so please do not allow jerking and swinging of the weights. If you suffer from shoulder problems, then stay away from upright rows and substitute this exercise by some form of lateral raises coupled with shrugs. The shoulders are among the body parts most likely to be injured during resistance training. And upright rows are one of those exercises which could injure them. Most of those who regularly hit the weights do this exercise incorrectly, so saying it is unsafe is not strictly true. Much of it has to do with how the exercise is performed. Simply by limiting the range of motion - that is, not lifting the elbows past the shoulders. For more info drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4706 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 4338 | Comments: 2



Activyst Announces the Launch of the Newest Functional Athletic Bag Line that Gives Back to Girls. Bag designer, Activyst, has a dual mission of providing great fashion to the active woman in order to help girls in developing countries play sports. It is the company’s belief that, “stronger girls make a stronger world.” To support the cause and for more information, visit, to buy a bag, share the message about Activyst and help more girls win at life.
Tags // sports  activyst  activist  girl  bag  indie  cause  charity 
Added: 4370 days ago by a1broadcast
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 1448 | Comments: 1



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