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Search // language
Results 13-24 of 99 for ' language ' (0 seconds)
Imagine your world in silence. Imagine the colour and vibrancy of your world sapped and living in silence. Imagine without communication how your world would be colourless, and you would feel boxed in, unable to communicate, share, grow. Your voice expresses who you are in the world, can you imagine losing your voice? Can you imagine your world in silence? GivingvoiceUK and the giving voice campaign aim to secure access to speech and language therapy for all those who need it. Speech and language therapy means that people don't need to live in silence. No-one should have to live without speech; lend you support at
Tags // imagine  your  world  in  silence  your  world  in  silence  silent  world  losing  voice  unable  to  speak  speech  and  language  speech 
Categories // Family  People and Blog 
Added: 5230 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 9413 | Comments: 0



Tags // kein  ding  no  shaking  no  problem  bedrohen  stark  strong  german  language  europe  english  dance  video  cool  rap  hip  hop  muscle 
Categories // Music  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5065 days ago by MASSIVREX
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 10660 | Comments: 0



Peruvian Hairless dogs are affectionate with family but wary of strangers. They are typically lively, alert and friendly with other dogs but can be protective as well. These dogs do not like to be alone, but when trained, can do well. These dogs are intolerant of extreme temperatures and are agile and fast. They generally require an owner that understands dog language and are not recommended for beginners.
Tags // peruvian  hairless  dog  peru  perro  peruano  obama 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 5974 days ago by Viringa
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 5171 | Comments: 0



German radio hosts Ariane Kranz and Roland Rube in interview with the german schlager band "Wind" (in german language). "Wind" entered The Eurovision Song Contest 1985 with "Für alle" (rang 2), 1987 with "Lass die Sonne in dein Herz" (rang 2) and 1992 with the song "Träume sind für alle da" (rang 16) - "Wind" representing Germany. The Eurovision Song Contest (French: Concours Eurovision de la Chanson) is an annual competition held among active member countries of the European Broadcasting Union.
Categories // Music 
Added: 5812 days ago by pimkie
Runtime: 5m31s | Views: 9347 | Comments: 2



Surmang Foundation has operated a primary care clinic in a remote, poor region of Western China, in partnership with the Chinese Government, Qinghai Province, and Yushu Prefecture, since 1992. The Core Project has treated over 60,000 patients for free, including medicine, since the clinic building was completed in 1996. Its focus is on the maternal and child mortality/morbidity rates of the region, among the highest in the world. It supports two local ethnic Tibetan doctors, Phuntsok Dongdrup and Sonam Drogha. In our catchment area, the average annual income is about $50. Surmang Foundation’s remote site is a test case and a model for all of rural China, because impoverished nomadic Tibetans manifest in the extreme, most rural health and poverty problems. In cooperation with the Chinese Government and several hospitals, Surmang Foundation is currently expanding its mission to address the lack of access to basic services among the 28 million impoverished residents of rural, Western China and the lack of capacity of the local medical providers. The pilot project will create a network of remote providers for IT-based distance medical education and remote diagnosis and referral. The pilot began in 2005 with the promulgation of an archive of all Tibetan and Chinese language health promotion materials and continued in 2006 with the installation of a satellite dish at the Surmang campus. A part of that is the Community Health Worker Project funded by an AmCham grant in Spring 2005. Surmang Foundation has partnered with the Soong Ching-ling Foundation since November 2005.
Tags // surmang  foundation 
Categories // Webcam 
Added: 5526 days ago by yaojia
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 5049 | Comments: 2
      i Get It offers some of the best educational apps for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, autism apps, and iPad apps for special needs kids. i Get It applications are designed to support language skill development and facilitate cognitive growth through building language skills. Typically developing young children and individuals with developmental delays, such as PDD-NOS, autism, down syndrome or TBI will benefit from these interactive applications. Autism apps have been recently featured on TV shows as a great way of communication for people whose condition prevents them from speaking. i Get It apps have been featured on,, A4cwsn and many others. Please go to to see all our apps.
Tags // educational  apps  for  ipad  apps  for  autism  autism  apps  best  educational  apps  for  ipad  ipad  apps  for  special  needs  autism 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4810 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m39s | Views: 5533 | Comments: 1



My Pinche iPhone app is an easy way to find ingredient translations between English & Spanish; an intuitive unit converter (Metric and US Imperial) and quick way to scale recipes. – The perfect companion to any cookbook or recipe! “Pinche” is a Spanish word to refer to the person who helps in the kitchen (ayudante de cocinero). It captures the essence of this new app – to help food lovers and home chefs. This app was designed to create a common food language for Hispanics residing in and traveling to the U.S. My Pinche can be used at home or on the go. . More at=>
Added: 4397 days ago by MyPinche
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 10488 | Comments: 2



(UNBELIEVEBLE VIDEOS) ALIEN PARROT (ITALIAN LANGUAGE) - from the old videos section of hulkenetworks -
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Family 
Added: 6229 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 2m56s | Views: 10336 | Comments: 2



SpeechTrans TM is a Speech to Speech translator with bi-directional speech recognition and translation, there is no limit to what you can say. Never be at a loss for words on your next trip abroad. With voice recognition provided by Nuance, the best in its class, you will be amazed at how easy it is to speak new languages within seconds! No need to spend countless hours on Rossetta stone when you have SpeechTrans TM and can speak instantly, clearly and accurately.
Added: 5282 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 5228 | Comments: 0



Very nice Rossini duet with piano in cats language
Tags // piano  duet  rossini  cats 
Categories // Music  Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 5642 days ago by razvan
Runtime: 3m18s | Views: 12888 | Comments: 1



Lapponia Jewelry is undergoing a global renaissance. Today’s strong women want to express themselves with our beautiful designs. Lapponia Jewelry is inspired by the rugged nature of northern Finland. This close bond with the nature of the north is brought to life in our new brand experience, the Art of Expression video, and our overall marketing strategy, The Silent Language of Nature. The Lapponia brand video combines stunning images of northern nature with another source of Finnish pride, the internationally renowned musical talent of the band Apocalyptica and their song Sacra. The video tells the story of Lapponia’s origins, presenting the artists’ source of inspiration for those who have never had the opportunity to experience the exotic beauty of northern Finland. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4858 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m42s | Views: 8147 | Comments: 1



How to Speak Dog is a fun, informative book that helps kids understand what their dog is telling them through body language and behavior. Readers will respond to the call of the dog in this delightful, engaging book that will warm hearts and wag tails everywhere. Learn more about this book and authors Dogs / Animals
Tags // dogs  animals  language  pets  children  family  book  video 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4217 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 865 | Comments: 1
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