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Search // kitchen
Results 13-24 of 296 for ' kitchen ' (0 seconds) Granite countertops, granite kitchen countertops, granite kitchens, granite tile countertops
Categories // Family 
Added: 4819 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 3987 | Comments: 1



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Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6105 days ago by frano3f
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 11116 | Comments: 2



This was a Concrete Countertop install over formica in a Doctors office in Charleston, SC.The design was created and installed by Concrete Artisan Jody Smith Owner of Overlay Solutions based out of Summerville, SC.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 6031 days ago by OVERLAYSOLUTIONS
Runtime: 4m9s | Views: 6624 | Comments: 1



Cathay Che is a New York based travel writer who has blazed her way through about 50 countries (so far). She is also the author of the book, Deborah Harry: Platinum Blonde, the only authorized biography of the iconic Blondie frontwoman. She was a contributing editor at Time Out New York from 1995-2004, and is now a contributing editor at LEXUS magazine. She has been happily contributing her uncensored travel blog, TRAVEL JUNKIE: Addicted to a Taste of Strange, to for sixteen months. She has also written for,, Brides,, Everyday With Rachel Ray, Budget Travel, Mens Journal, Details, Interview, InStyle, The New York Post travel section, The Honolulu Advertiser,, and Glamour. As a performance artist, Che has appeared in New York at The Kitchen, PS 122, Dixon Place, WOW Cafe, Exit Art and The Public Theater. Her first media-related job was as the on-air movie reviewer for the cable TV show, Party Talk, from 1993-1996. Courtesy of cathayche on Visit cathayche in the MOLI View
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 6164 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m-0s | Views: 7984 | Comments: 5



Akshaya Patra Foundation Nayagarh kitchen providing Mid Day Meal to unprivileged children. Akshaya Patra Foundation in Nayagarh and NGO in Orissa
Categories // Business 
Added: 4515 days ago by webadmin
Runtime: 8m13s | Views: 2886 | Comments: 0



For a long time, Thailand, as well as many countries in the world, had have the perception that women’s place is in the home, or rather, in the kitchen. But when it came to national or international achievements regarding gastronomic art and skills, women chefs always played second fiddle to men ones. The fact, which was and is still true, seems to be proved by the smaller number of acclaimed Thai female chefs when compared to males. However, there is an emerging trend that female chefs are rising to the top, claiming their management position in and out of the kingdom. Take this lady as a sample Ms. Navamas Lakanankoon
Added: 4458 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 3068 | Comments: 2



Hanging a kitchen cabinet
Tags // fail 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 255 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m5s | Views: 168 | Comments: 1



Cooking is an emotional thing. Most chefs would agree with that. However, what happens if someone decides to do things differently and change a tried and tested routine? Are convenience and ready-made meals the real deal or is it rather the good old sumptuous steak straight out of the frying pan?
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 6006 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 3m28s | Views: 11091 | Comments: 2



Robert Johnson Project From: 1991 Allmans - Mountain View 10-06-1991 CA
Tags // allman  brothers  band  robert  johnson  come  on  in  my  kitchen 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4292 days ago by blueshalter
Runtime: 6m31s | Views: 738 | Comments: 0



Watch out for Beddazzle Kitchen this weekend on www.SO-U.TV . A series of videos presented by local favorite drag queens Coco Pop & Karolina Lista. They paired up with AIDs Concern to bring you food for thought and for tummy. This episode we will talk about Syphilis- Our Japanese-style Coco is having her best posture and cooking this time. Watch how she turns cooking into art and work her magic dymistifying STDs. She is sure setting a trend for Kimonos.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6083 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 6m13s | Views: 10502 | Comments: 0



In the last episode of Bedazzle Kitchen, AIDS concern and Queen Collection will bring more understanding to Gonorrhoea, our two hostess show off their hot red costumes. Making the hottest cooking show even hotter, watch out for the hot plate!
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6063 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 7m26s | Views: 10893 | Comments: 2



Merillat brings kitchen innovation to life with the introduction of the new CoreGuard™ Sink Base. Now available, the CoreGuard™ Sink Base is a smart solution that will help keep cabinetry dry and clean for years to come. It’s just one example of the many smart solutions Merillat has developed for today’s kitchens. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5248 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m44s | Views: 7390 | Comments: 2



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