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Search // glory
Results 13-24 of 33 for ' glory ' (0 seconds)
A Short Video Clip Made By (Abo Obeda)Supporting The Iraqi Resistance In Different Groups Shows Some Operations Executed During 2009 And Before 2009
Tags // iraq  baghdad  resistance  ied  vbied  efp  us  obama  insurgent  terrorest 
Added: 5697 days ago by saifc4
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 7167 | Comments: 0
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homemade music video
Tags // cool  christian  music  video 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 4231 days ago by issown
Runtime: 9m37s | Views: 739 | Comments: 0
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homemade music video
Tags // cool  new  music  video  christian  yeshua  jesus  rapture 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 4024 days ago by issown
Runtime: 3m51s | Views: 712 | Comments: 2
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Support your beloved NY RANGERS as they continue to fight for glory in the 2008 Stanley Cup Playoffs!
Tags // ny  rangers  hockey  nyc  nhl  playoffs  stanley  cup  nj  devils  new  york  city  madison  square  garden  msg 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 6182 days ago by imaNYranger
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 8133 | Comments: 2
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Bombs are more precious than children Hamas Children's Education (US Senate, Feb 8, 2007) Announcer: Hilary Clinton at a press conference with Palestinian Media Watch in the US Senate criticized Palestinian television and school books: Hilary Clinton: It must stop the propaganda to which Palestinian children are being exposed. Because it basically profoundly poisons the minds of these children. Announcer: Hamas uses its television station to indoctrinate Palestinian children to value violence, hatred and martyrdom. Subtitles: Violence Hatred Martyrdom Violence (Al Aqsa TV (Hamas) 2007) These are the acts of Martyrdom-Seekers Palestine one of its leaders is Ahmad Yassin (Hamas founder) Its children carry the knife. Its children carry machine guns. The land is filled with furious lions Hatred Announcer: Palestinian children are exposed on Hamas television to charming characters who poison them with hatred. Subtitles: [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) Feb 8, 2008] Why is your name Assud (lion) since you are a rabbit? A rabbit is (a term) for a bad person and a coward. And I, Assud, will finish off the Jews and eat them, Allah willing. [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) Feb 22, 2008] Did you see the West's attack against the Messenger (Muhammad)? We will all boycott Danish products We can fight them because they cursed Allah's Messenger. If they repeat it we will kill them, by Allah. I will bite them and eat them! Martyrdom Announcer: Children are encouraged to seek death as heroic martyrs for Allah. Subtitles: Machine-gun and Quran in our hands We've grown and so has the right in the eyes of the wronged We have come! We have come! The pure blood will produce honor and glory Indoctrination Announcer: Even in kindergarten children are indoctrinated to aspire to violence and martyrdom. Subtitles: [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) May 2007] Al-Jihad! Allah Akbar! Your role model? The Prophet (Muhammad). Your path? Jihad! Your aspiration? Death for Allah. Your movement? Hamas Your movement? Hamas Bombs are more precious than children Announcer: This music video simulates the reaction of a five year old girl to her mother's suicide terror attack. The young girl concludes: Bombs are more precious than children. Subtitles: [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) May Nov. 2007] Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms? Mother prepares bomb Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me? Mother hides bomb A toy or a present for me? Come back quickly, Mommy Girl sees news about her mother's bombing Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now, I know what was more precious than us My love (for Muhammad) will not be (merely) words. I am following Mommy in her steps! Picks up explosives in mother's drawer My mother! My mother! Subjugation under Islam Announcer: Hamas teaches their children to see themselves as the ones who will subjugate the entire world under Islam. [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) May 11, 2007] Subtitles: We are setting with you the cornerstone For world leadership under Islamic leadership. We will win, Bush! We will win, Sharon! Ah, Sharon is dead. We will win, Olmert! We will win! We will win, Condoleezza! [Al Aqsa TV (hamas) Mar. 30, 2008] Bush: Who are you, what brings you here to my home? Child: My daddy, you killed him in the Iraq war. And mommy, you killed her with the criminal Zionists, in Lebanon. Bush, I must take my rights with the sword of Islam. Bush: I repent, just don't kill me. Where are my guards? Guards! Child: (Laughing) There are no guards, and your people surrendered, oh Bush. I'm coming with billions of children from Palestine, Iraq, children from Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan. Bush: I will give you whatever you want. Come with me to the White House, you and your friends. Child: (Laughing) Bush, you are impure, and it won't help you to go to the White House. It turned into a big mosque for the Islamic nation and Muslims. I will kill you, Bush. It is your fate. I will kill you. (Stabbing Bush) I killed him. (US Senate, Feb 8, 2007 Clinton at press conference with Palestinian Media Watch) Hilary Clinton: It must stop the propagan
Tags // bombs  precious  children 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5728 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 6m30s | Views: 8278 | Comments: 1
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Hamas's Mickey Mouse: Islam shall rule the world Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), Apr. 16, 2007 We, tomorrow's pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, We will liberate Al-Aqsa with Allah's will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah's will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers. We will win, Bush! We will win, Sharon! Ah, Sharon is dead. We will win, Olmert! We will win! We will win, Condoleezza!
Tags // farfur  islamic  supremicy  defeat  bush  sharon 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5728 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 7375 | Comments: 0
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child Quran w gun to shahid Hamas clip Eng Hamas children's clip: From childhood to Shahada death We have come! We have come! Machine-gun and Quran in our hands We've grown and so has the right in the eyes of the wronged We swore to retrieve the land We have come! We have come! The pure blood will produce honor and glory The pure blood will produce honor and glory The Izz A-Din Al-Qassam (Hamas) Information Office
Tags // child  quran  gun  shahid  hamas  clip 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5728 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 10878 | Comments: 0
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Greetings from Feodosia City in the Ukraine. This coastal town on the Black Sea recently hosted the Ukrainian finals of the Volkswagen Junior Masters. This premier youth football tournament takes place during every world cup year. The winning team here will go on to represent the Ukraine in the international finals in Spain. Each participating side was keen to show off their skills and battle it out for championship glory.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5415 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 3m10s | Views: 7195 | Comments: 1
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According to the editors of Bicycling Magazine, the 2010 Tour de France is sure to be an instant classic. A fitter, Lance Armstrong is in the mix again, leading his own team and looking to reclaim cycling glory. The bitter rivalry between Armstrong and former teammate Alberto Contador continues. New, epic stages have been added to the route. And several dark-horse riders will threaten for the lead. On top of all this, recent doping accusations have added to the drama. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 5374 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 8787 | Comments: 0
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The Epilepsy Foundation’s National Epilepsy Awareness Month gets a boost from Paramount Pictures and JJ Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions with a red carpet affair and after party for Morning Glory, starring Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, and Rachel McAdams. The event benefits, created by Greg Grunberg (star of the upcoming NBC series ‘LOVE BITES’) in collaboration with the Epilepsy Foundation. Grunberg, the father of a child with epilepsy, and chair of the National Walk for Epilepsy since its inception, joins the Foundation to educate people about seizures, including the proper first aid of never putting anything in the mouth of someone having a seizure. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5246 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m24s | Views: 6837 | Comments: 1
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In Mirror Ball, Redman eloquently illustrates why passion is more than a song or a feeling. It’s a story of guts and glory, pain, and purpose. For anyone ready to follow Jesus, passion is a way of life. Learn about the book here, Learn about this author here, Christian Non Fiction
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4998 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 7748 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated New CD release Grace & Glory
Tags // music  debut  new  release  john  tatum 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4722 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m49s | Views: 3717 | Comments: 0
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