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Search // features
Results 13-24 of 446 for ' features ' (0 seconds)
This is a start to finish indoor fountain design & built by Jody Smith. Jody Smith is a Concrete Artisan & Owner of Overlay Solutions based out of Summerville, SC. Check out the texture rollers provided by in action. They are offered at Something Better Company based in in AZ.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 6046 days ago by OVERLAYSOLUTIONS
Runtime: 5m7s | Views: 7182 | Comments: 1



California News on Ibogaine Treatment 20 Feb, 2004 - BAY AREA (KRON 4) - Drug addiction has been the plague of modern America. But that could now change forever. What started as a rumor may now actually be an incredible breakthrough in the battle against addictions of all kinds. Features Dr. Deborah Mash who says she is going to submit to FDA her data gathered in her St. Kitts clinic. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw. The history of ADHD is often said to start with George Still 1902. Actually it starts already 1798 with George Crichton:
Added: 6489 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 9m21s | Views: 11576 | Comments: 1



Join us for Open Mic night at the Palm Beach Improv as contestants Dave Williamson, Myke Herlihy, Nick Cat and Nery Saenz battle it out to win $500 from MOLI. Visit the Improv page on to see the winner! The Improv Comedy Club proudly features the nation's hottest stand up comics. Founded by Bud Friedman in the mid 60's in New York City, The Improv became a unique venue where up and coming comics could perfect their craft. Today the Improv continues to feature the hottest stand up comics. The Improv’s roster has included such stars as Tim Allen, Robin Williams, Steve Martin, Jerry Seinfeld, Garry Shandling, Roseanne, Steven Wright, Dennis Miller, Rodney Dangerfield, Lilly Tomlin, Ellen Degeneres, Drew Carey and Jim Carey. Courtesy of The Improv on MOLI.
Categories // Funny  Comedy  People and Blog 
Added: 6158 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 4m32s | Views: 8878 | Comments: 1



Join us for Open Mic night at the Palm Beach Improv as contestants Dave Williamson, Myke Herlihy, Nick Cat and Nery Saenz battle it out to win $500 from MOLI. Visit the Improv page on to see the winner! The Improv Comedy Club proudly features the nation's hottest stand up comics. Founded by Bud Friedman in the mid 60's in New York City, The Improv became a unique venue where up and coming comics could perfect their craft. Today the Improv continues to feature the hottest stand up comics. The Improv’s roster has included such stars as Tim Allen, Robin Williams, Steve Martin, Jerry Seinfeld, Garry Shandling, Roseanne, Steven Wright, Dennis Miller, Rodney Dangerfield, Lilly Tomlin, Ellen Degeneres, Drew Carey and Jim Carey. Courtesy of The Improv on MOLI.
Categories // Funny  Comedy  People and Blog 
Added: 6158 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 8066 | Comments: 2



a new single from Houston leaked to the internet titled "Like I Never Left". The single, Houston's first since 2003, features Akon, who also produced the song.
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6085 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 3m49s | Views: 10998 | Comments: 0



I've created a special Christmas Greetings video for alll my friends & followers. It features a host of crazy characters including the following:- a moaning mop, a cheeky lorry, an excited alarm clock, an over worked saucepan, an annoyed cat, a rebellious glove puppet, a meer cat health & safety inspecor, and Sepp blatter (President of FIFA) turning into Arsr Man. Always try to spread a lliitle humour and bring some smiles to peoples faces, especially this time of the year. Hope you enjoy the video and don't eat too much Turkey!
Categories // Pets and Animals  Comedy  Sport 
Added: 5573 days ago by spencerarts
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 11570 | Comments: 2



Software just changed the way of our work. First, computer came and changes the technology. Then, Internet changed our way to look for anything and now, hundreds of software launched each day to make our work easier on computers. Number of IT companies from all over the world just keep on developing kind of software which human beings had dream last night and what he got next day. In latest software release news, the software already available on Internet and many of users already gone through all its working. Advanced technology and much explore of human brains made this thing look very easy. Software somehow makes our work much easier on our working machines. Internet becomes the source to get any software instant if available. Most of the software on the Internet available without any cost and some of them want you to pay before use. Among most of the categories, we mostly come up with two kinds, Commercial and Open Source software. Now, what these kind of software? Let me to explain about these software types:- Open Source Software:- Open Source software are those kind of software which requires no cost to use them and anyone seek any kind of improvement software need can improve it and again, launch with its improved version on Internet. Again, another user can add some extra features to that software and launch on the Internet. Programming code for open source software easily available on Internet. Commercial Software: - Open Source software can also be commercial software. Commercial software used as commercial purposes. Some of this software is available on the Internet for free, while some named software you can also get for free but on a trial period maximum of 30 days. After 30 days of use, you have to purchase the software license. Microsoft, Adobe etc all among these commercial software production companies. Some of the best commercial software made by these multinational companies are MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash player etc. Take Linux as most appropriate example. Linux was first launched in 1991 and now, a number of improved versions available on the Internet. Linux is completely open source operating system software. If you have some knowledge about software and want to add some extra features, you can easily do it. Most of the companies currently have Linux as there operating system rather than Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 because Linux is much easier to operate and occupied less space, light in use. Now, take a look on Adobe Photoshop. You want to make an image, website, background image with some special effects etc, you need to have knowledge about Adobe Photoshop and its various features. This commercial software somehow available without any cost on Internet but you just cannot go for all its features. You want to use all its features, go and purchase a license. But you do not need to pay for open source software.
Added: 4637 days ago by michealmellis
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 4308 | Comments: 1



India tour is one of the unforgettable experiences which you would cherish in your mind forever. India is one of the countries that enhance the beauty of the world with its fascinating natural wonders. No other country in the world can match up to India’s diverse culture, from North to south and east to west, every region is marked by its own distinctive cultural identity. Our India tour packages offer you to experience all of the attractive features of this enchanting country. Our tour packages are designed by travel experts, which let you experience the best of India. India showers her wide range of attractions that on its visitors are beyond description but still with each of our tour package we try to highlight as well as describe each of its mysterious features of this incredible land.
Tags // travel  incredible  india  tours 
Added: 4562 days ago by donnabrenton
Runtime: 3m8s | Views: 2625 | Comments: 2



This is it. The preview to the long anticipated 2013 calendar of International bikini model Aneta Kowal ( The calendar is available for sale now and features 14 exclusive photos of the sexy model. Calendar is full-color and extra large at 17 inches by 11 inches. Order at:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4492 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 3126 | Comments: 0



Use your skills and precision to control the RAINDROP down the window, it\\\\\\\'s easy to play just tilt your device left or right. *****How far can you get before the time runs out???***** Collect the different power-ups for extra speed along the way or for additional time, but make sure you avoid the bugs!!! FEATURES Use the accelerometer to control the raindrop Fun and addictive, keep playing until you beat your score!! Leaderboard of highest scores Challenge your friends, who\\\\\\\'s the best? Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and have a boast to everyone! Background rain sound effect will keep you nice and relaxed use these promo codes for free download 9KAYJPPXRHEX KXALEAFT3PJY JJYXNMJWMAMT WNLLE3P6AFLX PRELL9PKPTPR MP3HT39ATTRM 93WHMAKPYTXE 7NAFEF3XYJAR 7WAJTK43JHLR ARJ7W3AA637R EK3RP6RL6466 FMYAMETNANN3 FW3XW9NERNAR HKYTPWYKNLAL 74KFH7LRH3PE KJLXMPFLP9P4 EXHJJHJEPY4L FH446XLTM3NM 4KY47AMW7WPL WPT9HJ39EMJX APP Store :=
Tags // raindrop  rush  running 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4354 days ago by raindroprush
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 3402 | Comments: 0



In der nunmehr vierten Generation der sportlichen Mittelklasse-Coupé-Baureihe verkörpert das neue BMW 4er Coupé den Inbegriff von Ästhetik und Dynamik im Premium-Segment. Die Formensprache verheißt kraftvolle Präsenz auf der Straße, überragende Dynamik und Fahrvergnügen. Die „4“ im Typenschild steht für die neue Ära des Coupés und unterstreicht nicht nur das eigenständige Design, sondern gleichermaßen eine noch stärkere technische Differenzierung zur BMW 3er Reihe, die auch durch neue Premium Features wie den optionalen Voll LED Scheinwerfer belegt wird. Das neue BMW 4er Coupé ist gegenüber dem BMW 3er Coupé in Breite und Radstand sichtbar gewachsen, wobei die sportlich gestreckte Coupé-Silhouette deutlich flacher verläuft. Zusammen mit den markentypischen kurzen Überhängen, der langen Motorhaube und der zurückgesetzten Fahrgastzelle mit fließendem Dachverlauf präsentiert sich das BMW 4er Coupé in perfekter Balance. Das markante Gesicht mit charakteristischen BMW Designmerkmalen, wie Doppelniere, Doppelrundscheinwerfer sowie großem Lufteinlass in der Frontschürze, zeigt bewusst die Verwandtschaft zur BMW 3er Familie; unterstreicht aber in seiner sportlicheren Interpretation die dynamische Ausrichtung des BMW 4er Coupé. Als neue Elemente weist das BMW 4er Coupé hinter den vorderen Radläufen sogenannte Air Breather auf, die den Luftwiderstand im Bereich der Radhäuser reduzieren. In der flach gestalteten Heckansicht mit betont horizontaler Linienführung kommen die muskulösen Radhäuser und die breite Spur besonders gut zur Geltung.
Tags // bmw  4er  coupe  dynamik 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4299 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 973 | Comments: 1



People are buzzing about the brand-new collaboration released this week from music superstar Nelly and Buzz the Bee, the iconic Honey Nut Cheerios® character. Honey-loving musician Nelly features Buzz in a fun, danceable remix of his hit song ‘Ride Wit Me,’ that has people saying “Must be the Honey!” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // general  mills  honey  nut  cheerios  buzz  the  bee  superstar  nelly  must  be  the  honey  song  ride  wit  me  remix  multivu  62956 
Categories // Music  Cartoon  People and Blog 
Added: 4243 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2569 | Comments: 2



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