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Production is done by Ruff Ryders/Most Hated producer Tu$hay mix tape dropping this summer for the ladies contact''''''
Tags // soul  for  real  geffen  remix  boillin  pot 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5192 days ago by BOILLINPOT
Runtime: 4m0s | Views: 8424 | Comments: 0



SO-U.TV presents the second Body Synergy of Hong Kong professional training episode.Professional trainers introduce themselves and explain the importance of the body trainning.A heart pumping exercise routine done in the beautiful outdoors help maximise the health benefits.The team emphasises the importance of health balanced training for maximum results.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6361 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 10277 | Comments: 3



This video, titled "Calian" is my dedication to two fine leaders. August 31st 2008 was a sad day for T.E.H, when these two men who have done so much for the clan, hung up their gold crowns and walked out of the doors forever. We'll miss you guys
Tags // cal  ian  sobek  im4eversmart  runescape  teh 
Categories // Games 
Added: 6055 days ago by tarahiro
Runtime: 6m25s | Views: 10430 | Comments: 1



My second video, done witha friend, one part throws off the timing abit but willf ix it next time! please comment!
Tags // dragon  ball  z  amv 
Categories // Music  Cartoon 
Added: 6031 days ago by ElderGodBrandon
Runtime: 4m38s | Views: 9462 | Comments: 2



/Intro Allow me to just introduce myself, my name is.. (well...uhhh) K to the I D and right now I am like what the sky be higher than a cloud, much cooler than the sound of a milli a milli, wired through 2 accounts while i blew threw a philly, chicky rolls another round whole life's been an adlib, now I'm in the foreground four front, six back, feelin like the president (sweet like) three swedish models as my deligates never had a problem with you sellin that to be totally honest, I'm a product of the celar rats honored to watch em rise sky high without sellin packs (though my boy crooklyn)taught me grab and then sell em back (though he did, I) never been involved in the sell of crack, pills go stupid, so do snow when I'm boardin that slope, been weird, I don't live out of fear I live out my tic tocs just switched in 6th gear as i breeze to the pier, watch the waves crash sand feels like I dream, but i see i am me, and I'll never change that for no man even if it means gain fame and a few more fans i see staring at the ceiling like Outkast did only seems to be a part of the muthafuckin plan and i guess so was me being a veteran so.... allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is (mister)K to the iddI I got continents to conquer, so i ain't got the tiddyme to riddyme with asinine rappers who ackin ice cold, then they froze as i hold, and then pass the mic (go!) we all been through it, that's just a fact of life ask tootie, you would need to practice twice or triple to get to the level I'm rappin right now, multiply that number by 6y and y stands for years, equals, I tears, go 'head and drip them, cry cause i never did, just accepted what it is and maintained focus like a rifle to a bear seen the eifel out in pa/ris watched steve piss on it, yeh so disrespectful, careless i feel like that one gray rabbit with the carrots (mnnnaaaah) what's up doc? I'm fearless, lawless, the one that spin heads like ferris what's a gun to a full blown terrorists? (boom) done with that bullshit, mail any response to www.suckthis .com done/ Crack a bottle /Intro (I feel like i wanna)crack a bottle right upside his fitted cap swear to allah i'll do that the way i finish tracks (super fast like)superman is in the building look up higher than the ceiling look up higher than your feelings when you're eyeing me in VI/P, stands for puss ass(es) ain't hangin round me, I'm the light if you get gassed(bitch) nicca I am being sicka than these faggots slangin raps cause I'm over em (frozen to em) I should probably thaw myself out to get closer to em hop out like (ice)cube up in smoke crack a bottle, right upside his fitted cap til his dome is opened wider than a groupie's legs my word giddame ain't the only way to get em wet simple, pliddane a protege of the best and sorry to say but that crown stays in the west you say you great, i say must've been great legs how you run off at the mouth and get chased with your fake ass, you see me nigga, I'm a 100 never whinin I'm a 100 with the grindin you a 100 with a minus(-100) a/ttached to it feels just like I'm glidin, I'm on air(air) right into your iris (so you can see clear) i know it ain't fair, but ah ha ha, na na I don't care your biz is so gladis(night) feels like slapboxin a bear that ain't ate for half a year and it's lovin it's steak rare see? how I switch it, flip it, then sit it on my hair L.A. on the brim until I'm..... L.A. in my viddanes when I'm sittin in this chiddare when you stare so please don't forget it or medics'll zip it up and say somebody (cracked a bottle)right upside his
Categories // Music 
Added: 5755 days ago by m2team
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 11594 | Comments: 1



This was my first video ever done I had 25 episodes, an idea and a song.
Tags // amv  him  naruto  wings  butterfly 
Categories // Music  Cartoon 
Added: 5645 days ago by OtakuMadness
Runtime: 4m51s | Views: 12523 | Comments: 2



At the Plaza with "On the Sunny side of the street" played on the 1931 Compton pipe organ. In this video I tried to play exactly how I think a 1930s cinema organist would have done ie I didnt try and sound like another organist or follow a particular style. I simply banged out the tune!!! :-)
Tags // plaza  cinema  theatre  stockport  compton  organ 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 5580 days ago by christhompsonorganis
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 7583 | Comments: 0



Another Andervideo bu me done to a Breaking Benjamin song.
Tags // anderson  cooper  breaking  benjamin  i  will  not  bow 
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 5355 days ago by ACAnderFan
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 8180 | Comments: 0



Green Logistics in the Port of Hamburg: This container taxis connect the various port terminals together. Charges can be brought quickly from one ship to port their trip up the next boat. It is all done by water, thus relieving the roads of the Hanseatic city of truck traffic.
Added: 5079 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 5091 | Comments: 0
      - Lower Back Extensions | Back Exercises - When working on strengthening your core do not forget to add back exercises to your workouts. A lot of people only concentrate on the abdominal muscles and neglect the all important back muscles. To get a strong core you must workout both your abs and your back muscles. Back exercises like the lower back extension demonstrated in this video ideally should be done the same day you workout your ab muscles for optimum results. As you progress in your workouts you can increase the weight and/or the reps for a more challenging workout. For more information drop by our YouTube channel or visit us in the web at and find us on Facebook at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4727 days ago by dfmillington
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 4471 | Comments: 1



I've had the idea for this song since the day of the terrorist attacks in Paris but I couldn't find the time to actually work on it until recently as I've limited my amount of video watching here temporarily on Youtube. It was the only way for me to get this done. I wanted to have this song and video uploaded well before Christmas and so I had to rush this composition more so than with any other previous song I've ever written. I haven't even tested it out in my friend's car to hear it through his stereo as my main concern is always in the vocal quality here. The instrumental sections were very complex and I was making up those parts as I was going and they all seem to be fine as far as composition goes. I wish to especially thank Bethany Ann Meyer who gave me that little extra incentive that I needed to get this song finished. She's a gifted singer and a real sweetheart. You can check out her channel "Melody Meyer" at this link LYRICS: Live in peace. Share the Land. All good brothers, take my hand. Come good shepherd, heed my call. Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all. Star above. Star so bright. Guard us safely through the night. Father's love. Brother's hand, guiding peace throughout this land.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3402 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 1156 | Comments: 2



A smart musician will always keep a secret stash of songs tucked away for when he needs them and this little gem was one of my first attempts at composing Electronic Dance music back around 2006 which means that this 10 year old song will be my first upload for 2016. What I loved about this song was that I had no idea as to what I was doing being that I had never composed a song like it before. It almost made me want to dance but I opted instead for just sitting down and drinking a beer when it was done.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Music  Funny 
Added: 3369 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 1317 | Comments: 3



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