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Today, European construction giant and international contractor VINCI Construction and French solar innovation specialist Sunpartner Technologies announced a new 50/50 joint venture and launched a new connected smart glass window dubbed “Horizon.” The two companies initially partnered in April 2016 to develop and market innovative photovoltaic solutions for construction applications. Featuring photovoltaic panels and multiple sunlight sensors, the new Horizon opacifying and communicating window can be adapted to any project, from new construction to renovations. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3003 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 836 | Comments: 0
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Today from BlogWorld, Lexmark International, Inc. (NYSE: LXK) launched the latest addition to its award-winning lineup of Web-connected, all-in-one (AIO) inkjet printers – Lexmark Genesis. Last year, Lexmark introduced a line of inkjet AIOs that delivered powerful and robust printing technology designed for today’s wireless, Web-connected workplace. The Lexmark Genesis, built on the same inkjet platform, extends the line and targets professionals, small business and home office customers who are looking for a device that has innovative technology, is highly productive and is also bold and stylish. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5257 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 6279 | Comments: 2
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Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) has today launched an extended portfolio of software and services designed to improve the experience that consumers have with their smartphones, tablets and other connected devices. When consumers buy a new device or service they expect everything will work right from the start and any glitch will be quickly resolved. The expectation is that the focus is on the customer – not just the network. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4781 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 4347 | Comments: 1
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Bianor today announced a partnership with PR Newswire, the global leader of marketing and communications solutions, bringing PR Newswire’s customers’ multimedia news content directly to their connected devices, including internet TV and gaming consoles via Bianor’s iMediaShare application. Bianor’s iMediaShare, the complete end-to-end push-to-TV platform, represents a great opportunity for users of PR Newswire’s broadcast and multimedia services, offering the interactive consumer the invaluable ability to access on-demand news content on a television, engaging their target audiences in a more dynamic way. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4743 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 4129 | Comments: 1
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Texas Instruments (TI) (NASDAQ: TXN) announces the newest additions to the Tiva™ C Series microcontroller (MCU) platform. The Tiva TM4C129x MCUs are the industry’s first ARM® Cortex™-M4-based MCUs with Ethernet MAC+PHY, enabling customers to create a new class of sophisticated, highly connected products that bridge the cloud and amplify the ever-growing Internet of Things (IoT). The feature-rich Tiva TM4C129x MCUs offer an unprecedented number of simultaneous connectivity options, as well as on-chip data protection and LCD controller to save significant board space and enable connected, advanced applications, such as home/building automation gateways, connected human-machine interface (HMI), networked sensor gateways, security access systems, programmable logic controllers and many others. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4151 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 989 | Comments: 1
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Seniors 80 and over yearn to be connected but many are not, causing a more than quarter of them to become “virtual shut-ins.” While a new survey shows use of social technology is linked to better wellbeing for people in this age group and demonstrates its potential for combating isolation, it also reveals their frustration and need for assistance in becoming part of the digital world. These findings come from a “Rewiring Aging” survey supported by Brookdale Senior Living, conducted by Kelton, a leading global insights firm in collaboration with the Stanford Center on Longevity. It is the first in-depth study of how online social networking and similar tech-based activities affect the quality of life among America’s fastest-growing demographic segment. Fifty-eight percent of seniors surveyed believe technology can improve communication with family and friends. This belief is borne out by the findings; respondents who indicated they interact with loved ones through social technology report having higher life satisfaction and health and being more likely to attain life goals than those who do not use social technology. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3438 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 900 | Comments: 0
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Building upon the communication industry’s leading expert database, PR Newswire today unveiled ProfNet Connect, the groundbreaking, interactive online expert community designed for communications professionals and the media. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5289 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 6134 | Comments: 0
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Today, Microsoft Corp announced that its highly popular email service,, is ready for prime time. Since the release of last summer as a preview, millions of people have already actively started using it, making it the world’s fastest growing email service, going from 0 to 60 million in just six months. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4403 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1777 | Comments: 1
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This TV series has a charity angle, but the high entertainment value appeals to a wide audience. Lovers of music and celebrities will be drawn to the show as much as concerned activists. We’ve got rock stars and the United Nations together in a way that is turning heads. Each episode features an influential musical icon of our times. We honor their life and their work, interviewing other musicians and celebs, and doing a brief retrospective on their career. The all star cast of musicians who come out to honor the featured artist will also join him on stage! These are musical performances that have never been heard or seen before, as supergroups are formed for One Night Only, jamming on the pivotal sounds of our times. Connected to a United Nations effort, our featured guest will also get the chance to spotlight a charity that they believe in. The UN has made goals to improve our planet by 2015. Each episode and charity will represent one of these goals, like Education, Poverty and Women’s Rights
Tags // concert  cutting  room  new  york  united  nations  garth  hudson  paul  shafer  jimmy  vivino  mdgs 
Categories // Music  Family  Event and Party 
Added: 6071 days ago by onenightonly
Runtime: 4m43s | Views: 10356 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Talented Lebanese living in the US build a system to stay connected and share their love to their families and friends in Lebanon. A gift of hope and passion! news video-clip Liban Libano haifa feiruz majida nancy ajram najwa karam lbc ghanim future nbn newtv aljazeera alarabiya almoustaqbal rotana wael superstar star-academy kirdahi
Tags // haifa  feiruz  fayrouz  lebanon  news 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5914 days ago by charoo21
Runtime: 1m54s | Views: 6077 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated the Crimson Circle spiritual workshops, awakening consciousness is for Shaumbra connected with Love, Joy and Fun.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  People and Blog 
Added: 5472 days ago by CrimsonCircle
Runtime: 7m20s | Views: 5802 | Comments: 0
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甲賀流忍術 Kurokumo Bushido is a ninjitsu system and is connected to ashida kim. The Kurokumo Bushido Academy Germany is runned by Sensei Andreas Leffler, in the Netherlands Sensei Arie van den Akker is teaching Kurokumo Shinobi Goshido. This clip is from the Tai Kai in 2004. Andreas Leffler teaching his ninjitsu. Andreas Leffler and Ashida Kim are the teachers of Sensei Arie van den Akker from Boornbergum the Netherlands (Europe) ZVCNOORD
Categories // Street  Sport  Science and Technology 
Added: 5387 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 8086 | Comments: 3
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