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Search // christine
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He walked out to meet the sun. He was ready to die and hold on to his honor. She pulled him back and he would never forgive her. From New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan comes the darkest of her Carpathians and a lifemate that will surprise more than just our dark hero. The only thing that stands between the dark and the abyss is love. Now he must choose the side he will fall into. Dark Predator by Christine Feehan. Paranormal Romance
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Added: 4954 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 10249 | Comments: 1
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She is as sensual as she is dangerous. They thought she was dead but she was waiting for revenge. Thorn was an experiment gone wrong. Now she is looking to save those left behind and kill those who left her for dead. Sam is a Ghostwalker, her equal and he knows the only thing more deadly than Thorn is his attraction to her. Christine Feehan brings revenge, beauty, romance and adventure together in a mix so powerful it will leave fans wanting more. Christine Feehan Samurai Game Romance, thriller, paranormal
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Added: 4680 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 6962 | Comments: 2
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She had no idea her fate was sealed. Her destiny chosen. Her abilities could save them all, or cost her her life. But first, she had to survive him. Imprisoned in a volcano with an enemy like no other he was about to be set free. Now, possessed by a being older than himself, he was something else now. More than a Carpathian. Their lives are destined to be together if they can survive the Dark Storm. Dark Storm by Christine Feehan find out more at romance/fantasy
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Added: 4534 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 3597 | Comments: 0
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The bayou called to him and so did she. But the bayou is as dangerous as it is sensuous and his leopard fights for control as the woman he loves becomes the target of terror. Mystery, suspense, romance and passion are all Leopard’s Prey. Christine Feehan book trailer. paranormal romance
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Added: 4315 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1562 | Comments: 0
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They were destined to find each other, to love each other. But when Dimitri is sentenced to death by silver Skyler makes a daring and dangerous trip into Lycan territory to save him. He is bound and cannot help her, for him it is a fate worse than death as his one true love, his lifemate, finds herself caught in a trap that can cost her her life. Christine Feehan’s much anticipated, epic love story Dark Wolf. Paranormal romance
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Added: 4105 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 1918 | Comments: 1
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The bayou is home to Ghostwalker Wyatt Fontenot whose powers are both deadly and necessary for his survival as part of an elite and secret para military team. But when his home and family are threatened, Wyatt becomes the most dangerous thing in the bayou. At least until a sensual and mysterious woman called Pepper enters his life, needing him in more ways then either of them were prepared for. From #1 NY Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. Find out more at Paranormal romance/fantasy/thriller
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Added: 3722 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1176 | Comments: 0
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Her wedding day turned into a nightmare. She followed Gary to a remote and dangerous monastery. But what they find there will test their bond and their fate. From #1 NY Times bestselling author Christine Feehan comes a tale of vampire hunters, adventure and romance. Paranormal Romance
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Added: 3301 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1071 | Comments: 0
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It was too late. Andor Katona, an ancient immortal warrior, had fought his last battle, just as his lifemate arrived to save him. As he lies dying he realizes she is surrounded by danger and hopes his brothers will arrive in time to save her. Lorraine Peters has seen enough of death. And she’s willing to fight death to have him. With wits, courage and new friends to help her she might survive this attack and those that are coming. But, even if Andor survives, the fight is far from over. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. Find our more at https// Romance, horror, paranormal
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Added: 2392 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 953 | Comments: 1
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It was too late. Andor Katona, an ancient immortal warrior, had fought his last battle, just as his lifemate arrived to save him. As he lies dying he realizes she is surrounded by danger and hopes his brothers will arrive in time to save her. Lorraine Peters has seen enough of death. And she’s willing to fight death to have him. With wits, courage and new friends to help her she might survive this attack and those that are coming. But, even if Andor survives, the fight is far from over. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan. Find our more at https// Romance, horror, paranormal
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Added: 2391 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1012 | Comments: 1
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Torn between two destinies…Claire is having the perfect sixteenth birthday. Her pool party is a big success, and gorgeous Matthew keeps chatting and flirting with her as if she’s the only girl there. But that night, she discovers something that takes away all sense of normalcy: she’s a werewolf. Learn more about the author here: Learn more about the book here: YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5435 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 6613 | Comments: 2
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#booktrailers Lucian was dark and dangerous, a predator, an immortal, a Carpathian. Jaxon is a petite, curvy and courageous. Honed by Special Forces training she is now a policewoman, fighting to save others and putting herself in danger. When Jaxon is set up to be murdered she can only turn to the one man she is sure is the most dangerous of all, Lucian. He will kill anyone who tries to harm her. Because she belongs to him. His lifemate. He will save her to claim her and bind her to him with passion and fate. Learn more about this book here: and its author here: Paranormal Romance
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Added: 5144 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 8135 | Comments: 1
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She was beautiful and desperate for help. He was wealthy, cunning, and rumored to be something other than human. She would try to tame the beast before she became the prey. Learn more about this book and its author here, Paranormal Romance
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 5116 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 6503 | Comments: 3
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