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Search // change
Results 13-24 of 323 for ' change ' (0 seconds) The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future. When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves. Take care of the earth and she will take care of you. There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4656 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 8009 | Comments: 1



The Ad Council, in partnership with The Humane Society of the United States and Maddie’s Fund, today announced the launch of a second series of public service advertisements (PSAs) for The Shelter Pet Project, a campaign that has helped change the landscape of shelter pet adoption and reduce the euthanasia of shelter pets by 10 percent since its launch in 2009. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 4856 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 7173 | Comments: 0



Actresses Shay Mitchell and Nina Dobrev are giving back this holiday season by starring in a month-long global philanthropic advertising campaign powered by IPG Mediabrands in support of Free The Children’s WE Are Stronger Together campaign. With the purchase of a $10 Rafiki bracelet, handmade with love by women in Kenya, a gift of impact is unlocked – water, healthcare, school supplies, healthy meals – helping to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for Free The Children partner communities in Kenya, India, Ecuador, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Nicaragua and rural China. By wearing a Rafiki bracelet, available at and select retail stores including Walgreens, PacSun and Nordstrom, North Americans have the opportunity to join Shay Mitchell and Nina Dobrev in making a statement that they are part of the WE movement – a generation who believes that together WE can change the world. Each Rafiki purchased has a unique code for consumers to enter online at so they can track exactly in what Free The Children community a life-changing gift was given. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3358 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 862 | Comments: 1



Official Music Video for \
Categories // Music 
Added: 4395 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 3485 | Comments: 0



We all have the power 2 change the world. Turning off you computer at the end of the day helps!
Tags // viral  ad  hp  change  power  2  turn  off  computer  world  global  warming  cars  ecosystem  green  it  responsible  it  use 
Categories // Miscellaneous  News and Politics 
Added: 5752 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 11197 | Comments: 0



A Time of Change is a blend of mystery and romantic suspense. It’s also a story of redemption. Readers will meet Josephine Buck, an apprentice medicine woman, and her employees at a trading post. When The Outpost’s owner is killed, Jo and the owner’s son must find the murderer before they become the next victims. Find out more about the author here and more about the book here Romance/Mystery
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4359 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 2943 | Comments: 0
      Barack Obama Wins Re-Election for 2012 Presidency! New Music Video
Tags // mongo  slade  wheres  the  change  be  yourself  rap  hip-hop  barack  obama  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4497 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 2438 | Comments: 0



A global plan to save coral reefs from complete eradication caused by climate change, pollution and poor fishing practices launched today at The Economist World Ocean Summit in Bali. The initiative, called 50 Reefs, brings together leading ocean, climate and marine scientists as well as conservation practitioners from around the world to develop a list of the 50 most critical coral reefs to protect. 50 Reefs will be the first global plan to save the most biodiverse ecosystem on the planet. The final list and corresponding initiatives, to be announced later this year, will raise awareness of the increasing severity of climate change impacts on the ocean and catalyze the global action and investment required to protect these important reef systems for the future. The launch comes at a perilous moment for coral reefs, as current estimates indicate that 90 percent will disappear by 2050. A unique philanthropic coalition of innovators in business, technology and government are supporting 50 Reefs, led by Bloomberg Philanthropies with The Tiffany & Co. Foundation and The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, with the aim of preventing the worst economic, social, and environmental impacts of this enormous crisis. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2930 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 720 | Comments: 2



look listen dream
Tags // usa  obama 
Categories // Music  News and Politics 
Added: 5522 days ago by crazydiap
Runtime: 5m49s | Views: 4260 | Comments: 0



California News on Ibogaine Treatment 20 Feb, 2004 - BAY AREA (KRON 4) - Drug addiction has been the plague of modern America. But that could now change forever. What started as a rumor may now actually be an incredible breakthrough in the battle against addictions of all kinds. Features Dr. Deborah Mash who says she is going to submit to FDA her data gathered in her St. Kitts clinic. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw. The history of ADHD is often said to start with George Still 1902. Actually it starts already 1798 with George Crichton:
Added: 6466 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 9m21s | Views: 11565 | Comments: 1
      *For more info on Fallen Angels(and downloads/streams). Hollywood Insiders Fallen Angels takes a look at Illuminist and masonic threads in seemingly unconnected movies and binds them into a single story; the story of the fallen angels. Fallen Angels reveals the true magnitude of the Illuminati's infiltration of Hollywood. - - fallen angels rothschild alex jones conspiracy illuminati nwo new world 911 9/11 government order age trade center occult satan war iraq lucas devil secret society iran ron paul oil bush george economy israel loose change ufo alien amero internet2 united states monsanto rockefeller china russia antichrist crisis dollar false flag terrorism 2012 Mayan Calendar jesuit vatican Annunaki wtc7 wtc atlantis barack obama clinton hillary lucifer federal reserve bilderberg cfr terrorstorm
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5851 days ago by ricintoxin81
Runtime: 9m30s | Views: 11369 | Comments: 0



/Intro Allow me to just introduce myself, my name is.. (well...uhhh) K to the I D and right now I am like what the sky be higher than a cloud, much cooler than the sound of a milli a milli, wired through 2 accounts while i blew threw a philly, chicky rolls another round whole life's been an adlib, now I'm in the foreground four front, six back, feelin like the president (sweet like) three swedish models as my deligates never had a problem with you sellin that to be totally honest, I'm a product of the celar rats honored to watch em rise sky high without sellin packs (though my boy crooklyn)taught me grab and then sell em back (though he did, I) never been involved in the sell of crack, pills go stupid, so do snow when I'm boardin that slope, been weird, I don't live out of fear I live out my tic tocs just switched in 6th gear as i breeze to the pier, watch the waves crash sand feels like I dream, but i see i am me, and I'll never change that for no man even if it means gain fame and a few more fans i see staring at the ceiling like Outkast did only seems to be a part of the muthafuckin plan and i guess so was me being a veteran so.... allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is (mister)K to the iddI I got continents to conquer, so i ain't got the tiddyme to riddyme with asinine rappers who ackin ice cold, then they froze as i hold, and then pass the mic (go!) we all been through it, that's just a fact of life ask tootie, you would need to practice twice or triple to get to the level I'm rappin right now, multiply that number by 6y and y stands for years, equals, I tears, go 'head and drip them, cry cause i never did, just accepted what it is and maintained focus like a rifle to a bear seen the eifel out in pa/ris watched steve piss on it, yeh so disrespectful, careless i feel like that one gray rabbit with the carrots (mnnnaaaah) what's up doc? I'm fearless, lawless, the one that spin heads like ferris what's a gun to a full blown terrorists? (boom) done with that bullshit, mail any response to www.suckthis .com done/ Crack a bottle /Intro (I feel like i wanna)crack a bottle right upside his fitted cap swear to allah i'll do that the way i finish tracks (super fast like)superman is in the building look up higher than the ceiling look up higher than your feelings when you're eyeing me in VI/P, stands for puss ass(es) ain't hangin round me, I'm the light if you get gassed(bitch) nicca I am being sicka than these faggots slangin raps cause I'm over em (frozen to em) I should probably thaw myself out to get closer to em hop out like (ice)cube up in smoke crack a bottle, right upside his fitted cap til his dome is opened wider than a groupie's legs my word giddame ain't the only way to get em wet simple, pliddane a protege of the best and sorry to say but that crown stays in the west you say you great, i say must've been great legs how you run off at the mouth and get chased with your fake ass, you see me nigga, I'm a 100 never whinin I'm a 100 with the grindin you a 100 with a minus(-100) a/ttached to it feels just like I'm glidin, I'm on air(air) right into your iris (so you can see clear) i know it ain't fair, but ah ha ha, na na I don't care your biz is so gladis(night) feels like slapboxin a bear that ain't ate for half a year and it's lovin it's steak rare see? how I switch it, flip it, then sit it on my hair L.A. on the brim until I'm..... L.A. in my viddanes when I'm sittin in this chiddare when you stare so please don't forget it or medics'll zip it up and say somebody (cracked a bottle)right upside his
Categories // Music 
Added: 5726 days ago by m2team
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 11578 | Comments: 1



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